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Don Rille's small organic homegrow

Don Rille

Hi everyone,

even though I didn't even understand yet, how I can like a post here I finally decided to give it a go and share my small personal homegrow with you. 😄 Nothing big or fancy but enough to supply me with everything I personally need.

I'm from central europe and been growing for a few years now but I would still consider myself rather a novice grower though. I grow organically and recycle my soil after use since over two years now and it's working just fine. If you are interested I'll be happy to share my soil-recipe with you.

My aim is to just give you a little insight into my work & what I do inside my little indoor garden. If you have any tips or advices, feel free to comment and let me know - I love to learn & improve my style and am thankful for any kind of advice! If there is interest, I can also add a few pictures of my former grows.

I'm growing all kinds of strains: Indicas, Hybrids and Sativas. I love variety which is why I mostly grow various different strains during one run.

Okay friends, let's start with a few details of my setup:
  • The Box: Homebox Q80+ (80x80x180) (and a small (60x80) Homebox for vegetation and potential keepers)
  • Exhaust fan: PrimaKlima EC 680m³
  • Air circulation: 1x – 3x Clip-Fans and if necessary 1x Honeywell HT-900E
  • Light: 250 Watt DIY H-Influx Panel
  • Fertilizer: I try to use no additional fertilizers, for late flower I currently use Biotabs PK 5-8. If necessary I sometimes add a spoon of chicken manure here and there.
  • Additionals:
    - Horsetail extract
    - ChiProPlant (Chitosan)
  • Water: Tab water, something around EC 0,8 and PH 7,0
  • Temperature: Box is located inside a basement. I aim for temperatures between 24-27°C
  • Humidty: approx. 50% – 60%,currently often higher due to bad weather.
  • Irrigation: By hand, as they need it, approx. 1/3 of the pot volume.
Strains I currently grow (all regular, apart from the K.U., which is fem.):
  • 3x Dutch Kush (Paradise Seeds) x Black Domina (Happy Roots) - shared & crossed by a friend
  • 2x G13/HP (710 Genetics) x Black Domina (Happy Roots) - shared & crossed by a friend
  • 2x Dutch Fairytale (Seedy Simon)
  • 8x Granola Funk F2 (an F2 I produced myself, I enjoyed the GF from Bodhi Seeds a lot)
  • 1x Kubanskiy Ubiyza Kalashnikov Seeds)
  • 2x Sour Bubble F2 (Sour Bubble by B.O.G) - shared & crossed by a friend
  • 3x LVTK x Sour Bubble (LVTK by Cannaventure Seeds, Sour Bubble by B.O.G) - shared & crossed by a friend
I'll try to update approx. once a week & hope you guys have a nice time here. As I said, I love to learn & improve so if there is anything you see, don't hesitate to let me know.

This time I count my veg-days since I moved the plants over to the flower tent but they all have a different age. With the next update, I'll tell you a bit more about the different plants you can see on the pictures. Let's start with two pictures of how it currently looks inside the garden to give you a first impression.

I somehow struggle to add the pictures in full size. I would love to do so, if anybody could tell me how. 😁

All the best & happy growing,
Don Rille


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Elite StrainCloneHunter
high Dude

i take a seat here and i Fan of GF & a good pheno of SB. you wanna like SB fruits its special in terps ;)


Well-known member
You have a good looking garden and thanks for sharing. You say don't hesitate to let you know how to improve your grow. The only thing I would do for improvement, is to add more light. You would be surprised how just adding a few extra watts, can make a big difference in plant size and yield. You are doing a good job. 😎

Don Rille

Hi star crash, big pleasure to have you as a first visitor here 🤗

Welcome to IC Don, I'd love to hear about your soil recipe and how you recycle! :good:

Hi CosmicGiggle & thanks a lot for the warm welcome. Here you go (everything approx.):
  • Soil from my last run (~60litres)
  • 150g Epsom salt
  • 360g Dolomite lime
  • 130g Fulvital Plus WSP
  • 130g Bio Health WSG
  • 350g chicken manure pellets (4-4-4 in NPK)
  • 10 litre Worm castings
  • 250g Alfalfa pellets
  • 230g Kelp
  • 600g Rock meal
  • 700g Abbey Malt (malted barley)
  • 7 Spoons of InoQ Hobby Mykorhiza
When I transplant my plants, I always make a mix of 80/20 with my soil and perlites. (When I used all my perlite, I plan to get rice hulls instead)

Hey dimodz - very nice to see you here too, make yourself comfortable 🤩 Did you already grow the Granola Funk?

