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Deer and other pests???



What is the most effective way of keeping deer or other animals from eating my plants? What about other pests?(bugs) I am not going to be able to check on the plants but once every couple of weeks so I need something that is highly effective and doesn't require daily applications.

Thanks for the help


as babieas youll have rodent problems over deer.

use chickenwire fence to build dome type enclosures to keep out the larger animals..for the mice etc you're shit out of luch when it comes to the wilderness..

your best defense against deer is pissing in a circle around your plot each time you visit (btw you should aim for once per week to tend to your babies but hey less means better stealth..if you're good, and can get away with it.

go buy some deer repellent at the garden center/home depot and spray the surrounding foliage etc with it, not your plant.

plant chile pepper around your plot. This discourages every type of pest. no plant-pest-animal will go near it.

also, planting in areas with blueberries and much other lush growth, increases your plant's survival rate a bit too... gives the animals something to feed on, OTHER THAN YOUR MJ:canabis:

be well, hope it helps 8)


Active member
rodents.....cat shit out of a litter box....rodents hate cats.

deer.....human/dog hair, old stinky sweaty shirt hung in a near by tree, take a bar of soap and leave shavings all around...everytime it rains it will smell like soap which is unatural and deer hate that.



good tips, im usin that old shirt/gym towel ;) one man, good stuff.

the soap i have heard of too.

people who deal with unwelcomed wildlife going onto their property on a regular basis and are used to it have all sorts of tricks, unfortunately we never ever ever see deer over hurr..

edit: speaking of rodents, dogshit works too :p
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Captain Skunk

Active member
I have very few problems with deer, although my guerilla grows are situated along an establised deer trail.

In my experience I have found that planting in early spring, makes your MJ plant one of the few established sources for green vegitation, in many areas. Young fawns are curious and notorious for nibbling on young plants

After long cold winter, deer and rabbits, consider fresh young greens a smorgasbord!

This is the time your plants are at risk of being eaten, once the surrounding forage has established itself, those critters will eat the plants they are accustomed to eating.

A small cylinder of chicken fence will protect your youngsters early. Once they become mature plants, they are not the deer's prefered food source.

I have seen pictures of full grown plants, that were sampled and the leaves spit out, by deer and elk. Losing a few nibbles to large herbivores is an acceptable loss when growing with Mother Nature. Plant extra if you're worried about losing a few plants.

Soap, urine, and human scents are quickly accepted by deer that adapt quickly to thier habitat, or become ineffective after a summer shower.

No threat....No problem, they have been co-existing with us since the dawn of time.

Another thing to consider is, Our grow locations proximity to maximun sun exposure, makes our locations ideal spaces for bedding deer. A few dead branches, around your seedlings, will make it uncomfortable for them to lay down on top of your guerilla grow.

good luck
i have also heard that soap attracts rats. there is some subtance in it that they they love. has anybody tryed liquid fence? ive herd it works pretty good!


Active member
all good advice and lve heard lots about liquid fence helping to keep them at bay, but i always make sure my plants are 6 to 12 inches tall before going outside and usually theres already lots of stuff for the deer and other rodents to eat :D


Active member
Captain Skunk said:
I have very few problems with deer, although my guerilla grows are situated along an establised deer trail.

In my experience I have found that planting in early spring, makes your MJ plant one of the few established sources for green vegitation, in many areas. Young fawns are curious and notorious for nibbling on young plants

After long cold winter, deer and rabbits, consider fresh young greens a smorgasbord!

This is the time your plants are at risk of being eaten, once the surrounding forage has established itself, those critters will eat the plants they are accustomed to eating.

A small cylinder of chicken fence will protect your youngsters early. Once they become mature plants, they are not the deer's prefered food source.

I have seen pictures of full grown plants, that were sampled and the leaves spit out, by deer and elk. Losing a few nibbles to large herbivores is an acceptable loss when growing with Mother Nature. Plant extra if you're worried about losing a few plants.

