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Double veg not reveg anyone ever try?



Here's why I'm thinking

sometimes I have more veg girls than I can flower and letting them just veg for another 8 weeks not an option sizewise.

So while still in veg state cut her right down... let it grow back. Not really revegging as hormonally it never left veg. But given adequate container would allow further root development so second veg would have an over developed root mass for size of visible plant. Would or could that aid in flower for water and nute delivery?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Sure, you could give your roots a head start by vegging an extra 8 weeks. But how that would translate into final yield, I don't know. For me, it wouldn't be worth taking up extra space in the veg room. Some strains might benefit more from extra veg time. Hope this helps.


Yeah probably not highly efficient but would it be less efficient given fact I have a fully grown girl or two with no room to flower them for another 8 weeks...to kill em or find another home (which gets you nothing for ur watts n nutes) but I'd still have to start another set of babies for the flower run to begin in 8 weeks? So light n notes flowing either way at same or similitar rate

I completely get what your saying is that's a lot of watts spent vegging. So not being argumentative at all, just pondering.

Thinking a smart/air pot to eliminate root binding. I think next time I'm in this situation I'll give it a whirl just to see what happens on one and see if any noticeable differencenter good or bad...

Just wondering if anyone else was so nuts as to try it before? Lol
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Speed of Dark
I have cut a plant down to the bottom set of branches a few times. Plants over a couple feet tall had long recovery times and did not grow symmetrically. Smaller plants regained their height almost immediately, rendering the pruning useless.
But, when necessary it gets done. I recently had a plant too large to fit into the bud room. Instead of getting cut it went outside in the off chance it will not rain all summer.
Sometimes rolling the dice is the best worst option. Sometimes not.
Another thread has a picture of one of these outside plants with two inches of snow on the buds. Cutting would have been better.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Trim the roots when they get too big for the pot they're in. They bounce back quickly, and usually have a growth spurt. Do it at least two weeks before flowering them though, to avoid stress.

OG Tree Grower

I do that to moms all the time, cut them down to nothing, rip half the roots off and repot- they come back strong.

In your case the only problem I could think of is Huge pot size you'll need if you don't root trim


if it smells like fish
or you can clone the plants ....yeehaw...overpruning a plant can lead to lots of smaller buds and longer trimming times lol


That's what I was curious about if it was just as efficient to take the clones n start fresh


My crazy rhpught was wondering the breathable pots they don't get root bound just make more tiny ones further back if this unorthodox idea we'd put a big block v8 set of roots on plant of normal size in end.

Trout, I'm with you hate those million small flower sites, got two like that right now, they were my failed attempt at mainline training, stuck em in n just let em become what they become,,, healthyou plants foliage wise but nothing pretty cola wise.....


Active member
Brown trout has the answer I would give. More bud sites is best for scrog. Best to plan better and only start what you can grow out. Timing is critical indoors and in some outdoor areas. So easy to get seed happy, it's the biggest start to failure. I'd rather have one good seed grow to the bowl than 100 that just go to shit.


Your right, I clone not seed so far but always worry I'll loose a baby and I hate killing plants for no reason in the room or out in my flower garden... guess I gotta loose my quark of not liking to off unmature plants. I've gotten way better at cloning but still have that fear from when I wasn't so hot n worry I'll loose a line thus overpopulate veg