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DEA is still at it-- 5 Raids in LA today--


Active member
Hey thanks bro for understanding, yeah I really am not a troll for sure. I am sincere. I think we all believe in the same thing, I just have a different angle that I want to share. I am passionate about cannabis, that's all. :respect::bongsmi::smile:
What is K+? THat rep? Weird that you can't see who reps you here. Oh well. Thanks for that K+.
And hey, if I do ever offend anyone, please that is not my intent. I am just trying to share ideas, give some and take some. Nothing more. You WILL KNOW if I am trying to offend you personally!:laughing:

K+ is "good Karma". If you want to see who repped you, click "User Menu" up on the top tool bar then click "User Control Panel".



K+ is "good Karma". If you want to see who repped you, click "User Menu" up on the top tool bar then click "User Control Panel".


Yeah no, I am still a newb, maybe after I clear that threshold. It just says the rep, date, and thread, that's it, doesn't say who left it. Weird huh? Just the way it is I guess. No worries here.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Freedom - While I agree with most of your post one part struck me as interesting. You dont see a difference in the way the two campaigns have addressed the rights of "all" and the politicos blatent attempts to circumvent the will of the people of the state? I dont want to screw up this thread so I will try to keep this on track. Most MMJ legislation/Orgs that I read about and follow doesn't address the entire MJ society and issues at large(MMJ, recreational, age limits, how high is too high, etc) and the basic need/want of the "entire" society to be free of criminal reprimand for needing/enjoying their herb. They overwhelmingly voted to make it accessible for MMJ pts on the state level and created a new bureaucracy of doctors, lawyers, experts but no real addressing of the whole issue. Now that it has been approved would you say the vast majority of users under the law have real medical needs or have they simply circumvented the rules to make their lives easier?


Active member
Freedom - While I agree with most of your post one part struck me as interesting. You dont see a difference in the way the two campaigns have addressed the rights of "all" and the politicos blatent attempts to circumvent the will of the people of the state?

I see differences, lots of them actually and these are two different issues with lots of differing varibles between them. Its like comparing apples and pizza...

Now that it has been approved would you say the vast majority of users under the law have real medical needs or have they simply circumvented the rules to make their lives easier?

The author of prop 215 believes that All cannabis use is medicinal. The law was written pretty vaguely to allow for anyone in the state to get a doctors note to use it. The medical marijuana laws are now the rules and if a person can goto the doctor and get a note and be legal they have circiumvented nothing.


Freedom - While I agree with most of your post one part struck me as interesting. You dont see a difference in the way the two campaigns have addressed the rights of "all" and the politicos blatent attempts to circumvent the will of the people of the state? I dont want to screw up this thread so I will try to keep this on track. Most MMJ legislation/Orgs that I read about and follow doesn't address the entire MJ society and issues at large(MMJ, recreational, age limits, how high is too high, etc) and the basic need/want of the "entire" society to be free of criminal reprimand for needing/enjoying their herb. They overwhelmingly voted to make it accessible for MMJ pts on the state level and created a new bureaucracy of doctors, lawyers, experts but no real addressing of the whole issue. Now that it has been approved would you say the vast majority of users under the law have real medical needs or have they simply circumvented the rules to make their lives easier?

I really believe, that anyone can find a medical reason to justify use if they choose to, it really comes down to the severity of the need. Whose to say one person needs it more than another, because of the severity of the medical conditions for which they use cannabis. Then you get to the literal, legal definition, and how it is written into law.
Since it has been approved, as the law is written today in California, technically you could say that everyone is a medical user. Even those that believe they are circumventing the law, if you believe that even recreational use is really medical use. (I am not saying that I believe that, but that idea has been thrown out there in this thread, and it is debatable,) then they too are medical users. One could argue. Personally, I believe that there will always be some people that will try to abuse any rules, no matter what they are in regard to . That's just human nature. I am sure that plenty of people stomp all over the gray area. And honestly I don't blame anyone at all for doing what they have to do to be as safe as possible.
I just can't support any cannabis legislation that in the end would have ANY AMERICAN that uses cannabis punished for it. Great I can use cannabis for medical reasons, what if my son grows up, is perfectly healthy, and is prosecuted for some cannabis possesion/use, just because he happens to not have a medical need. Doesn't seem fair to me. It is just as harmless for him as it is for me or you. Why would we punish ANYONE, or stand by and accept it just for using or having cannabis, medical condition or not. It's unjust to everyone.


I see differences, lots of them actually and these are two different issues with lots of differing varibles between them. Its like comparing apples and pizza...

The author of prop 215 believes that All cannabis use is medicinal. The law was written pretty vaguely to allow for anyone in the state to get a doctors note to use it. The medical marijuana laws are now the rules and if a person can goto the doctor and get a note and be legal they have circiumvented nothing.

I know for a fact that DEA agents have obtained and used MMJ recs from doctors, and have gone into clinics and purchased cannabis. I know this for a fact, it happened in Corona CA in 2007. I am sure it happens lots.
I don't know what my point is here, just throwing that out there. Unintended consequences I guess.


The author of prop 215 believes that All cannabis use is medicinal. The law was written pretty vaguely to allow for anyone in the state to get a doctors note to use it. The medical marijuana laws are now the rules and if a person can goto the doctor and get a note and be legal they have circiumvented nothing.

YOu are absolutely right here. Many folks don't realize this. Or don't understand what it really means.

