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Deadly Drug Kills Average of Six Per Day


"By the end of today, an average of six people will have died from alcohol poisoning, and it's a "surprising group" that's dying more than any other, according to new research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That adds up to an average of 2,221 people in the United States -- a conservative estimate, according to the CDC — dying annually, making it one of the leading preventable causes of death. The numbers come from death certificate data collected from 2010 to 2012.

Alcohol poisoning is when a person consumes a toxic amount of alcohol, usually after a binge of drinking."


Anyone who has smoked ganja and also drinks alcohol knows that alcohol is much harder on your body and mind than is the holy herb.

These figures are only for people dying from drinking too much at one time, but we all know that drinking and driving kills many more people and societal problems such as domestic violence almost always involve drinking alcohol by one or both of the parties.

How our society can praise and encourage drinking while harshly punishing the use of the much more benign cannabis is just stupid and crazy. Fifty years from now, once cannabis has been legal for many years, people will wonder how we could have been so irrational. Unfortunately, mass irrational thinking is not unusual even in this so called enlightened age.


Anyone who has smoked ganja and also drinks alcohol knows that alcohol is much harder on your body and mind than is the holy herb.

These figures are only for people dying from drinking too much at one time, but we all know that drinking and driving kills many more people and societal problems such as domestic violence almost always involve drinking alcohol by one or both of the parties.

Very well said Sir, i can only agree with your opinion!


Active member
Alcohol is also a major cause of cancer and heart disease, not to mention brain damage and cirrhosis of the liver. Many, many millions die from these causes, as opposed to acute alcohol poisoning.


cant re Member
the odd drink now and again is great. but I think as with most things in life, if you go over the top then you are inviting problems into your life. all good in moderation. same with weed..


Alcohol is also a major cause of cancer and heart disease, not to mention brain damage and cirrhosis of the liver. Many, many millions die from these causes, as opposed to acute alcohol poisoning.

Good point! My grandfather never drank but after his second wife died, he started drinking a fifth of vodka a day. Eventually he died from cirrhosis of the liver. A buddy of mine has Hep C and drinking alcohol is causing damage to his liver that could require a liver transplant or cause liver cancer.

I drink, a little, but the hangovers that I get when I do drink too much are a bitch. I remember when I was young and went to work after drinking far too much the night before. I was at work but I was in such a state that I was far more dangerous to myself and my fellow workers than I would have been had I smoked a joint a week previously, but the plants that I work at will test you for smoking pot but there is no test for working while hungover.


the odd drink now and again is great. but I think as with most things in life, if you go over the top then you are inviting problems into your life. all good in moderation. same with weed..

Moderation in all things, SU, that is a true. A beer with dinner or a glass of wine in the evening is all good. But with alcohol, if you have more than one or two drinks, your judgement is impaired to the point that you forget that you should only drink in moderation. Instead, you want to PARTY! There is a reason that drunks are shown wearing a lampshade on their head while having a great time and people high on cannabis are not.

Also, if you over indulge in alcohol, you can die or at least get a hangover that makes you wish you were dead. If you over indulge in cannabis, you might sleep in a little longer or be groggy until you can get a cup of coffee, but you do not feel like you have survived being poisoned.

I am not saying to outlaw alcohol, I am just saying that people who drink alcohol should not throw stones at people who smoke pot because they live in a glass house.


Active member
A buddy of mine has Hep C and drinking alcohol is causing damage to his liver that could require a liver transplant or cause liver cancer.

He better get it together soon. My best friend recently died from complications after a liver transplant, which was necessitated by cirrhosis, followed by liver cancer. He waited for a year to get his transplant. During that time, he was tested constantly, and no alcohol or Cannabis allowed, or you are removed from the list of liver recipient. After getting his transplant, i spoke to him on the phone, and he told me he got his liver and he would be out of the hospital in a "few days". I never spoke to him again. He spent the next year plus in the hospital getting one infection after another, as the anti-rejection drugs make you susceptible to infections. His kidneys went, and they were keeping him alive by machine, while running up incredible bills. Finally, after a year plus, his wife, who initially thought he would be O.K. as per the doctors, she made the decision to disconnect him. So he spent the last two plus years of his life in the hospital, thinking that he would be O.K., but instead just enduring incredible suffering. All for a drink. Alcohol is poison.


He better get it together soon. My best friend recently died from complications after a liver transplant, which was necessitated by cirrhosis, followed by liver cancer. He waited for a year to get his transplant. During that time, he was tested constantly, and no alcohol or Cannabis allowed, or you are removed from the list of liver recipient. After getting his transplant, i spoke to him on the phone, and he told me he got his liver and he would be out of the hospital in a "few days". I never spoke to him again. He spent the next year plus in the hospital getting one infection after another, as the anti-rejection drugs make you susceptible to infections. His kidneys went, and they were keeping him alive by machine, while running up incredible bills. Finally, after a year plus, his wife, who initially thought he would be O.K. as per the doctors, she made the decision to disconnect him. So he spent the last two plus years of his life in the hospital, thinking that he would be O.K., but instead just enduring incredible suffering. All for a drink. Alcohol is poison.

That sound rough. My buddy is still doing OK. He has not been drinking much for many years now, but he does still smoke ganja. He is just about to start treatment with the new drug, Harvoni, that is supposed to have over a 90% cure rate and will only have to take one pill a day with only minimum side effects.