I have absolutely no idea if they would work (probably would, how effectively however, I don't know) but why bother anyway? Is there a special purpose your planning to use them for? side lighting? supplementary light?
From what I have read these lights are available from 2000k all the way up 10000k light spectrums
i use a 600w
but also have a 70w son-T on a long lead that i can move around to the low lit areas if need be
cost £21.99 from a leccy wholesalers fitting lamp etc
Where did you get you degree?
You really do not know anything about what you are talking about. I do have a degree, electrical engineering and I have used CFLs and I have had great results. So before you open your yap giving advice on a thread you may want to at least do a few minutes research. People like you ruin the internet.
Okay I HAVE heard about people trying this, the short answer is no.
I agree with another post. You could easily hang some CFLs on the sides, in between, just about any place for a lot less money than adapating to these.
Pretty much all light is light. Lumens are the important part, how the lumens are diffused next, and how may watts you have to spend per lumen. Then when you get into this kind of stuff you have to create a way to mount them, they have focused beams (concentrated) and the wrong voltage for that house.
So yeah it would work, but much easier and cheaper ways to achieve more efficient and easier to handle results are readily available at Walmart.