The Bling

I know for a fact that DEA agents have obtained and used MMJ recs from doctors, and have gone into clinics and purchased cannabis. I know this for a fact, it happened in Corona CA in 2007. I am sure it happens lots.
I don't know what my point is here, just throwing that out there. Unintended consequences I guess.
eh hem not only do they come in and by but here are a few stories from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend x 10 ^ 27th lol

so this friend was at a club it was around 7 pm the day after ADHC was raided a young man (late 20s) comes in to the store he gives the receptionist his rec, and she calls the doctor my friend is standing near the door watching. While the owner and receptionist both take a look at the rec the receptionist can not reach the doctor. So the young man starts talking about how hes been on the road all day from mendo on his motorcycle and how he was vending he pulled out a large pop open disp bottle and put it on the counter and said could you just check it out. Well my friend has a good nose for liars and didn't like the look of the guy and when the owner walked in back to look at the bud under the light and magnifying glass my friend asked him not to let the young man in while he was there. the owner handed my friend the bottle he looked at the herb and recognized it which is to say this can be a small world he knew the grower knew the sack the owner asked the young man to leave hoping he would understand why they couldn't return the sample as he was not a verified patient. The reall tipoff is he wanted 3800 for some GH notkush was from mendo and had 8 those numbers look off to anyone who knows.

also recently at a party I ran into some asshole who claimed to work for the DEA he was plastered drunk and was going on about how they were all just ex-tweekers/tweekers who got spun and jacked people:wallbash:


I am for anyone using cannabis that chooses to for any reason, as long as they are a legal adult. Medical or otherwise. If someone gets some kind of relief for whatever, then good for them. They are not any more entitled to it than the guy that goes home and wants to burn a bowl and relax. They are just "victims" and a false front for people that are basically dishonest to pursue cannabis use acceptance.
If you support making special laws to allow special people only to use cannabis, you are excluding and discriminating against the huge vast majority of people that actually use cannabis, therefore you will never become "mainstream", you are excluding 90% of the folks that you need to support you. If you get away from MMJ for 1 second, realize that full legalization would make cannabis available to everyone at a lower cost, that would be best for MMJ users. What california has done is taking 1 step forward, and 10 back.
Fuck me, I need a joint.

You're just jealous because you live in Idaho or something. If anyone can get a reccomendation for stress or anxiety or whatever, what's the difference from a Xanax prescription?


Active member
Challenging the drug classification (the basis for its control) was thought to be the most reasonable and direct way to get what we all wanted. Dont change the law, just reclassify it. Seemed so simple a couple of decades ago.

At one point, Obama stated that research and science dictate the current drug policies. He is clearly misinformed by bad science and research (which maintain MJ class 2 status).

When this didn't work (proving low addiction risk and limmited adverse psych and phys with valid science), Lawyers started attacking the "no medical use" portion only thinking it would clear the way for re-class. After all, proving positive efficacy in one situation would be easier then disproving a ton of contraindications.

Well sir. Here we are.

Bless you all for hanging in there and fighting for what you believe in no matter what theatre of ops they put befor us.



bbing said:
Bless you all for hanging in there and fighting for what you believe in no matter what theatre of ops they put befor us.

"you must spread Reputaion around before giving it to bbing again"

Indica Jones

Active member
DEA has shown their true colors with the crash and grab strategy. Like someone mentioned before...'Pirates, plain and simple'. No difference between them and the hold up guy, except a tin badge.


You're just jealous because you live in Idaho or something. If anyone can get a reccomendation for stress or anxiety or whatever, what's the difference from a Xanax prescription?

I did not know that cannabis affected reading and comprehension skills?:moon:
I am not sure how/what exactly I am jealous of? Not really following ya there, or how it is related to Idaho? But yeah.
As for your question, "what the difference from a Xanax prescription?"
You may need to clarify that.
Or maybe read the whole thread first next time or have someone that knows how to read and is honest, read it to you instead of the other guy that apparently (doesn't like you very much) that just made up something off the top of his head when he reading the thread to you this first time. I dunno?

Lemme try your question.
1. A xanaz prescription is legal..
2. A cannabis "prescription" is illegal, a "prescription" has not been mentioned once in this conversation with regard to cannabis, and actually has nothing to do with doctors RECOMENDATIONS, which are legal.
I guess that is a difference between the two.
So what is the difference, um...
To steal something shamelessly from GS, apples and pizzas bud.

I am guessing that you think I am so cool, that you wished I lived in Idaho, with you! LOL

No the truth is I have been involved intimately with MMJ, from the patient aspect, to vendors, to the dispensary, to a real up close and personal experience with the raid. So I believe I have gone through the entire "life cycle" of someone involved with MMJ LOL!

And all this while in good ol' Idaho LOL! Although Riverside County, and even more so farther down south probably aren't very far off.:2cents: A piece of paper kind of seperates the 2, that's about it though. Stress the "kinda".:abduct:


the 909 & 951 are just as bad as the 208.....

LOL, IDK if I didn't read enough, but it looked like the area code 208 is for the ENTIRE state! Nutty! Tell me you didn't just know that off the top of your head some how! If so....wow. You sir, may in fact know too much!:yoinks:


LOL, IDK if I didn't read enough, but it looked like the area code 208 is for the ENTIRE state! Nutty! Tell me you didn't just know that off the top of your head some how! If so....wow. You sir, may in fact know too much!:yoinks:

area codes... numbers of all types I am really good with... spent a lot of time in marketing before I quit to refocus my energies.

yeah I donlt think idaho has more than 1 area code. isn't there like 2 cities.... boise & cour d 'lene?

just kidding idaho I know there are 3...