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DIY Dynavap induction coil build


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Want to share my recent project, ask for your opinions and help.
I am designing water filtering extractor containing Dynavap and DIY coil heater well known in the community. You can see the example projects here:

I will share with you final design when ready. Now I am facing an issue related to the power supply. Just wondering if I may keep the current one and remove 1-2 coil wraps or do I have to upgrade it to larger one? Would prefer to keep the smaller one tbh.

This is the second I can use https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...4082023_111815.PureView_Xavi_by_Macusking.jpg


Well-known member
Want to share my recent project, ask for your opinions and help.
I am designing water filtering extractor containing Dynavap and DIY coil heater well known in the community. You can see the example projects here:

I will share with you final design when ready. Now I am facing an issue related to the power supply. Just wondering if I may keep the current one and remove 1-2 coil wraps or do I have to upgrade it to larger one? Would prefer to keep the smaller one tbh.

This is the second I can use https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...4082023_111815.PureView_Xavi_by_Macusking.jpg

Thanks for sharing your work with us. Keep us posted when you finish.


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Premium user
Ah, yeah. Let's make it short.

Managed to borrow a first PC power supply from a friend, not working. Get a second hand one, also not working. In the meantime I figured it out, that would be possible to use popular 12v 10A driver for a LEDs.
Not sure if I did not cut my coil too much, but in the meantime I will give a try this new driver.

Also managed to design first part of the design I mentioned before. I will try to print it and post after first tests and improvements.

And if anyone wants to get a enail in Barcelona let me know. Works great for concentrates, but not for hash in my opinion. Also with flower option : p


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Well-known member
That was my post on MP. I made a ton of those 'glass test tube' vapes. It's fun to do but butane vapes suk if you're not at home. Strike up the torch and start heating your vape in public and everyone looks at you like a crack head. LOL

Here are a couple I made.



Well-known member
My induction heater was running around 8 amps. I used a PC PSU. They are turned on my touching the green wire to the case (ground)

The Ali things look like glowplugs.

A DC motor speed controller would offer the PWM needed to stop the plug actually glowing.
You could heat a crucible with a glowplug, and use a PID controller to set the temp with a sensor that offers the feedback.
You struggle with inductive heaters, as they effect anything close. They need their own space.


Well-known member
Premium user
That was my post on MP. I made a ton of those 'glass test tube' vapes. It's fun to do but butane vapes suk if you're not at home. Strike up the torch and start heating your vape in public and everyone looks at you like a crack head. LOL

Here are a couple I made.

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Thank you! Your pictures literally inspired me to trying myself : ) What do you think about this open source project idea? I will be happy to help, we may create something that would be improved by anyone. I wish I knew this way before.

There is a way to heat it using induction heater instead of fire. You have to add some metal shielding around the outside glass, wire or mesh maybe.

My induction heater was running around 8 amps. I used a PC PSU. They are turned on my touching the green wire to the case (ground)

The Ali things look like glowplugs.
View attachment 18887498
A DC motor speed controller would offer the PWM needed to stop the plug actually glowing.
You could heat a crucible with a glowplug, and use a PID controller to set the temp with a sensor that offers the feedback.
You struggle with inductive heaters, as they effect anything close. They need their own space.
Sounds interesting, I will spend some time on that. Still seems like there are some topics I didn't touch before, do you recommend any references?


Well-known member
The ATX psu is a standard you can look at. There is only one green wire, that needs holding on ground to power the PSU. Your 12v is on yellow and black I think, not red. It's in the standard. Pop the lid off, and all the yellows are the same thing, rather than separate regulators. Least in the boxes I have used they were. So you can easily get that 8 amps from a measly matx psu. Ebay sell used ones, cheaper than the mosfet boards in your link. Mosfet boards that won't be needed, as you have no switch to unload. TBH I'm not sure why they used fets not a relay, but it is what it is.

Lots of PID vids on youtube. Most ideas lead to a thermocouple on your crucible. If you use an induction coil, it will induce power into the thermocouple. Sending it so far out of wack, calibration would be hopeless. Melting it would be much more likely. Unless you make a shielded housing, things near the coil get effected. Near like 50mm. You can see this watching it's power consumption when you get things near it. It's very dirty tech, and probably wipes out local radio.

I would have a look in single use vapes for parts. You never know, they could be useful.

The glowplug might be of use. A car cigarette lighter could be a tidy heater also. Not hard to source from a breakers yard.

It hard to say where my ideas come from. Usually tiny fragments from far and wide. Bought together myself.