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DespiE 2006 Outdoor: Here we GROW again!



JUne 27th update!!!page 2 ....Huge update!!! nice pics

My strains for this year:

Mighty Mite
Early Skunk
Super Skunk
Blue Velvet
Early Girl
A super Hybrid White Widow--from a friend from Og!!!!
Guerrilla Gold---From Greenz

Well I have decided to come out of hiding and do a 2006 grow diary to continue my 5 year tradition. I have been growing for 10 years (this is my tenth) and have learned a lot. This year I am taking a little bit of a different approach and I am not putting all my plants in my usually area. I have decided to litter the area in which I live with small bush patches and hardcore TLC.

I am using the local hydro stores AB veg. (for veg.) and his AB bloom (for flowering). Unfortunately I only have a few pics from May 15th but I will be updating them with in the next 4 days. Tonight I am visiting a few other patches that were just put out 2 nights ago so I will also have pics of them!

And the strain I made by crossing Greenz Guerrilla Gold with the hybrid White Widow and I call that one: White Gold!!!

June 10th Udate :woohoo: :woohoo:

Well I went and visted these girls again and I took some flicks. They have almost tripled in size with out any ferts. The Sun in Spain is out of this world, a big change from were I came from. I decided to blast them with some AB so next time I see them I expect them to be huge.

I have also included a few pics of one of my spots I call the "old school spot". The reason why I call it that is because all I did was dig a bed 3' deep / 10' / 10'. Then I through in my best White gold seeds just as they were. No germinating or anything just in the ground as a seed. There are also a few clones there but I will get more pics once they start to look good.
Some of the pics are fuzzy because the camera stared to die again :badday: :badday: I have to stop using cheapO batterys

thats all for now
Stay safe

Mighty mite @ 2 weeks

GG @ 2 weeks

White Widow @ 2 weeks

Another Mighty Mite!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update june 10th-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GG @ 4 weeks

White Widow @ 4 weeks

Early girl @ 4 weeks

Early GIrl @ 3 weeks

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Very nice, your in Spain right?, you got some serious sunlight over there for sure. Ive seen some Mighty Mite growing outdors here in The Pacific Northwest corner of the U.S/British Columbia and its is a Huge yeilder, and semi mold resistant(We have ALOT of rain,lol).. How does it do over there in that nice sun?


ICMag Donor
Solid strain selection for this year. Looks like you've got a good start. I wish you luck.


Jar: this is the first year I have ever grown MM so I will find out this year. From what I hear it is going to be good. Also this is my first year growing in Spain. I am originally from Ontario Canada but work brought me to this beautiful country.

T.dot: I just got nervous when OG got busted. By no means was I even close to being a major "player" but im a paranoid kind of guy and had planned on never going on and weed websites again.

I checked out one of my spots last night and 5 got ripped up out of 25. I remember when I lived in Ontario the Coons would pull them out and eat the roots and leave the plant. That’s what it looks like but I don’t even know if there are coons over here!

New pics within the next few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Safe

New Grower

Where are you Greenzzz????? Where are you Visioncreator?????????? and where are these!?

Early Outdoor Strains for '06
For those of you starting to think of what you need for next year's outdoor.

SalmonBerry, Super salmon x Pineberry.Finishes Mid sept
Super Gold , Super salmon x Early Gold ,Finishes end August
Pinewarp, IndicaTimewarp x Pineberry, Mid Sept, huge yield
Early Bramble F4, Mightymite x Afgani x Early Gold, end Aug - Mid sept === GG#2
Original IndicaTimewarp, End Sept, big yield
IndicaTimewarp x A3,End Sept,start Oct ,huge yield.

Plus I still have ,from '05,tried and tested(outdoor forum for pics and details)

MMSS x EarlyGold
MMss x Pineberry

And coming in Feb

EarlyGold Bx2
Pineberry Bx2
Early Timewarp,EG bx1 x Timewarp.

I'll be putting packs up on Cbay soon.

The Guerilla Gold is an early gold x (afghan x mighty mite) F5 that has been highly selected for auto/early and potency.

Early Gold is
Kona Gold x Special early Himilayan
Kona Gold is an outdoor Hawaiian sativa.

