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DIY: How To Make Weed E-Juice For Your Vape Pen

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
This topic has many tutorials on the net and many variations of how to accomplish this trick. It wasnt until I saw Bret Mavericks video that I was able to make a decent vape juice.

Results can be pretty weak to mind blowing strong depending on your techniques. Here , Ill discuss the very strong.

Here is what Ive learned.
You dont need expensive gear like emulsifiers, stir plates, etc.
You dont need overpriced mediums like ejmix etc.
You simply need good ol cheap ass polyethelene gycol 400 ,
aka peg 400 , like 2oz for 8$ sihpped
And some sort of concentrates like bho, qwiso or qwet.

Simply measure a gram of the concentrate ( I use my qwet) & a gram -/+ of peg 400
and mix under a low heat, like 120F or so. you can make it stronger by using less peg of course, but me, i like to use a fat syringe to pull the liquid from the mixing bowl while still warm. so 1:1 works just fine for me.
If I was doing a ten gram batch for myself, Id use 8 or 9 grams of peg 400 to get that extra EXKRA Good Good hit.

I suggest before commiting to a large batch , mixing .5/1g or so
to test , because not all concentrates will behave the same. YRMV.

This juice will work in nearly all standard carts up to your custom kickass dripper.

A word about your actual smoking technique. Dont hotbox this stuff.
This isnt a social, stand in a circle, passing blunts type of getting high.

You can burn it just by hitting it 2-3 times in a row real fast.
Once youve burned it , man just get another cart or clean your dripper good. Its best if dripped, but if you are careful, even an old school wick cart can last up to a week.

Personally , peg 400 doesnt taste as good as the vg or pg used in normal ejuices, but with some really strong smelling wax, you wont be tasting or smelling the peg. However, it does hold the oil in emulsion quite a bit better than vg or pg.

I plan on doing a step-by-step guide on my entire process from extracting my qwet to vapeing in the supermarket. within a few days, Ill go grab some dry ice and we shall begin the real tutorial

A6 Grower

BHO has to be winterized from my experience to mix with peg. after a week you get a layer of stuff separated on top if its not winterized.

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