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Don't mind me I just need to vent


Active member
Hi All, I just need to vent about our ridiculous health care system. My mom is 81 and was dx'd as having colon cancer last year. Fortunately they were able to go in and get it all out. Anyway both medicare and her supplement insurance has kicked back her pre-op chest x-ray! Now my mom pays a small fortune for her supplement insurance she has to see she is also HIV+ and takes 12 anti viral drugs along with the regular senior cocktail (high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesteral etc...) so she was lucky to find one that covers all her meds (they don't even offer this policy anymore but she is grandfathered in). What do they think getting the x-ray was her idea? Or totally elective? Between part B and supplement insurance she pays over a grand a month not easy for someone on a fixed income but the drugs she needs to live cost a lot more so what are you going to do? But they decide to stick her for a chest x ray!!!! Okay I'm done and feel better now


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
herd ya on the health system in the US its totally wacked my grandpa few yrs ago he passed last yr ww2 army ranger. he would take and charter a bus and take it full of senior citizens over the us mex border from lake havasu AZ. they would go down buy thier scripts for way way less then we pay up here then make the return trip back allways made it safely.


Active member
Unfortunately you can't trust the anti virals so we can't go that route. They are forever yanking her chain about whether or not she is covered for procedures. My FIL who has kidney failure had a hell of a time getting the procrit he needs it just sucks.


Hey Rose ,
The system has failed all our seniors , and it's not fair at all .These ppl. have paid into the system for a better part of their lives only to get shit on when they need to rely on it the most .
I'll say a prayer for her .


Health care in this country is just a bunch of greed driven vampires
like the rest of "corporate" Amerika.
Kill Muslims and seniors and whoever else you can, for profit, for as long as you can get away with it.

I have Hep C, copd, insomnia, stage two blood pressure, and attacks of pancreatitis,
and I have zero insurance.

I'm just looking forward to smoking that first bit of crop that's coming in
around 6 weeks. Day 5 in flower.
really, it will take care of 9/10ths of my feel bad symptoms.
Have you tried to get your mom to try some?


The stories I can tell you about Medicare and Medicaid screw ups that cost more in the end than if they had handled it in the first place. The real horror is the attitude you encounter whenever you speak to one of their "representatives" who could care less about your problems since they have a nice fat paycheck and good benefits. The system sucks big time, trust me, been a part of it for too damn long.


I'm really sorry for you US people...Luckily I live in EU country that care about their people when they are sick!
I think medicare should not be profit based in any country...

That's unconscionable... jesus H christ, they obviously don't care about people, it's all about the benjamins.

Remind me to off myself before I get sick and need to use insurance.

Holy FOOKIN' cow,... I feel for your mom...

THAT needs to be addressed by our illustrious president YESTERDAY.


Active member
Thanks Guys, Oldbastard fortunately my mom is asymptomatic but once that changes I'll try and get her to try it. It really is terrible how bad our health care system has become and every year it gets worse.


If we were actually buying health insurance and an annuity instead of paying into a Ponzi scam like Social Insecurity. we would be running a profit (well doubtful at this moment in the market). I got 40 yrs paid in, 0 $$ paid out.

Someone owes me a shitload of money. Think I'm ever gonna see it?

At least they can take care of your mom Rose... You know that we are all gonna be kicked to the curb. We know we've been scammed but the Govt. should at least keep its promises to the generation they made em to.

My 2 cents.


If we were actually buying health insurance and an annuity instead of paying into a Ponzi scam like Social Insecurity. we would be running a profit (well doubtful at this moment in the market). I got 40 yrs paid in, 0 $$ paid out.

Someone owes me a shitload of money. Think I'm ever gonna see it?

At least they can take care of your mom Rose... You know that we are all gonna be kicked to the curb. We know we've been scammed but the Govt. should at least keep its promises to the generation they made em to.

My 2 cents.

The longer you wait the more of it that will be given to those who have never done a damn thing but hold their hand out and the less of it you will see coming back to you. I would have preferred the treatment dished out in "Wild in the Streets" where they rounded up everyone over 30 and fed them a steady supply of acid; now that's government giving back to the people, lol.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Im sorry to hear that about your Mom.. I hope you can work things out better soon, and I am glad to hear your mom is doing great! Keep your head high.. :rasta: