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Director of NIDA calls CBD a 'safe' drug


Active member
In the linked HuffPd Op-ed the director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse talks about their changing views towards marijuana and in particular CBD.

In short, CBD appears to be a safe drug with no addictive effects, and the preliminary data suggest that it may have therapeutic value for a number of medical conditions. Addressing barriers that slow clinical research with CBD would accelerate progress. NIDA will do what we can to address such barriers and expedite the study of this potentially valuable compound, as well as other components of the marijuana plant.


Active member
"NIDA will do what we can to address such barriers and expedite the study of this potentially valuable compound, as well as other components of the marijuana plant."

That would be a significant change, considering the fact that NIDA has been the agency most responsible for the propaganda war against marijuana. They're the ones who've have lobbied against cannabis legalization, decriminalization, medical research, etc.

They've funded one bogus study after another that ONLY considered the harmful effects of marijuana. They have NEVER approved or supported any studies that show the benefits of marijuana. Then they promote their one sided, corporate funded, propaganda filled studies that never prove anything harmful from the plant itself (without smoking it).

Now that MULTINATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATIONS want to sell CBD drugs, suddenly there's a change of tune from NIDA.

I once got a personal apology from the chief of NIDA (under threat of lawsuit) for a libelous, anti-drug piece they did that seemed to claim one of my websites was a front for marijuana sales (it was just a forum, not this one). The piece was broadcast nationally (and caused a huge INCREASE in traffic to our site!). They had to re-edit the piece and redistribute it to all news outlets... haha...

They have overdramatized the imaginary threat of marijuana for decades, and they've been more or less the official mouthpiece for the US gov't on the issue, even though I don't think that's their job (what is it really? - propaganda mouthpiece for the Corporations who stand to lose revenue over cannabis?)


Well-known member
Things have changed so much in the last twenty years. That a bitter, frigid, wicked ice witch like her would admit any benefits to cannabis is amazing.
Don't like this new sort of drug prohibitionist using pseudo science to show why drugs are so dangerous the public must be protected from their evil effects. "Proving" that THC destroys motivation by shutting down the portions of the brain that govern drive and motivation. Doesn't consider that for some shutting or at least slowing down, the ambition, rage, and anxious part of the brain may be benefical for some.
Everybody's brains are wired differently medicine for some could be poison for others. That is something prohibitionists cannot understand or accept, or that people for which it is medicine have a right to it. Just like those who should not use it have a right to refuse.


Well-known member
Cbd from hemp is only part of the game, the little "black market" research is finding that it is an ensemble effect from all the compounds and canabanoids [sp] in the plant. We need to work on various strains that have different ratios of thc, cbd, cbn, and other compounds to get the full effect of the healing powers of cannabis.


Well-known member
If they can grow hemp that dual purposes for cbd or other compounds/terpenes, that would be a great crop for farmers to grow, two sources of money for one crop and good for patients as it should cause the price to drop for them if grown on a large enough scale.


Well-known member
Wish it could be that way…but. Why not take both paths? The hemp path is so much more informed because it is legally grown in many places for its purposes. Does Ole Miss have a hemp research protocol to supply hemp seeds? Or do they just supply drug Cannabis for research if approved?

Weren’t hemp seeds that were destined for research in KY seized by the DEA? I think they were from Italy.


Active member
I would very much like to see a whole lot more hard science regarding therapeutic cannanabinoids. This limited NIDA endorsement certainly helps even if just for CBD. Questions accrue, like who pays and why? Hard core drug research is expensive. Usually big drug companies pay for the research in the expectation of exclusive blockbuster profits. That might be difficult to get with Cannabis. Anybody can grow it and make it into something useful.

So, my humble advice: Read every bit of medical research available, overgrow with as much diversity as you can handle, and save seeds, folks, save as many different kinds of seeds as possible.


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ICMag Donor
The truth

The truth

"Now that MULTINATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATIONS want to sell CBD drugs, suddenly there's a change Of tune from NIDA"

It's predictable and I will take it as one more step towards the right direction.

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