what is the best way to detox for a drug test? i heard drinking vinegar will do it but i dont know what to correct amount woud be. any ideas on a sure fire way?
I don't know why there isn't a sticky about drug tests. Thought there was.
Here's what 99% of people do - people who are on probation and parole, etc. Works every time.
The morning of the piss test get a gallon of water. Chug it. Then piss. And piss some more. Drink more water. Piss again. Continue this for about 4 hours. About an hour to 2 hours before the test, take a B12 pill. Since by this time you will be pissing plain water and it isn't actually urine per se, with no metabolites, the B12 will add a nice neon yellow color to your piss. So what basically comes out is colored water.
Just make sure you drink 1-2 gallons or more, take the B12 (because if your piss is clear they will think something's up and test for creatine levels), and piss like a dozen times before the test. When you piss in the cup piss mid-stream.
This ALWAYS works.