Welcome also to Creeperpark & thank you for the tip. To be honest, I always thought 250 Watt would be more than enough (replaced my former 400 Watt HPS). 😁 But I thought about an upgrade too...

I consider to get either an Horizon AREAS X4 mini 2.7 or 4-5 modules of Sanlight Q1 Gen 2.1 (to be more flexible). Do you have any recommendations?

Today is veg-day 29 and I transplanted all Granola Funk (#1-6) into 3,5l pots. LVTKxSour Bubble #3 and Sour Bubble#1 which were in the 0,2l pots also got 3,5l ones.
I want to use this opportunity and tell you a bit more about the different phenos. #1,2,5,6 are ladies as far as I can tell. #3 and 4 seem to be boys.:
  • Granola Funk F2 #1 - strongest plant, strong roots & very nice stem. Broad indica-leaning leaves but only pretty weak sidebranches. I like her a lot so far.
  • Granola Funk F2 #2 - rather a sativa-leaning pheno with more narrow leaves. Stem not as strong as #1 but the side branches are way stronger. Roots also on point.
  • Granola Funk F2 #3 - The "better" boy. Good mix of Indica/Sativa traits and a bit more indica-leaning than #4. Slightly weaker sidebranches than #4.
  • Granola Funk F2 #4 - Pretty likely also a boy. Bit more of a sativa-ish pattern of growth. Roots bit weaker than #3 also.
  • Granola Funk F2 #5 - A pheno similar to #2 but not as strong as #2. Espeically side branches are weaker.
  • Granola Funk F2 #6 - A pheno similar to #1 but with the weakest side branches.
Here a few photos from today:

I'd love to post my pictures in full size but I somehow don't know/manage how I can do this. Also didn't finde any information with the search - do I have to setup an album first?


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atomizing haze essence
nice plants. I read in your introduce thread, that you like sativas for creativity. I looked here and sadly only heavy indicas. good luck with those anyway.


Well-known member
Thanks for that info on your recycled soil mix Don! I'm impressed, very impressed, you're not just messing around.

Also noticed that you include the root structure in your evaluation. :tiphat:

Don Rille

nice plants. I read in your introduce thread, that you like sativas for creativity. I looked here and sadly only heavy indicas. good luck with those anyway.

Hey MAHA KALA indeed you are right - you got me on this one 😅 I mostly grow sativa-leaning strains, but currently I have a big stash of Sativas which is why I run a round of Indica and Hybrid to restock on those.

Last grow I did were for example various Panama's from ACE (I used 1 reg. pack), Jack x OHaze and Aunt of Farouk x OHaze which were gifted to me by a very generous growers.
Other Sativas I grew and currently have in stash are ACE's Malawi, Utopia Haze from Barney's Farm (so sad I killed my mother of this one...) and plenty of Double Oaxaca which was also gifted to me. 😍

star crash is almost right... I enjoy it for a lot of reasons during my freetime. 😂 To settle down as well as to get creative or channel my energy which is sometimes all over the place.

Cosmic Giggle you are very welcome! I'm trying my best - my motto is: If I do it, I do it right. Indeed I think that root structure is pretty important - underground growth is underrated in my opinion but I have to say that it's sometimes tough to compare it due to variations in soil, the point in time when you repot, watering and so on (especially as I still work mainly by eye.)