Better if we ask the DEA... Vision and Greens are really good guys! I hope they are still with us here on the ICMag forums. just wait



Active member
nice plant's you have a very outdoor favored line up this year, i envy you for the geurilla gold. i dont think any one can find it now day's


I aquired it from Greenz and I saved 5 seeds to keep the strain. So far it looks really good in about 2 weeks I figure there gonna look really nice!
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Thanks Mr smoke!!!!!! updates on Friday!!!!!!!
We will see howgood the AB is gonna work this year in Spain!!!!!!!!!




Well here is a picture of my blue velvet mother. She is doing better then I expected and is loving the AB Ferts I feed her. I have an Early Skunk mother out also that is about 2 thirds bigger then this one. Im expecting 2-3 pounds from each.........they still have a long ways to go before bud!!!!!!
The bin in the picture is one of them 1 foot tall rubbermaid containers!!!! :yoinks:

Blue Velet mom

Another shot


Active member
Hello Despie!

Yes, as canine and Mr. Smoke pointed out, I'm easier to find at UTG or you can find me at the new CW. I do check in here to read my PMs from time to time and I also post once in a while. When I take pics of my outdoor stuff, I will be posting much more here. It looks like you have a nice grow going on this year! Are the mighty mites from Breederbrad? If so, you are in luck...

The plants look nice, especially that blue velvet. That pic of the GG is fuzzy, but it looks like it might be budding already. Is it? Cool you made a GG x White Widow cross. Did you get any of them outside yet?

New Grower, Vision and I both post at the new C-W. I don't know if any of his strains are available anymore, however.
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Hey Greens Thanks for stopping by!

Im not exactly sure if the MM is from Breederbrad. The seeds came from a fellow grower. Yes the GG is already budding!!!! I cut about 25 clones off my GG mother and I ended up with 2 different phenos. One that Grows for about 3 weeks and then goes into bud, and one that vegs long and seems to be more "lanky".

When I started my GG moms from your seeds I had this one that grew for 2 weeks and got about a foot tall and then started flowering. AT the same time I had my white widows from seed going and I had this one super hardy male and since the GG was in bud and the light cyle was 18/6 I decided to cross them. I keep the light cycle as it was and the little girl produced about 250 HIGH quality seeds.

I germinated about 25 and I have them outside in those big rubbermaid containers you see in the picture. I call them White Gold and they have taken on the WW genetics alot more so far. The Leaves are thick and "crisp" just like the white widow. I will have pics of everything very soon!

I kept 4 GG seeds and thanks again for that crazy strian I love it
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Well I havent posted for a while but that doesent mean I havent seen the girls!!!!!! :joint:

I have been visting them once a week and feeding them the AB once a week as well. these pics are from a week ago. In this post I have pictures of a few more of my patchs. They seem to be loving the AB and they all appear to be super healthy. The mother plants have really kicked it up a notch these last few weeks and they clones have reached the point were they have tapped in and are gonna take off. Going to super crop everything in a few days!

Stay Safe

Early Girl about 3 feet tall. I super cropped her again

Early Skunk. I have noticed that they tend to be more short and stought still a hardy plant!

Here are some early girls which are located right beside a pond :yummy:

Here is the Bluevelvet mom she is doing really really well!

This is another early girl. they tend to grow extremly fast and sort of strech.

These are some Whitewidows that were put in a little late but are still very healthy

This is a bucket of the strain I made, White Gold with all the males pulled!

This is a bucket of Mighty mite and White gold. I am goign to super crop them this week and start tying them back.

This has to be my favorite one I have out there. She is my Early Skunk mother. the jug in the pic is a 11 litre jug you can buy at the grocery store.

These are super skunk. This strain has impressed me more then anything it is one of the hardest breeds I have ever grown.

Here is a mighty mite just chugging along

heres another one planted the same time but has started to go into bud!

last but not least is a patch of blue velvet!

all for now :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
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Well I went and saw the buckets last night. I have 4 males so far for sure. 2 white gold and 2 mightymite. I am going to keep the pollen and cross the migtymite and white gold with a blu velvet, any thoughts???

also Has anyone ever grown Early girl. If so could you show me a picture of it fully developed????
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Here are all the Gurrilla Golds I have. they are a very weird strain. I will bud for a week then stretch then bud for another week and strech. I think im gonna get a nice early harvest from these babys


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