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Drones Dominating Dope Delivery


Active member
Once again these pilots are back : ..

BISHOPVILLE, S.C. — During the graveyard shift at 1:44 a.m., security cameras at the prison here picked up the blinking lights of an unidentified flying object approaching the facility’s fence.

A corrections officer was dispatched to investigate, but by the time she got there, all she could see was a man running away into the dense forest that surrounds the prison.

It was not until dawn that officers found a package that included a cellphone, tobacco and marijuana tangled in the power lines outside the prison and a small drone that had crashed in the bushes nearby. In the woods, investigators located a makeshift campground, the remote control device used to fly the drone, a bottle of grape-flavored Gatorade and drugs.

“It was a delivery system,” said Bryan P. Stirling, the director of the South Carolina Department of Corrections, explaining how the drone’s operators had planned to send the contraband into the prison, the Lee Correctional Institution. “They were sending in smaller amounts in repeated trips. They would put it on there, they would deliver it, someone inside would get it somehow, and they would send it back out and send more in.”
link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/23/us/drones-smuggle-contraband-over-prison-walls.html?_r=0


The RQ-7 Shadow is capable of delivering a 20 lb (9.1 kg) "Quick-MEDS" canister to front-line troops.


ICMag Donor
maybe if the problem gets bad enough someone will get a job hunting drones.

Mini patriot batteries should do the trick but drones would need an IFF signal.

25-30 years ago it was remote control helicopters.
Guess they make too much noise. Hahaha


Wow so funny. I thought I was a genius because the other day my buddy who may have to do a few months of time was discussing how he really wanted to bring some smoke in and was talking about the best way to go about it (just joking around of course) and I first for some reason thought of a carrier pidgeon but then quickly thought of the drone right after. My friend who has already been inside the jail thought it was an amazing idea and could easily be done at night. I google searched it and foound that their had already been cases of people doing it at the same jail! Not surprised how common it is becoming!

Tons of money to be made just to fly a fucking toy over a fence from a mile away... As soon as I first heard of higher quality, longer range drones becoming available I thought of smuggling. I am sure the cartels in mexico have already gotten drugs across that way. Considering some are the same size or just slightly larger then large birds i think it would be very hard to be able to detect them. They maybe could have something like "signal jammers" around prison walls but not across a whole border lol...

The future is bringing some interesting things! When I first say the title to this thread I thought it was gonna be about a weed delivery service where a drone delivers weed to customers houses haha. I know they tried to roll out a coffee delivery service like that but there is way to many regulations and restrictions about flying drones in populated areas. I think it is flat at illegal in lots of cities esp if lots of airplane traffic


Active member
Prison delivery by drone is possible, just not very practical if you want to stay on the outside. Seriously, how many people can anyone name that would risk time to deliver something?
Friend of mine had an upcoming case that was going to be decided by a jury and he wanted to be prepared. Got caught with prescriptions and cannabis packaged for sales and a good chunk of cash. Potentially he could have been looking at 5+ years for a first time offense. 30k on a lawyer.
He thinks he can't handle the time, plus he doesn't want to be straight in jail so he decides to bring in 2-3k assorted benzos, says he might use it to off himself if it comes up as well. So day of trial, girlfriend packs him up and off to court he goes.
Ends up getting about 2 years of actual prison time over it, which he was somewhat happy about. Asked his lawyer to tell him to flush the pills to avoid more charges and remove the suicide option, which he did. Took him a while to readjust once out.


Prison delivery by drone is possible, just not very practical if you want to stay on the outside. Seriously, how many people can anyone name that would risk time to deliver something?
Friend of mine had an upcoming case that was going to be decided by a jury and he wanted to be prepared. Got caught with prescriptions and cannabis packaged for sales and a good chunk of cash. Potentially he could have been looking at 5+ years for a first time offense. 30k on a lawyer.
He thinks he can't handle the time, plus he doesn't want to be straight in jail so he decides to bring in 2-3k assorted benzos, says he might use it to off himself if it comes up as well. So day of trial, girlfriend packs him up and off to court he goes.
Ends up getting about 2 years of actual prison time over it, which he was somewhat happy about. Asked his lawyer to tell him to flush the pills to avoid more charges and remove the suicide option, which he did. Took him a while to readjust once out.

Um, delivery by drone is probably the MOST practical and safe way a person that is not a guard or part of the prison staff to be able to get contraband in. The other options are VERY impractical. And regarding your question of who would take the risk? Flying a drone over a mile away from the prison in the cover of night into the yard where no one noticed and even if they did, you are over a mile away and they have no idea where you could be hiding and by the time they start looking you'll be long gone? Considering how muchiney drugs are worth in prison, I personally know lots of people who would "risk it" considering the risk is actually fairly low..

If I needed the money and had someone close to me inside right now shit man id probably even consider it! All you have to do is fly a fucking toy over a fence and land it somewhere where it won't be found until the prisoners are allowed out in the yard and the receiver goes and retrieves it...then later the same night you can fly the drone outta there.


I am sure most of these drones are carrying powders, not weed...Of course I am sure a bit of everything has been "flown" in
You'd think that they would have drones that can go into stealth settings (No lights emitted) so to execute such tasks. Not well thought out


Active member
Um, delivery by drone is probably the MOST practical and safe way a person that is not a guard or part of the prison staff to be able to get contraband in. The other options are VERY impractical. And regarding your question of who would take the risk? Flying a drone over a mile away from the prison in the cover of night into the yard where no one noticed and even if they did, you are over a mile away and they have no idea where you could be hiding and by the time they start looking you'll be long gone? Considering how muchiney drugs are worth in prison, I personally know lots of people who would "risk it" considering the risk is actually fairly low..

If I needed the money and had someone close to me inside right now shit man id probably even consider it! All you have to do is fly a fucking toy over a fence and land it somewhere where it won't be found until the prisoners are allowed out in the yard and the receiver goes and retrieves it...then later the same night you can fly the drone outta there.

If your are able to fly a kamikaze mission from a mile away that doesn't need to return, I guess your good to go.

I believe in the real world you would need it to go to a certain person at a certain time to work well. A bit of planning and communication to say the least, to be successful


New member
Move over Eye in the Sky, theres a new Ghettobird in town! So is there a Criminals section of Craigslist where I can contact my clients? And they said id never make money with my video game skills, ha!


if it smells like fish
we used to go fishing with a straw...anything fits in straw could be pulled up and through wire on window in kitchen....everything else came in through guards or visitors....yeehaw got to love technology...get a drop in the yard lol