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DC seed share March 26 & 28


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ICMag Donor
Since Ballot Initiative 71 passed last November, the DC Cannabis Campaign has received many requests for cannabis seeds. We’ve said all along, “ask a friend, they might have some seeds to give you.” Still, we know that not everyone has friends who have seeds available to share.

To address this need, on the 1-month anniversary of Ballot Initiative 71 becoming law, the DC Cannabis Campaign is organizing two seed shares to facilitate personal home cultivation of cannabis permitted under the new law. This will be DC residents’ opportunity to share seeds with other adults and start down the path of legally growing your own cannabis in the safety and privacy of your home.

The first seed share will take place at Libertine, an absinthe bar in the Adams Morgan neighborhood from 5:30pm to 8:00pm on Thursday, March 26 and the second seed share will take place a few days later on Saturday, March 28 from 4:20pm to 7:00pm at the DC Cannabis Campaign Headquarters.

WHO: Cannabis Seed Sharers and Seed Seekers
WHAT: Spring Seed Share
WHERE: Libertine, 2435 18th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 and DC Cannabis Campaign Headquarters, 2448 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008
WHEN: 5:30pm to 8:00pm, Thursday, March 26, 2015 @ Libertine
4:20pm to 7:00pm, Saturday, March 28, 2015 @ DC Cannabis Campaign Headquarters
WHY: To provide DC residents with the seeds to legally grow cannabis at home

RSVP at this link here

1) No money may exchange hands while sharing seeds. This is a seed share, not seed sale! The law allows the gift of up to one ounce of cannabis, but not sales, trades, or any type of service in exchange for the cannabis. If we see money changing hands, you will be asked to leave. The only place money should be visible is when you buy something at Libertine’s bar. IMPORTANT: buying someone food or drink in exchange for cannabis is illegal!

2) Do not carry more than 2 ounces at anytime. The law allows you to carry no more than 2 ounces of cannabis (including seeds) outside your home. Do not leave the seed share with more than 2 ounces cannabis (including seeds) or you risk being arrested on your way home. If we see you with more than 2 ounces of cannabis (including seeds), you will be asked to leave.

3) Do not give away more than 1 ounce of seeds to any one person. The law allows a maximum gift of 1 ounce between adults. So if you showed up with 2 ounces of seeds, you could give 1 ounce to one person and 1 ounce to another person, or you can be truly generous and give a couple seeds to every person who attends the seed share. But under no circumstances, should anyone be giving away more than 1 ounce at any time.

4) All sharing must be between two adults aged 21 and older. You MUST bring your government issued ID. No exceptions. While we will accept out-of-state IDs, these events are intended for DC residents only.

5) Cannabis seeds must be in your possession at all times. You can bring a container to hold your bagged seeds, but you must stay with your seeds at all times and give them away to other adults. Unattended cannabis seeds may be given away.

6) The DC Cannabis Campaign will not share seeds. Rather each adult will share their seeds with another adult. There won’t be a seed donation jar because someone would need to be responsible for the jar being under 2 ounces at all times.

7) Be patient. We are instituting a maximum of 80 people inside the venues and as people leave, more people will be able to come inside to share their seeds. The law does not prevent adults from sharing seeds in public, so get to know others in the line.

8) Respect the venues. Having a lot of people inside to share seeds can result in damage to the venues. Please treat the venues as you would treat your own home. The seed shares are taking place on private property and the owners are being generous by allowing the seed shares to take place. Disruptive guests will be asked to leave.

9) No consuming of cannabis. No smoking or vaping is allowed. We ask that you go home or to a friend’s house to consume your cannabis. If you are found to be smoking or vaping cannabis, you will be asked to leave the premises.

Have cannabis seeds but not sure what strain the seed is? We expect many people to bring random cannabis seeds they’ve collected over the years to share with other adults. These seeds may still be viable, and more importantly, they can provide a first-time grower the opportunity to grow cannabis at home. Many people might write off these “unknown” seeds as worthless, but for someone who’s never grown cannabis before, they can help immensely. We suggest bagging these seeds up before you arrive and write the words “Unknown” on a piece of paper inside the bag or on the outside of the bag itself.

Have seeds AND you know what strain they are? You’re a cannabis superstar! Many growers would like to know the strain they are growing and your “known” seeds could be very helpful to many novice growers. We suggest bagging these up before you arrive and include the name of the strain on a piece of paper inside the bag or on the outside of the bag itself. We also suggest putting 6 or fewer “known” seeds in each bag in order to ensure as many people as possible have access to your seeds.

