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DaVinci Ascent


Crotchety Old Crotch
With my last personal purchase money from Mum's estate, I bought an Ascent vape. It's decent & stealthy, but I get a much better "punch" from a joint or bong.

I need to do some research for best temps, but "so far, so high!"

* I got the matte black, rubber/aluminum model - very subtle

Baron Greenback

It might be a case of "retraining" your brain a little. When I went from doobies to pretty much just a vapouriser, it took a while to get as lean again.
The other thing is, there should be nothing at all coming out on the exhale - take smaller toots if necessary but it's not like an e-cigarette with the clouds of vapour coming out. This was a recent realisation by me (using it wrong for a while there :)) and now I use less than a doobies worth and get me and the wife very lean indeed.


Crotchety Old Crotch
Thanks guys - hammering a couple bowls at lunchtime tended to make things stinky, so the stealth is why I went with it. I'm still a bong/pipe/cone guy, but this is for discrete.

BG - I hear ya about the retraining brain thing. I do take shorter hauls, but the no exhale thing kinda seems like something is missing. I do get really high, but seems to be more, well, mellow.

LB - I've been trying that range, it'll just take finding the sweet spot for me & lock it in.


Well-known member
I'm low very low 315f-320f does me fine

at that temp I get the thc,

but very little in flavor and smell

shame really, but a hit is a hit


I got one of these and sometimes i Just keep smoking it till i forget where I am. My favorite portable, takes a bit of getting used to to get good tokes.

Always fill the bowl fully, pack it in but not to tight, the heat will make it loosen up, and once and a while just use the little metal stick to push the weed down kinda like packing a bowl.

Theres a method to use half the amount of herb if you do the same but put the glass cartridge on top of the herb then close it. Havent tried it though. Many say it worked.

Mix it half way you get more out of the herb. Usually last 10min + and taste amazing for me.


Active member
My ex bought a da vinci vape and it's great but I'd say the arizer solo I bought is better.