Soap, urine, and human scents are quickly accepted by deer that adapt quickly to thier habitat, or become ineffective after a summer shower.

No threat....No problem, they have been co-existing with us since the dawn of time.

Another thing to consider is, Our grow locations proximity to maximun sun exposure, makes our locations ideal spaces for bedding deer. A few dead branches, around your seedlings, will make it uncomfortable for them to lay down on top of your guerilla grow.

good luck

nice post...a few things i disagree on though, when it rains it freshens the soap smell so it actually smells more...but yes deer will get used to that scent and not relate it to danger so you should switch brands after a week...human scent is never accepted by deer, maybe by your house or close to town where they expect people but anyone that hunts deer knows how scent elimination is criticle for success. the laying branches around your grow part is great advice, hunters use this tactic to force deer movement in their direction......as for the urine, many people won't believe this but all urine smells the same after it makes contact with air and dirt when it breaks down.....cat,dog,human,deer,raccoon,fox,coyote,cougar.....all urine smells the same after a couple hours....unless their is medication in the urine.

most of the time animals don't mess with the plants after they are about 12-18 inches but i've had budded plants eaten by deer too but tips and portion of branches....but that should be expected since we are growin in their house!! you'll never totally eliminate the animals when your in the great outdoors....but alot of methods sure help.



ICMag Donor
A 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off and shoved in the ground can offer good protection against slugs, and other animals biting off your seedlings. This of course can only be used if the seedlings are short enough when put out. Try to take off the bottle before they grow up through the hole. One of mine did last year and it was no big deal, it still lived.

Chicken wire is for sure a good idea, if you're worried about someone seeing it, spray paint it green. I would even put this up around the 2 liter bottle because raccoons get nosy and can knock over the bottles.
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I have two large dogs, one is very hairy. When I bring him to the groomer in the spring I always get a garbage bag of all kinds of dog hair. Spread this stuff libberally around the young plants, if it don't all blow away (which is nearly impossible) it will protect the little ones long enough to get established. I've only lost partial plants to deer. Rabbits on the otherhand will eat all the little babies. Over the years Iv'e also learned to wait till there is some green in the forest before planting.



Active member
you have to make the plants taste bad IMHO. deer in my area get used of any scent i have tried . hot pepper wax spray and liquid fence combo works great. any combination with hot sauce, garlic, onion,rotten eggs,dishsoap for sticker or similar seems to have some effectivness. i have used bird netting with limited success too.


I make A cyanne pepper spray with a big jar of cayanne from Sam's club and coffee filters, add some garlic and minced habanero peppers. Do'nt pray it on the plants though...can you just imagine what this might do to your lungs if smoked? OOOOoUUUCCCHHHH! Spraying surounding ferns and trees help. Mostly though it keeps the jap. beetles off the rose bushes and the deer out of the veg and fruit trees. I've also found that th 7MM works wonders on the deer, and they taste great. Just make sure you have a license.


i had a grow in newengland a few years ago that was ravaged by japansese beetles.as far as deer,drink alot of water a few hours before you tend to your plot,then let the deer repellent flow from your loins.lol. seriously tho, piss works great.

a deer finding a nice green mj plant=a human finding a sirloin steak and baked stuffed lobster in a field. deer are graceful,beautiful creatures,but i fucking hate them.in my old neighborhood,they wiped out all the arborvitae in the area.stripped them clean 7ft off the ground.


Hey Growit I say a Winchester 270 or 30-06.J/K

Go to your local hunting store and buy some predator piss I have heard it does work.



good Idea. The combined urine of Me, my dogs, and some canned predator should do alright.


Active member
deer dont like fox urine soap or anything human scented whether it be urine hair etc etc etc

slugs....they love beer...they will drown themselves in it


Growing up we used a fine black mesh netting over our strawberries to keep the critters out of the garden. As for deer and rabbits, I think this would work great, just wrap it around the plants. As the plants grow they might get a little tangled though.....I'll have to rethink this a little.

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