Don’t have any cannabis seeds at all? Please bring baggies or containers to put your newly-obtained seeds in. We also suggest bringing a pencil & paper to write down the names of different strains you obtain at the seed share. You may end up with a couple random seeds or you might end up with multiple different types of strains; it all depends on who shows up. Lastly, if you do not plan growing cannabis, we politely ask you to not come to these seed shares. We want the seeds that are shared to go to folks who want to grow this year.

What about clones? Clones are cuttings of live cannabis plants. Clones are popular among growers because the sex of the plant is known and the strain of the plant is also known. Unfortunately, Ballot Initiative 71 does not permit the sharing of clones. Therefore, the only way to legally create clones is to grow a plant from seed and make clones of that plant inside of your home. If you bring a clone to the seed share, you will be asked to leave.

The Seed Shares will take place on the evenings of Thursday, March 26 and Saturday, March 28. We ask those with seeds to share to arrive 15 minutes early (5:15pm on Thursday & 4:05pm on Saturday).

We ask that everyone take a few minutes to re-read Ballot Initiative 71 so you know and can comply with the law.

These seed shares will be the campaign’s last public events. We anticipate winding down the campaign committee once the campaign’s debts have been paid off. In accordance with rule #1 (no money exchange), the campaign will not be taking any donations during the seed share, but you can still donate to the campaign on our website or by check.

We look forward to sharing seeds with you! Please RSVP!

Source: DCMJ.org


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
In the history of mankind, there has never been a better opportunity to meet girls at a bar... than March 26, 2015 in DC.

Seed Share Update

The first Spring Seed Share is one week away.

There are now over 850 people who have RSVPed for the shares! More sharers are needed!

If you haven't yet, please RSVP.

There are approximately 40 people who say they are going to share some of their seeds. This means that there will be some seeds to share, but don't expect to come away from the seed shares with tons of seeds. We hope everyone can get at least 6 seeds so they can properly start their indoor garden.

Moreover, the large number of RSVPs also means that there will likely be a wait to get inside the seed shares. Please be extra patient and get to know others in line with you. The media has contacted the campaign and there will likely be TV cameras outside on the sidewalk. If you don't want to be filmed, please politely ask them not to film you.

We have also been asked if we are going to allow companies & organizations to setup displays at the seed shares. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we cannot allow any type of displays. Seed sharers will be allotted an equal amount of space, which we anticipate to be about the size of your lap. When seated at a chair or in front of a table, seed seekers will be able to walk by and obtain your gift of seeds.

In April, the DC Cannabis Campaign will have to formally close due to DC Campaign Finance rules, so please donate before it's too late!

DC Cannabis Campaign

Please click here to RSVP so we know how many seed sharers & seed seekers to expect.
WHO: Cannabis Seed Sharers and Seed Seekers
WHAT: Spring Seed Share
WHERE: Libertine, 2435 18th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
and DC Cannabis Campaign Headquarters, 2448 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008
WHEN: 5:30pm to 8:00pm, Thursday, March 26, 2015 @ Libertine
4:20pm to 7:00pm, Saturday, March 28, 2015 @ DC Cannabis Campaign Headquarters
WHY: To provide DC residents with the seeds to legally grow cannabis at home


ICMag Donor
Would love to donate to the cause!

I've got just under 500 mix packs of seeds to give away but it's a 3 day drive to DC for me so it can't happen.

Any ideas how I might get some beans that way?


ICMag Donor
Tracking says donation was successful.

Good peoples of the District...

Mix packs consisted mainly of Pot of Gold x White Russian. Roughly 30-40%.

Also included a few packs of Blue Moonshine.
I was a seed sharer at this event tonight (bounced early due to my supply of seeds running out) and I just wanted to share my experience.

I have to say, the turn out was INCREDIBLE. When I left at 6:30, approximately 1 hour into the event, the line was all the way down the street, down the alley, turned down the street on the OTHER side of the alley and had gotten about half way to 18th street. I was blown away by the turn out. I dropped some seeds off to some youngins at the end of the line, thinking they might not make it in ...

The people in side asking for seeds were from all walks of life. Old, young, black, white, smelly, clean :)laughing:). It was such a great diversity. The seed sharers that I interacted with were incredibly generous as well. Some of them had thousands of seeds they were giving away. I didn't see a lot of crazy strains, but one guy came in with a huge bag of single seeds all from the UK - white widow, himalyan gold, SSH, etc. And just plopped them on our laps and said "hand these out." Haha.

The crew running the show was struggling to keep things moving, partly due to all the questions asked, but partly due to certain seed sharers offering a LOT of advice. Obviously, just trying to spread the good love, but it needed to keep moving.

