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Death Rooms



Hey all,

I was speaking with some folks regarding the final stages of life before harvest. They are true connoisseurs and go the extra mile for 100% organic smoke of the utmost quality.

They told me that they have been experimenting with death rooms where they would move the plants after their 8wk cycle or whatever is over and its normally time to harvest.

They would then place the plants in another room with a small fluorescent which maintained the 12/12 cycle. Watering would be cut off and they would let the plant literally die in its pot over the next 1-2 weeks - only then cutting the plant down and trimming it. They explained that it would go limp, then perk up, then limp again and so forth until it was dead.

Their rationale is that he plant will continue to cannibalize its self transferring all of the sugar left over in the leaves to the bud sites. The female plant would get more resinous/odorous in attempts to naturally attract bees/insects bringing pollen before its eventual death.

Makes sense to me.

I've always trimmed fresh for ease of trimming, but curious if I should change my methods. Their final product from their death room experiments was some of the dankest bud I've ever sampled.

So.. anyone else let their plants completely die (no water) in their pot for 1-2 weeks (after deemed "done")?

I've heard of letting them sit in the dark for 3 days before cutting them down. I've heard of hitting them with very cold water their final days....but this death room (1-2wks) is new to me.


Active member
I have done this. It works, but you would have to time it perfectly to get the trichomes the way you want. Otherwise everything would be amber.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Hey Groseph, this is very interesting. Have had it happen outside by accident before. I will have to try this indoors 1 day and see what kind of results I get in a controlled enviroment. I'm with RetroGro about the timing, thats the key right there. Always nice to see neat threads like this. Take care 1


Active member
interesting...so whats the idea behind the timing...i mean whe. would be the optimum time for the room of death?


You have to know how fast your plant is going to die, and how fast it is going to mature.

Start letting it die right at the beginning of your harvest window and take it to desired finish.


Cannabis 101
Very interesting, I've done this outdoors but not purposely the plants ended up harvesting themselves I thought it was mothers nature she knew when she was ready to go.


Active member
i call it the trim room. harvesting by myself takes a while so i have a room to put plants in so i can refill flower area immediately. cant say if it helps any but i aint complaining

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
With some plants I swear that you can detect an actual moment of death. Immediately after the plant will have a limper posture and the smell will change to a more musty rotten fruitish odor. The plant is visibly amber to the naked eye at this point. Seems by now you'd be losing THC but it might give you a head start on the cure.
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Speed of Dark
When trimming alone I pull the plant out of the budroom and take a week, sometimes two, trimming the plant in the tray. I never give them any light other than ambient while trimming. They get water when they are too soft to trim, and when the trimming is done the colas are hung and all the other buds die on the plant in the dark without water. They finish drying there also, clipped straight from the plant to the bowl.
I find the taste funky, but the sedative effects compared to the hung bud puts the sativa in line with the indica. I have not done this method with indica.

joe fresh

Active member
i dont know bout you guys but you ever let a plant die from no water???

if so then you would know the quality will be lacking big time, the buds will start to be on decomposition stages, and may even start to brown..or mold....

letting a plant die in the pot is a great way to ruin all the hard work you put in...

i speak from experience, i had a grow at another house and while trimming at my place i forgot to go water the other place thinking to myself whats the diff i plan to cut in a few days anyways...

crop got ruined...

you ever take a plant and put in pure darkness for a couple days?....same fucking effect...

nature knows best...its just a plant, what we do indoors is try to reproduce nature to the best without all the defects/imperfections in weather that outdoor growing gives us. this means whenever you hear someone tell you about some secret trick that gives them better product, think about nature, and if what they say goes against what happens in nature then you are just being fooled by a jester....

El Toker

I've tried keeping the lights on 24/0 for the last seven days, it seemed to increase yield and had absolutely no effect whatsoever on potency.

Dark periods have two effects on the cannabis plant, they cause the plant to stretch a little more than it would do under 24/0 and they initiate flowering. They have nothing to do with the manufacture of cannabinoids.

Starve your plant of light for a week and you'll just end up slowing down it's growth and metabolic processes and probably end up with something smaller and less potent than you would have done under a normal light cycle.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I suppose this comes down to whether in the last two weeks the plant is growing or ripening. Is any mass added to buds in the last two weeks other than foxtails?


Oh me too...

Oh me too...

I've tried keeping the lights on 24/0 for the last seven days, it seemed to increase yield and had absolutely no effect whatsoever on potency.

As part of my perpetual grow, sometimes the girls spend their last week or two back in vegg (18/6, MH). They don't revegg or herm, they do pound out the frost in a frenzy!! Ex. I harvest sours at 77, and leave the haze standing till 90, alongside the next crop in vegg.

But I'm retarded...


El Toker

I suppose this comes down to whether in the last two weeks the plant is growing or ripening. Is any mass added to buds in the last two weeks other than foxtails?

If you're doing it properly it is. Try harvest a plant and then revegging it, all those little air buds thicken up and five weeks later you have a revegged plant ready to flower a lots of nice potent buds to tide you over until the next harvest.

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