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These are the ass hats that tried to shut down the medical marijuana program in Montana.
Sadly criminalization has made the ballot along with bringing our medical laws back to what they were let's all get in there and vote for those medical laws


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I feel for you my Montana neighbors. Here in North Dakota we don't have any laws yet to work with. I hope we can approve ballot in November elections. I wish you all well. Peace


Well-known member
You know assholes "prohibitionist" think that the propaganda of reefer madness is true and cannabis users are just easy targets. Lets teach them the real facts about us how we are smarter then them by using cannabis rather then alcohol or tobacco that causes cancer and sclerosis of the liver. Justice will be served to those in the DEA and other groups who lie about the real dangers of drugs whether legal or not.
You know assholes "prohibitionist" think that the propaganda of reefer madness is true and cannabis users are just easy targets. Lets teach them the real facts about us how we are smarter then them by using cannabis rather then alcohol or tobacco that causes cancer and sclerosis of the liver. Justice will be served to those in the DEA and other groups who lie about the real dangers of drugs whether legal or not.


I asked these folks about their so called safemontana and how come crime rates were at record lows at the peak of the MMJ in Montana and why correlating evidence shows statistics that follow in Colorado If you look at the current crime rates in Montana you might get scared... we have a huge state with very few people... lots of shit happens! We need to make people more peaceful and there is a great herb I know that does it. The alcohol industry and law enforcement was angry because they were losing job security... well shit if loosing a few dollars means having safety... huh???
Lets kick Steve out of Montana and introduce him to Korea so he can see how living under the thumb of a tyrant is...

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