One main thing I wanted to point out was that 90% of the people there were first time newbies. Lots of questions, lots of scribbling down notes, lots of "is this sativa or indica?" All great stuff. I just hope that many of these seeds go to good use and don't just get dumped in the ground. I tried to point as many people as possible to boards such as these. We tried to educate people QUICKLY about what is necessary to grow good weed, but who knows.

Anyways, just my :2cents: on the whole thing. A wonderful day for the cannabis movement!

Edit: I wanted to add one last thing: something I found sort of funny was the number of people to come up and say "Hey, do you have any OG Kush? Do you have any ____ Kush? Do you know where I can get the original NYC Diesel?" and I thought to myself: "OK, you are a first time grower, and you are up in here asking for top strains that some people hold in their stables for YEARS and never share. You are looking for genetics that in terms of seeds can be $20-30/seed, and yet, you think you will find them at a FREE give away? Oh boy." Just a funny moment in my eyes. Not recognizing the insane amount of work and experience goes into growing some of the best herb in the world. Think it just grows on trees ... well, i suppose it does, but, you get my point.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor

D.C. hosts nation’s biggest legal marijuana giveaway

By Aaron C. Davis and Perry Stein March 26 at 8:42 PM

The District witnessed a massive, public drug deal Thursday — and for those involved, it was quite a bargain.

With D.C. police officers looking on, hundreds of city residents lined up and then walked away from an Adams Morgan
restaurant carrying baggies containing marijuana seeds.

Taking advantage of a ballot measure approved last fall by voters that legalized possession of the plant, the
unprecedented giveaway scattered what organizers said were thousands of pot seeds to cultivate in homes and
apartments across the nation’s capital.

Depending on how many D.C. residents have green thumbs, a homegrown crop of pot could be ready for legal
consumption by late summer.

The District is unique among the handful of jurisdictions that have legalized pot for recreational use; under a
prohibition by Congress, buying and selling marijuana remains against the law. That made Thursday’s giveaway — and
not the opening of stores for legal sales, as has happened in Colorado and Washington state — the highest*profile
event to date marking the reality of legalization.

The line for the marijuana “seed share” at the Libertine bar and restaurant snaked around 18th Street NW almost all
the way to Champlain Street. It included people of many ages and ethnic backgrounds and from all corners of the city.

Close to 8 p.m., it also featured a pouring rain.
Wendell Myers didn’t want to to stand at the back of a line hundreds of people long, but he had no choice. He wanted
marijuana seeds, and this was the only place he could legally snag some.
“If I could buy it, I wouldn’t need the seeds,” said Myers, 53, who lives in Petworth. “I can’t grow anything. But it’s a
weed. I know I’ve already been able to grow those in my back yard.”

Thanks to Congress, the District has no ability to track the seeds dispersed Thursday. That could feed a “gray market”
for bartering and other attempts to profit off legalization.

In Colorado, every seedling raised for the commercial sale of pot is tracked with a 24*digit radio*frequency
identification tag. Sales are heavily taxed by the state, with the money going mostly to education. In the District,
thousands of plants could soon begin growing with no such oversight or benefit to the city.
But proponents of the ballot measure say that a crop from amateur growers could increase supply and reduce the
market for illegal street sales.

In November, 70 percent of voters approved Initiative 71 to legalize marijuana. It takes effect
Thursday, Feb. 26. The initiative passed in every precinct except one, where it failed by only nine

The giveaway attracted no protest and little attention from official Washington. D.C. police spokeswoman Gwendolyn
Crump offered a short comment went asked about the event: “Seed sharing is not prohibited.”
Home growing was intended by the ballot measure, known as Initiative 71, which voters approved in November. The
measure allowed for owning, growing, sharing and smoking (out of public view) marijuana. Each resident in the

District is allowed to cultivate six seedlings and up to three mature plants. The limit per household is 12 plants.

Growing pot in publicly subsidized housing complexes remains illegal in the city under federal law.
“Home growth is what 70 percent of voters approved,” said Adam Eidinger, head of the seed giveaway’s sponsor, D.C. Cannabis Campaign.

Near the entrance to Libertine, Eidinger was the marijuana maestro Thursday night, wearing a red bandanna and
ushering inside a single file line of grinning patrons with talk of the racial injustices in D.C. jails that led him to
spearhead the effort to legalize marijuana.

Eidinger said he and about 50 people brought seeds to share. In the days before the giveaway, thousands were divvied
up according to genetic strains. In bags of 10 to 20 seeds each, they were arrayed on tables on the bar’s second floor
when the doors opened at 5:30 p.m.

Todd Kingman, 22, brought thousands of seeds from his personal collection to give away. He wasn’t specific about how
he obtained them but said he collected them over time and purchased at least some from online seed banks abroad. He
already grows marijuana at his home near Adams Morgan and said he didn’t mind handing out the seeds free.
“I wanted to give someone else an opportunity to do what I do,” he said.

Outside, many in line declined to be interviewed or share their names with reporters. But the giveaway was festive. An
activist from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals dressed in a cow costume and handed out vegan snacks. The
group’s message: When the munchies strike, “Say No to Pot (Roast).”

A second giveaway is planned Saturday at the cannabis campaign’s headquarters on Massachusetts Avenue off Dupont
Circle. Eidinger said 1,300 people in all had signed up to attend the two events.

While Thursday’s event marked the beginning of public use of Initiative 71, it also amounted to the curtain call for the
successful campaign pushed by Eidinger and other hard*core advocates of marijuana legalization in the District.

Under city election laws, the campaign must disband this spring and discontinue organizing public events. Eidinger
said he wishes it could continue defending the law from critics. He said he plans to form a new community group to
continue promoting safe marijuana use, and he will keep pressing members of Congress to allow the city to set up a
system to tax and regulate pot like Colorado does.

Of the seed giveaway, he said: “Once the campaign is over, we won’t be doing this every year. This is a one*time deal.”
Aaron Davis covers D.C. government and politics for The Post and wants to hear your story about how D.C. works — or how it

Perry Stein covers the happenings in D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Wow! Yesterday's seed share was historic! A big heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to everyone who participated in what the Washington Post described as the largest marijuana giveaway in America. It wouldn't have been such success if it wasn't our collective patience and civility. THANK YOU!

We are still less than a quarter of the way in reaching our goal of $4,200 to pay off the campaign's debts. If your life has been positively impacted by our efforts, please donate today. From $4.20 to $420, all contributions will help us close out our campaign with as little debt as possible.

As of 2pm today, there are over 3,500 people who have RSVPed for the seed shares and we anticipate tomorrow's seed share to be even larger than yesterday's seed share. If you were able to obtain seeds yesterday, we politely request that you either bring your extra seeds to share with others or stay home and allow others the opportunity to obtain their first cannabis seeds.

Due to the incredible interest in the seed shares, we many run out of seeds!! Tomorrow's final seed share will be taking place in the front courtyard of the DC Cannabis Campaign Headquarters on Massachusetts Ave. We originally planned to have it indoors, but due to the overwhelming number of RSVPs, we think keeping in the courtyard will allow the greatest number of people to share seeds and speed up the sharing. Earlier this week we attempted to find a larger venue, but were unable to secure one with the campaign's shoestring budget, so please understand we've done our best with our limited resources.

The seeds shares are B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Baggies!) so don't forget to bring baggies for your seeds. It wouldn't hurt to bring a couple extra baggies to give to others who didn't receive this email and a marker to write on the baggies.

Unfortunately, the weather tomorrow will not be as nice as it was yesterday, so please dress warmly. There is plenty of on-street parking along Massachusetts Ave and on nearby streets, but make sure you check the signs to ensure that you don't get a ticket. The closest Metro station is the Dupont Circle station on the Red Line and it's about 15 minute walk to the DC Cannabis Campaign HQ. You can also take the N6 bus that runs on Saturdays.

Members of the media will be present and asking a lot of questions. We encourage you to talk to the media, but remember that you will be the face of the DC cannabis community and we request that you be respectful to the wider non-cannabis community with your comments. This is also why it's important to not use cannabis at the seed share. We want to promote responsible cannabis use and that begins with you. If you do not want to be photographed or filmed in public, we suggest covering your face with a scarf in order to protect your identity.

If you haven't yet, please RSVP and read the seed share rules below.

See you tomorrow!

DC Cannabis Campaign

Volunteers should arrive tomorrow at noon to help construct a liberty poleand setup!
Again, just returned from the seed share. Another insanely amazing success.

There were SO MANY people at the event. It went down Mass Ave for blocks and blocks. All the way up to Waterside/Rock Creed!

The major difference at this event was that they managed the actual seed sharing part much, much better. This time, instead of having all the sharers hand out their own stuff, the organizers collected everything, seemingly reorganized them, and then handed them out to people in line. This made things go much, much faster, ultimately enabling more people to get more seeds.

Even when I left somewhat early, the end of the line was out of sight, which is simply incredible.


Having just been busted for possession of cannabis and the cultivation of this delightful plant: More power to your elbow!!!The end of trees growing in the dark is coming...It constantly amazes me that the UK can follow America into war but fail to be lead into sensible free thinking.My heart is warmed by the actions of so many forward thinking souls.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
Wow, that is pretty amazing how many people turned out to these seed sharing events.
I use to live in Adams Morgan and I would of loved to be a part of this. Smoked a lot of joints in those alleys.

Hope the people of DC grow some decent plants this year from those seeds.