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Do reg seeds x fem seeds = hermy seeds


I just built a auto grow room in part of my walk in wardrobe, I need part of my first grow to be a seed run, the seeds I have are all .....5 auto white russian (feminized), 1 auto ak47 x auto blueberry (reg) and 1 auto ak47 x auto kush (reg)

Im hoping that one of the 2 single regular seeds I have is male and the other is female so I can cross them, but if it turns out that they are both males and I polinated one of my fem auto white russians would the resulting seeds show hermie traits or is it safe to do it this way?

Should I just grow out what I have and then order 10 reg seeds to work from?
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The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
anything is possible

here is something though

I have pollinated fem seeds with hermie pollen AND still produced 100% girls with no nanners or hermie tendencies.

can they hermie? you bet
can they have issues? you bet
can you find keepers? you bet

is there a higher probability of issues? you bet BUT there might be gold in there to pan out.
hmmm i will let you in on a secret ;)
you very well may find a hermi or 2 but its give and take but if you do pollenate your other females ( of the same sex ) with the herming plant and after this you'l have 100% female seed of your srain1

peace gene-weaver


plant pimp
I pollinated a Blue Hash female with some male White Widow pollen. Next couple months I will chime back in and let ya know my results. I too have asked myself this same question over and over. But it is worth the effort IMO. As medmaker420 stated....you may find a keeper. I know I will be looking for one. Stay safe and Keep It GreeN!


Hermies are produced 2 ways, They can come from hormones produced from stress, or it may carry a hermie gene. Some landrace plants are naturally hermie to ensure plant survival in thier harsh conditions. So, you have to know how the FEM seeds where created and if the Parents your FEM seeds where made from have genetic tendencies to go hermie. If you have a popluation that has hermie in them then YES your Reg seeds x FEM seeds might have it aswell. But if you make REG x Stable FEM seeds made the correct way, plants that show NO hermie traits. Then your new seed population may not show any hermie traits. It is all about what is in the Breeding Packground of the Parents in question. If you do get hermies from your REG x FEM seeds dont forget the fact that the Hermie trait may have come from your REG seed line. There is really no way to tell where the hermie traits come from due to the fact that half the time it shows as being reccessive. I do feel that more then 1 gene controls hermie growth, so picking the best REG x FEM parents is your best bet.

Hope that helps, but I would make the cross anyway and find out what happends bro.



ICMag Donor
I think you have more to worry about intersexed plants than you do hermies.

It's my understanding that a 'hermie' is a plant that shows whole branches/stems each of their own sex. While an 'intersexed' plant is one that shows both sexes throughout the plant, ie nanners in buds, nanners at nodes, etc, but it doesn't put out whole branches/stems of the opposite sex.

I've only seed a true hermaphrodite one time. It was when I grew some Philippine seeds and had a female throw out whole male branches about a month into flower.

I've only seen this one time and it was from a Philippine plant. It was a female plant and about a month into flowering she started throwing whole small male branches about 4" long.