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Directions for Hydrogen Peroxide & Epsom salt supplement.

hello everyone!!

could someone please give me some brief info on how to apply hydrogen peroxide to my soil. i have a single lady in a 5 gallon bag. she is 2 wks into flower. i have never added hyd peroxide & would like some general info and/or tips on how to do so.

also, i just bought some epson salts. do i sprinkle or mix into the soil or do I add a tspn per gallon of water?? or how does that work best. Thanks in advance everyone, as always.

Mata Flo


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Peroxide and epsom salts are for correcting problems. You make no mention of trouble. What are you trying to fix?


Hi MF,
No, don't use Epsom salts as a top dressing. It doesn't dissolve that well and you'll get inconsitant absorption. Mix it with nutrient solution at 1/4 to 1 tsp per gallon depending on if you're using it as a prevention/maintenance dose or treating a deficiency.

H2O2 depends on if you're using the high test 35% stuff or the drug store 3%. 1.5 to 2 ml/gal of the strong stuff seems to be what people are using and 12x that for the weak stuff. Here's a thread that you might want to read...

For these simple questions that have been asked a million times, just go to advanced search and you can find your answers immediately.

And Freezer Boy is correct in that these are usually not needed. If you add dolomite to your soil, you probably have plenty of Mg. And peroxide is for treating root rot mostly.
i think the plant has a magnesium deficiency. i am wondering if there is some sort of lock out issues. so, i thought the epson salt would cure/help what looks like mag def. and the h202 would help flush out any excess salts locking out the magnesium. also, the h202 is a roorot preventative in my case. just trying to dial in or out these issues. only 2 leaves show the deficiency, so I am trying to be hasty. the leaves are slightly yellowing now w/ tiny speckles or spots throughout on the 2 sick leaves.


i think the plant has a magnesium deficiency. i am wondering if there is some sort of lock out issues. so, i thought the epson salt would cure/help what looks like mag def. and the h202 would help flush out any excess salts locking out the magnesium. also, the h202 is a roorot preventative in my case. just trying to dial in or out these issues. only 2 leaves show the deficiency, so I am trying to be hasty. the leaves are slightly yellowing now w/ tiny speckles or spots throughout on the 2 sick leaves.

Hey Flo...
Got a camera? A picture would allow us to help confirm your diagnosis. But some extra Mg won't hurt a thing.

I'd just use water for the flush. Some people use H2O2 to add O2 to the rootzone, but personally I feel that's risky and shouldn't be necessary if your soil is good.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Mix the epsom salt in a spray bottle and give it time to dissolve. I foliar feed to treat a Mg deficiency. Dolomite lime in your soil should prevent a Mg deficiency.


Active member
Sgt Stedanko is exactly right epsom salts is magnesium sulphate foliar feed daily .
and check your soil ph


for the record, and i know this is old...

but h202 works great for simply supplying the root zone with more oxygen which could be beneficial at any time in any type of grow. Just try to use it like your nutes and start out with a lighter mix and gradually give your plants more instead of giving them 50% right off the bat.
i use h202 in every watering my roots are super healthy and bright white h202 is one of the best things i added to my nute mix... next to hydrozyme
mg deffs. and nitrogen deffs look simmular...it could be your soil could be light too close could be alot but we need pics to properly help....and if your having plant issues probably be better to post in the infirmary.....hope your plant issue gets worked out i had yellowing of a 2 week old plant and found out it was soil/lack of nutrients. switched soils greened up also added some molassas too
Hey Bret, thanx 4 info,yesterday I was reading and wanting to try H2o2 just as a treat 4 my girls. I have no probs and havent tried using it yet. I also use hygrozyme (if thats what you meant) but directions are alittle conf to me. Is hygro meant to use w/every watering or best used when?


Should be used in conjunction with nutrient change-out based on weekly feeding schedule in hydro, and once a week with your feedings in soil.

8-10ml per gallon each time.


Active member
freezer boy, h2o2 makes for stonger, healthier and more rubust greener plants. oxygen also iads in nutrient uptake and root health. the answer should be why arent you using it?

ive noticed night and day results from plants with and without h202, not to mention h202 evaporates all the chlorine way faster then letting water stand.

use 35% h202 @ 1.6 ml per litre of nute solution. feed immediatly after to make sure the roots bask in the cosmic chi......

epsom salts are great for suplimental value as well, especially for blooming. they can be used from 1ml- 5ml per gal subject to grower, strain ppm etc. make sure they are properly dissolved before application, peace, d