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Did the ancients sleep on weed beds and pillows?


New member
Just like the thread asked. Did the ancients have enough weed to accomplish this and was this normal.ive heard swedes use the term pillow before refrencing alot of pot.discuss please


Boreal Curing
Hemp was good for loads of stuff, but not beds. Some straw, but mostly pine and other pest resistant material was used to sleep on. It was replaced often enough for the job to be given a name we still use today. "Making The Bed" was probably a weekly job. The new foam beds are fine if you're light, but if you're heavy (~225), it's not so good.

I had a feather bed and pillow when I was a kid. A feather bed was ok as long as no one else slept in it because they'd fuck it up. A feather bed is not that great anyway because you can't fluff it up so easily and you end up in a pit. But I still use a feather pillow. Pillows were made of lots of stuff. Unhusked Buckwheat was used if it was available when I was a kid. You can still get them. Water and mold resistant, and it's pretty heavy and shapes perfectly. If you can get your hand on one, get it! If you whack someone in the head with it, you'll give them a concussion. Same with a feather pillow.

Fuck the My Pillow Guy and all the other supposedly miracle pillows. I tried about 20 different pillows over the years including water and hydro garbage. I get mine made king sized with 20% down on the outside, and 80% double stuffed feather core. It's expensive but if I'm going to spend a third of my life with my head on it, I'll do it comfortably.


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I'm with you Tycho. Feather pillows - nothing else is like a good feather pillow. And I do consider myself an expert, since I was a road warrior for 40 years and I have slept on a shitload of pillows. :rasta:

Historically? I think a nice animal pelt on straw would be preferred over scratchy hemp.


Boreal Curing
Mink is a lot nicer than beaver. :)

My father and 1 of my brothers are trappers so I've seen many fur types my entire life.

Obviously we're not talking about the same strain of beaver. But I did date a mink in college and she was pretty special. lol


Boreal Curing
I took my feather pillow to a slumber party and came home with the title belt

My brother put my cousin in the hospital with one. Split his head on the corner of a wall after getting his legs taken out from under him. There was six of us all about the same age (13-15). We'd get someone to run past the hallway and we'd try to knock him down by throwing the pillows. You can really whip those suckers.

Ask me what we used to do with our pellet guns at the cottage. Yup. A live shooting gallery! My son begged me for years for a pellet gun and the answer was always a quick "NO". lol


Well-known member
My brother put my cousin in the hospital with one. Split his head on the corner of a wall after getting his legs taken out from under him. There was six of us all about the same age (13-15). We'd get someone to run past the hallway and we'd try to knock him down by throwing the pillows. You can really whip those suckers.

Ask me what we used to do with our pellet guns at the cottage. Yup. A live shooting gallery! My son begged me for years for a pellet gun and the answer was always a quick "NO". lol

LOL sounds like we had similar up-bringing.


Well-known member
Switzerland could sell hemp pillows until 1998. They were for smell therapy. Not 'officially' aimed at smokers. A shop was eventually found to be selling them, knowing it would be smoked. Big fine and the law change followed.


Well-known member
I'm thinking of the possibility of a rope bed, made from hemp to hold some type of mattress, they used to be quite common. :dunno:


Boreal Curing
I can picture a rope bed. I used to have a bed with steel slats with a spring on each end. But that was under the mattress.


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ICMag Donor
I can see two problems with a rope bed. Firstly, they are seriously uncomfortable if you have a back problem. Maybe early h. sapiens had better posture since they weren’t sitting on a couch playing video games and eating Cheetos all day, but I think they suffered too. The second problem is vulnerability. Getting out of a hammock is usually less than graceful and you often end up rolling out awkwardly, so if a sabre-tooth was coming in fast I suspect he would get an easy lunch.


Boreal Curing
I can see two problems with a rope bed. Firstly, they are seriously uncomfortable if you have a back problem. Maybe early h. sapiens had better posture since they weren’t sitting on a couch playing video games and eating Cheetos all day, but I think they suffered too. The second problem is vulnerability. Getting out of a hammock is usually less than graceful and you often end up rolling out awkwardly, so if a sabre-tooth was coming in fast I suspect he would get an easy lunch.

Going way back to sabre-tooth days, I think you'd get an "Intruder Detected" warning from those on watch at night. That's the old guys (if they made it to 50) who only sleep a couple hours at a time like they do today. Someone was always awake. The young guns get a good night's rest because they need the energy to chase down and tackle the Irish Elk they plan on brining home for dinner the next day. The pelt would also make a nice bed spread, and that giant rack a nice headboard. lol.

Sounds funny but we know they had close quarter battles with large animals because Neanderthals have the same type of healed bone breaks as Rodeo Cowboys do today.

Going way back to sabre-tooth days, I think you'd get an "Intruder Detected" warning from those on watch at night. That's the old guys (if they made it to 50) who only sleep a couple hours at a time like they do today. Someone was always awake. The young guns get a good night's rest because they need the energy to chase down and tackle the Irish Elk they plan on brining home for dinner the next day. The pelt would also make a nice bed spread, and that giant rack a nice headboard. lol.

Sounds funny but we know they had close quarter battles with large animals because Neanderthals have the same type of healed bone breaks as Rodeo Cowboys do today.

Going way back to those days, apparently we as a species (humans) generally used to sleep during the wamest, safest part of the day, and be awake at night when we were most vulnerable. And thats why majority of babies are born at night between midnight and sunrise, under cover of darkness.
Also, as you probably know, Neanderthals were much more robustly built than us and had much thicker, stronger bones.