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distance from lights?


i've been keeping my 1000watt hps about 24" above my plants. i did the hand under light test and it feels fine. i'm using 4' cone reflectors right now so there is no hot spot underneath the bulb like there is with horizontal reflectors. how much closer can i take them down?

since these 4' cone reflectors are so bad as far as reflection efficiency (i can put my hand a few inches from the bottom of the bulbs and hardly feel any heat...) do i have to put these light closer to get some decent lumen power going?

i know these reflectors are crap, and i will be switching to better reflectors as soon as i can grab some...


put a thermometer at the top of the plants,then shade the thermometer from direct light,but dont let the thermometer touch the material your making the shade with.

That should be the actual temp, or buy a IR thermometer and actually test the leaf temp.


75 degress would be great and your right I would try to stay under 85, but plants have been grown at much higher temps.

for best growth try for the 75 degress

Canabis Kel

New member
hight of light

hight of light

I had 2 /400w hps and they were 4 inchs of the tops of my weed.
Baring in mind l had heat sheilds on them :wave: