Want to share my recent project, ask for your opinions and help.
I am designing water filtering extractor containing Dynavap and DIY coil heater well known in the community. You can see the example projects here:
I will share with you final design when ready. Now I am facing an issue related to the power supply. Just wondering if I may keep the current one and remove 1-2 coil wraps or do I have to upgrade it to larger one? Would prefer to keep the smaller one tbh.
This is the second I can use https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...4082023_111815.PureView_Xavi_by_Macusking.jpg
Want to share my recent project, ask for your opinions and help.
I am designing water filtering extractor containing Dynavap and DIY coil heater well known in the community. You can see the example projects here:
PULSE Induction heater
Make heat pulses instead of heating continuously a Vapcap is the most efficient heating technique with an induction heater. By wiskey_tango_foxtrot.
DIY Induction Heater Guide
DIY DynaVap Induction Heater by u/beasthoss Tools [Required] Small Screwdriver Some of the heater modules use phillips screws and others use flathead. The screws you’ll be working with are small, but bigger than eyeglass size. I’ve also found that longer shanks help a lot. [Required] Wire ...
I will share with you final design when ready. Now I am facing an issue related to the power supply. Just wondering if I may keep the current one and remove 1-2 coil wraps or do I have to upgrade it to larger one? Would prefer to keep the smaller one tbh.
This is the second I can use https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...4082023_111815.PureView_Xavi_by_Macusking.jpg