Here you can see a few shots from my former grows:

Lot's of Panama, Jack x OHz and AoFxOHz - quite a lot of unwanted pollination due to unneat work which was my bad and led to rather small buds of some plants (but hundreds of seeds which was also fine)

BT 70 - alle 1.jpg

Granola Funk , 4x Double Oaxaca and a Panama
2020_04_BT 55 gesamt.jpg

Malawi, Sage'n'Sour, Atomical Haze, Utopia Haze, Serious Kush, Panama

2020_03_BT 53 gesamt 2.jpg

Don Rille

star crash - thank you! Sweet but small 😄 I wish I had a little more space to grow but unluckily I'm pretty limited at the moment.

Welcome to the show Dropped Cat - have a seat!

MAHA KALA - I only had one seed which I got as a bonus. It was bad but nothing special either, kind of an interesting taste but rather ordinary in terms of the high... I don't feel like judging the strain though, as I think I had to grow more than one plant to be able to give a reliable feedback. I had 3 phenos of the Utopia Haze and one was very nice - rock-hard nugs and a very social balanced high.

Mars Hydro Led - thanks a lot!

dimodz - that sounds good! I can only recommend it. Very nice strain, I'm already pretty curious to see what I find in the F2.

Today it's veg day 33 and time for a quick update:
  • The Granola Funk already adapted well to their new underground habitate. This was the signal for me to top them today after the fifth node to make them form 4 nice headbuds. I took this opportunity to check on their sex again and I can definitly confirm that #1,2 and 5 are female. I'm also pretty sure that #3/#4 are male, as they just don't look female. 😅 Would you guys rather use males which out early or those outing late to make seeds? I've often heard that the late-showing ones are supposed to be "better" but I somehow never heard why.
  • I also investigated the Dutch Fairtytale and Kubanski Ubyiza today a bit further. #1 and #2 seem to be female. This makes me happy on the one hand but puts me under pressure on the other as I don't have enough space. 😁 I also catched the opportunity and topped them for 4 nice main colas. Soon they will also get 3,5l pots - as soon as I know for sure which plants are male and will have to leave the hood.
  • I already gave up my hope to get a female G13/HP x Black Domina but #1 gives me back my hope - it now really seems as if she might be female. Would be a very nice surprise.
  • Three days ago I did cut back the Dutch Kush x Black Domina und Green MOBxF99. Since then Dutch Kush x Black Domina are really pushing upwards - is now the biggest plant inside the tent even though Green MOB x F99 is much older and standing around since a few months. The leaves of Green MOBxF99 have a very interesting saw blade look.
  • LVTK x Sour Bubble und Sour Bubble F2 are still discovering their new shoes underground. I'm sure they'll soon start to continue to grow also above ground. 😀
This is how it looks today:
VT 33 - alle 1.jpg

VT 33 - alle 2.jpg

And a look at some buds from my last grow - Panama (ACE - reg.) - pheno #5, a pretty dense nugs with a rather earthy/spicy smell. Not the lemony smell I had on other phenos. The effect is yet to be tested as I'm still on a break for a few more days.

Panama #5 buds 2.jpg

Panama #5 buds 1.jpg


atomizing haze essence
looks yummy. I see, only one plant. I know atomical haze very well, it is very good I can say. I like it. but of course there are a lot of other hazes to grow :D

so what variety is the best for you as far as inspiration and creativity goes?

Don Rille

looks yummy. I see, only one plant. I know atomical haze very well, it is very good I can say. I like it. but of course there are a lot of other hazes to grow :D

so what variety is the best for you as far as inspiration and creativity goes?

Yes that's what I mean... I assume that there are much better phenos of her but sadly I only had that 1 Bonus seed to grow. I might get some seeds of it again though.

In general I love ACE's Panama a lot but I would say in terms of inspiration/creativity there are even better choices.

I didn't test too much of the Jack x OHz I grew last round but I feel like this cross has a lot of potential in terms of inspiration/creativity. I remember very well a Sativa pheno from Tutankhamon by Pyramid seeds which I loved a lot for that kind of use. I also had a fasciated pheno of Blue Dream (HSO) which had very nice qualitites in terms of inspiration combined crazy potency - so sad I didn't save that one.

