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Dumb question. How do I post pics from my gallery?


Weedomus Maximus
Hi folks. I've been away for a while. I thought we could post pics with
. Not working for me. How is it done?



I goto my album and click on the bb code and copy. Then paste in post.
It's just the pictures url address in the img brackets like you have


Well-known member
Look to the right under the Smilies box. It says My Photos and then a button to Insert Images. From there click once on a photo from your Albums and it will automatically insert the code.

Take note of where it says From Photos and Albums because the default is thumbnail linked to original. Bring your cursor into that box to get a drop down menu with more choices. I usually select original only to get the picture to show in the post.

Take the time to preview and edit your post to get the look you want before you click Submit Reply.



Weedomus Maximus
Holy crap that's an enormous plant! Looks like there's some mass on it, too. Thank you for the tip. Very helpful. BTW, what strain is that?



Well-known member
Mandala Seeds, Satori. Regular, photoperiod.

Guerrilla Swamp Tube Grow in compost.

Many thanks for a Perfect Cure Every Time.