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DC's reaction to COngressional bullying


This information was distributed today indicating that DC is moving forward with the voters' decision despite Congressional actions. It's heartening that the local government does not intend to be bullied by Congress.

December 12, 2014

Upholding Initiative 71

In the past few days, it has been widely reported that Congress has effectively overturned the initiative overwhelmingly endorsed by D.C. voters legalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana.

We think these reports are inaccurate. We also think supporters of D.C. democracy should take heart that there are good options available to District leaders for upholding the initiative.

To understand why this is so, it is important to carefully read the language of the bill passed by the House of Representatives. What it says is: "None of the funds contained in this Act may be used to enact any law, rule, or regulation to legalize or otherwise reduce penalties associated with the possession, use, or distribution" of marijuana.

There are two reasons why this language does not overturn the initiative.

First, as Congresswoman Norton has pointed out, this language restricts the District only from enacting any law, rule, or regulation legalizing marijuana. And as she has also pointed out, through the adoption of Initiative 71, the District has already enacted the law legalizing possession. All that remains to be done is to send that initiative to Congress for its 60-day review. It is true that Congress might attempt to overturn the initiative during those 60 days; but the point now is that the current language does not do that.

Second, even if a majority of Congress might disagree with this reading of the language, there is a second reason why that language does not overturn the initiative.

It is this: the bill being passed now by Congress is an appropriations bill. As a result, the language in that bill does not overturn the District's initiative; all it does is provide that "None of the funds contained in this Act may be used to enact any law, rule, or regulation" legalizing marijuana possession. The funds in the Act are those being made available to the District for fiscal year 2015. Provided the District uses none of those FY15 funds to pay for any activities regarding Initiative 71, the District can proceed with those activities.

And there is an easy way to do that: the District could simply use its reserve funds from prior years to pay for any further steps related to Initiative 71, rather than using any funds from the FY15 appropriation.

This is exactly what the District did last year during the federal shutdown when no funds were available to the District from the FY14 appropriation. As DC Appleseed recommended, the District used its reserve funds to keep the District government open, even though the federal government shut down. Significantly, then-Attorney General Irv Nathan confirmed the permissibility of this step in a legal opinion. And equally significant, Congress did not object to the District taking this step. That same step could be taken now with regard to Initiative 71.

In summary, D.C. officials have good options available for upholding democracy and the will of the people here in the District. It is way too soon to give up this fight.


Walter Smith
Executive Director
DC Appleseed


ICMag Donor
Washington DC... IS THE US!!!
They can't legalize anything without overturning the current laws & Congress has no rules about how they opperate their city (DC).

Washington DC... IS NOT A STATE!
Therefore, DC does not have the same rights as the 50 States of the Union. They are 110% under the supposed omnipotent authority of Congress.


ICMag Donor
Constitution of the United States of America said:
Article 1, Section 8,
The Congress shall have the power to:
Clause 17,
To exercise,exclusive power in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cesatiin of particular States, and to excercise like authority over all places purchased by consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be,...

You can see from this clause that Congress has exclusive authority over all federal property... "in all cases whatsoever".


ICMag Donor
Constitution of the United States of America said:
Article 4, Section 4,
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence.

I've never seen the word "democracy" mentioned anywhere in the Constitutiin. ;)


I love my life
You can see from this clause that Congress has exclusive authority over all federal property... "in all cases whatsoever".

Uh, the congressional police do not patrol the streets of DC. DC Metropolitan Police I think. Well when the city counsel says there are no laws against cannabis possession, and the police chief says there are no laws against possession, then the people have overturned an immoral law and replace it with freedom.

No need for you or congress to recognize it or care.

Cannabis is legal in the District of Columbia. How about all the flights from Denver and Portland to Washington National need to be filled with passengers bringing home there one ounce or less!!!



Active member
Heh. Prohibitionists are so screwed. If DC really pushes the issue, we'll have cannabis shops in the Capital of a nation where cannabis is illegal & there will be nobody to bust 'em.

If that won't motivate Congress to act, we really do live in Glenbeckistan.


Active member
You can see from this clause that Congress has exclusive authority over all federal property... "in all cases whatsoever".

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"not exceeding ten miles square[/FONT]

I trust you see the problem using what was taken directly (copied and pasted) from the article of the constitution YOU quoted as giving the feds the power over DC


Active member
ICMag Donor
Cannabis is legal in the District of Columbia. How about all the flights from Denver and Portland to Washington National need to be filled with passengers bringing home there one ounce or less!!!

Is that legal? It should be, obviously. I thought you could still get busted bringing weed on a flight, even between legal states. Which was why I was planning on road trips for my next few vacations.


The quicker more local governments say fuck off to congress and the rest of the federal government the better. This is something that has nothing to do with them as others have said. Best thing that could happen to this country is for the federal government to be shutdown, and I know it's not all that has to change but it is a start.


I love my life
Is that legal? It should be, obviously. I thought you could still get busted bringing weed on a flight, even between legal states. Which was why I was planning on road trips for my next few vacations.

TSA allows med patients to fly with cannabis to any location. TSA turns over non medic cannabis possessors to local authorities.

If cannabis is legal in both locations there is NO CRIME locally. Let the DEA start making small possession busts in airports in legal states!!!! Feds said they would leave legal state activities alone!!!!!!

So flying cannabis between legal locations is not an issue for the feds as it is completely state legal.

Air Drop DC, sounds like a good thing to do around cherry blossom time.



if it smells like fish
sounds good in theory but I don't want to be a test case....yeehaw...I drive...planes are federal and under fed law its still illegal....I wont be that sucker ...yeehaw


ICMag Donor
the people have spoken this is a democracy. what the people want trumps whatever the fuck congress wants.

Actually, it's a democratic republic...and the representatives are under no legal obligation to follow the majority rule of the district they represent. They are elected and as such we have placed in them the trust to use their best judgement...

They are perfectly within the rule of law to ignore the will of the people...and the only recourse we have is to not elect them again to represent us.

The United State is NOT a democracy. The sooner people really grasp that the better.



I love my life
sounds good in theory but I don't want to be a test case....yeehaw...I drive...planes are federal and under fed law its still illegal....I wont be that sucker ...yeehaw

You can't be that sucker, they have been allowing it in the open for years. It is TSA policy to allow med card holders to fly with cannabis.

It is going to be hard for them to start arresting people now, after they have let the policy work for years without any harm to the flying public ;)



Actually, it's a democratic republic...and the representatives are under no legal obligation to follow the majority rule of the district they represent. They are elected and as such we have placed in them the trust to use their best judgement...

They are perfectly within the rule of law to ignore the will of the people...and the only recourse we have is to not elect them again to represent us.

The United State is NOT a democracy. The sooner people really grasp that the better.

Sad but true.
There's no reason to get too melancholy however. The 2nd amendment is rock solid. Even here in CA, a rabid Blue state, I have zero issues making my usual few purchases a year along with ammo..
Barry got slapped down about a year ago,Piers Morgan got booted back to UK television :redface: , and Bloombergs latest project" Everytown for Gun Safety," is laughably getting trounced despite his injection of 50 million into the campaign.
The glass is half full.