I still have a lot of bud from a Malawi pheno (carrot taste) from ACE which was also very nice to boost creativity. A bit psychedelic though. 😁 You get very creative but it's tough to work it into something because you are so high.

Don Rille

Quick update for you guys - veg-day 37 since I moved them over into the flower tent.
  • I'm happy to report that G13/HPxBlack Domina #1 is female. As I initially thought I would end up with 2 males, I'm even more happy to report now, that #1 (the better one) is female. Already culled the #3 as she wasn't as smelly and not growing as good as #1.
  • Dutch Kush x Black Domina #1 and #3 are still indecisive whether they wanna be male or female - we'll see. I'll keep you updated, but I'm already happy as #2 - the most vigerous one - is a female. 🤗
  • The Granola Funk #1-#6 recovered well after being topped and now grow nicely. I think #1 is a cookie-pheno which makes me happy, as this is what I was looking for. I don't know too much about the Wookie #15 genetic though - which traits would you select for in the Granola Funk F2?
  • I also topped Dutch Fairytale and Kubanskiy Ubyiza (for 2 main branches) but they are still in 1l pots and I'm starting to get real problems with the space inside the tent 😁 I hope a few more males will out because so far I only have 1 save boy and that was the G13/HPxBD #3 which I culled.
  • LVTK x Sour Bubble (#1 and #2) and Sour Bubble F2 #2 now adapted to their new underground habitate and push their energy now in growth above ground. LVTK x SB #3 and SB #1 which started a bit weaker & transplanted a bit later are still focused on the underground. 😀
A few photos from today:
VT 37 - alle 1.jpg

VT 37 - alle 2.jpg

VT 37 - alle 3.jpg

Don Rille

Sorry for long time no see, but today I'm back for an update. 😅
I flipped to flower 12 days ago & everything is going well so far.

Quick overview what happened:
  • I decided to keep the Sour Bubble F2 plant I have for the next run to make an F3 and therefore moved it to the veg tent. 😊
  • Unluckily all LVTK x Sour Bubble are male (3/3) So I'll keep one of them to make some crosses
    I also will keep one of the Granola Funk F2 boys (#3 or #4). Won't use more than 2 males this round for possible pollination.
  • Final flowering setup, all plants in 7l pots, looks as follows:
    - 3x Dutch Kush x Black Domina
    - 1x G13/HP x Black Domina '
    - 2x Dutch Fairytale (together in one 7l pot)
    - 3x Granola Funk F2
    - 1x Green MOB x F99
  • The tent is filling up nicely and everything is growing nice and vigerous. I'm happy with how it looks so far.
    I used a bit of valerian spray and neem-oil spray on them for the first week of flower and defoliated the DK x BD twice.
    They were in need of that as they started outgrowing the other plants and stretched a lot. Granola Funk #1 also stretches pretty much and got a bit of defoliation today. I think #1 is a nice cookie pheno (pretty similar to the F1), #2 and #5 are rather sativa-leaning. #1 has indica look and a lot of stretch, #2 has sativa look and rather smaller internode spaces.

    Green MOB x F99 is growing very branchy and also required some defolation.
  • In terms of soil, I use 3/4 of my recycled soil and 1/4 of perlite. Apart from a bit of horsetail extract & chitosan (ChiProPlant) with the water I use no added fertilizers so far.
Flower-day 5 - pre- and after 1st Defolation

BT 5 - alle  vor Defo. 1.jpg

after Defolation:
BT 5 - alle  nach Defo.jpg

Flower-day 6 - recovered from the Defolation
BT 6 - alle 1.jpg

Flower-day 9
BT 9 - alle 1.jpg

BT 9 - alle 2.jpg

Flower-day 11 - a look from by night.
BT 11 alle.jpg

With the next update I'll add a few more details on phenos and the individual strains. 🤗

Have a nice week!


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