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Does anyone remember their first high?


Registered Pothead
I started smoking pot at the age of 11 and as of lately have been trying to reminisce on the first time i got high. I still cant remember no matter how hard i try. I know it was with my best friend who is still very close to this day over fifteen years later. Even he was trying to remember but to no avail. I was just wondering how many people out there actually remember their first time.


Registered Pothead
LOL damn i never thought of it like that. Now that i try to think about it i cant really remember much from those days except that i was having a blast living life. Does the herb maybe give you long term memory loss? I think i shall do some reading up on that.


Active member
I was over 20 before I even saw weed...same w/ LQ.

...yeah i remember my 1st high, but dont remember how I drove/got home.

I was a straight-edge hardcore BMX punk when I was a kid...(well still a punk, but not so str8-edge)....prolly more tru punk cuz I dont give a fuk!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i was 11.... the chef at our pub was in the beer cellar having jointa and i asked... 2 tokes sand my head went light and i had to sit down on the chest freezer lol
never looked back-although i wish i hadnt been at it so young.... and i know if any adult gave a kid of mine a spliff age 11 id cut his nuts off


lol, I was 15 and outside with some friends. I smoked some of a loosely-rolled baggy "tampon" of a spliff, with tobacco and mid-grade Afghani/Pakistan border hash....and went into a cold sweat....lol, someone commented you could've cooked an egg on my forehead, haha

I didn't feel too bad really though, it was just a side-effect!

After that it never happened again, and I'd been introduced to getting high, lol


I don't really recall the first time I smoked but I do remember the first time I got high. I think I may have smoked once or twice before I'd gotten high but I never really felt anything. Maybe I was hesitant with the smoke or maybe it wasn't even really pot. However, the first time I smoked and got high was with one of my good friends. We used to hang out a lot more back in the day. I was probably in 8th grade or something like that and he came to stay the night one weekend and brought a little 1x1 baggie of herb. I didn't think much of it because I'd never really gotten high off it before. Our plans were to watch movies and game out all night so he recommended that we smoke up before we watch the movies. So we headed to an unfinished road behind my house and smoked a bowl or two out of a two liter bottle w/ foil. I was so high I couldn't even comprehend what was going on. I felt like I was in a theater watching myself through a screen. I felt very light and airy with racing thoughts and a boost of energy. So I ran (literally) back to the house and we started the movies. My friend was trying to keep me quiet throughout the movie but I was so excited and surprised at how high I was feeling that I couldn't help but make a fuss. That's probably the highest I've ever been.
3 hours later...

3 hours later...

I was 15 and had an 'experienced' boyfriend, took a few tokes and 'oh my god', I laughed and laughed and laughed some more for 3 hours!!! That boy who is now a man of 40 ran into me a couple of months ago after 20 years. He had been keeping track of my escapades , saving news clippings and gave himself credit for my 'first' time, hehe.



aged 15, sat in front of the main stage at Glastonbury 1979-with two other school friends. We are surrounded by 10,000 hippies and they all seem to pass us a spliff that afternoon so that even bands like The Pop Group doing 'Why do we tolerate mass murder?' seem hysterically funny. We were literally crawling around on the ground crying with laughter for hours. happy times-lol



Registered Pothead
Thats so cool that some of you guys can remember how fun it was. Thats why i am trying to remember what i did or even where i was. Seems like they are all good memories that will always bring a smile to your face.


First time i smoked was over the summer when i was 16 in the car of some girl i met at the beach, didn't get high, and didn't get laid either, so it was a disapointing evening. The first time i got really high was in a shack full of transients in college. it was just a block away from my dorm room, but it was owned by a former professor who had become schizophrenic, and he lived there with various transients and crazy people around the town who would otherwise be homeless. well i was dating a crazy girl at the time a,d she knew alot of those people, and we went over and one of the local hippies was there with some relly good locally grown stuff, i was walking all around town completely out of my mind for hours.
NOKUY said:
I was over 20 before I even saw weed...same w/ LQ.

...yeah i remember my 1st high, but dont remember how I drove/got home.

I was a straight-edge hardcore BMX punk when I was a kid...(well still a punk, but not so str8-edge)....prolly more tru punk cuz I dont give a fuk!
Oh man we used to hate the straight edge kids around here so much we would fight them all the time. to me and my friends the straight edge kids were always the pc asshats who thought they were better than everyone and always tried to tell people who to do. alot of them were the militant vegan type too who would fight you for smoking a cigarette near them or somethin...

i've actually got straight edge friends now though... but they are the ones who do it for themselves and dont preach that crap. i actually have one straight edge friend who likes the smell of weed but wont smoke it.
but the first time i got high was around 14-15, a friend and i walked down a trail into the woods to smoke. on the way out we saw some creepy dude in a trench coat going back there and since it was my first time smoking i got all worried and worked up about it. we went back to my house and i don't remember what we did but i eventually passed out. when i woke up i knew i liked it and i was hooked.
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Registered Pothead
i actually have one straight edge friend who likes the smell of weed but wont smoke it.
My old boss was straight edge to the fullest and we would travel all over the west coast for work. He always wanted me to light up around him for some reason. I could never talk him into taking a hit though. I swear i saw his eyes get red once or twice. :joint: LOL that was probably the first times he ever got high now that i think about it.

daisy jane

Man oh man. I was 12 hanging out with my best friend/girlfriend at the time (that's right). We smoked behind a movie theater, in an empty pasture, before we went inside. We were so high! I just remember laughing and imagining that a security guard was going to find us. Good times.


they say that you never forget your first love, I know I havent, and I think thats often true with many drugs - most of us can probably remember the first time we got stoned or the first time we got drunk


Active member
George Hayduke said:
Oh man we used to hate the straight edge kids around here so much we would fight them all the time. to me and my friends the straight edge kids were always the pc asshats who thought they were better than everyone and always tried to tell people who to do. alot of them were the militant vegan type too who would fight you for smoking a cigarette near them or somethin...

i've actually got straight edge friends now though... but they are the ones who do it for themselves and dont preach that crap. i actually have one straight edge friend who likes the smell of weed but wont smoke it.

I never preached nuthin to no-one ...I just didn't give a fuk except for being able to do whatever i wanted to do. (bein a punk you got friends that do sum messed up shit tho)

my parents gave me "ultimate freedom" .... as long as I never got in trouble.

...and thats why I never really fuked off when I was a kid.

..and yeah to this day you cant smoke a cigarette anywhere near me...(im actually very allergic to cig smoke)

...and I'm Militant, and yeah I think that I am better than everyone.

not that there aren't people I like, but I def dont see eye to eye w/ very many.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I bought an eighth off a big kid at school when I was 16 - rolled a rubbish joint, with skins as thick as newspapers. Went in the bathroom, opened the window and sparked that badboy.

Shame I didn't really know how to smoke, or how often to toke, so I just puffed on that thing till I felt dizzy. I then sat there for 2 hours stoned off my tits, trying not to fall off the floor :D


i was positive i would enjoy it, but it took smoking about 10 times until i got high. my friend smuggled some seedy schwag from mexico with a super-harsh direct-line marble pipe and gave it all to me. so i smoked with my best buddy every weekend--do you feel anything? no--until i finally drank some wine first, broke down the ole blood-brain barrier, then smoked and got so so high. Time went into fragments, i was in outerspace, loved every minute and smoked ever since. I was 14. I remember watching the red ember seeds shoot down the pipe into my friends lungs...we had no idea what we were doing, i probably wasn't inhaling right. But if at first you don't succeed...i then got many others high for the first time, a lil bit of alcohol 10 mins before ensured that everyone got high the first time they smoked, unlike me.

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