I've been building this lean-to with a Mothers day completion goal.
It's about 6 feet high in the front and 7 in the back, the roof is clear poly carbon, and the sides are of clear fiberglass, it's 16 feet long and 5 feet deep, I'm hopeing to get away from sept. budrot!! I'm makein the front in two 8 foot panels that i'll be able to easily lift,and prop open with a stick, I'll fix it nice so i don't bust my head.
All my friends call my work cowboy carpentry, I don't use levels to much, for me it either looks right or it doesn't. If it does Nail-it. Drives my mrs. nuts. lol, Its a work in Progress, I've amended the soil with chicken and manure composts, This skagit River bottom is some of the best soil, it just grows good cannabis.
It's about 6 feet high in the front and 7 in the back, the roof is clear poly carbon, and the sides are of clear fiberglass, it's 16 feet long and 5 feet deep, I'm hopeing to get away from sept. budrot!! I'm makein the front in two 8 foot panels that i'll be able to easily lift,and prop open with a stick, I'll fix it nice so i don't bust my head.
All my friends call my work cowboy carpentry, I don't use levels to much, for me it either looks right or it doesn't. If it does Nail-it. Drives my mrs. nuts. lol, Its a work in Progress, I've amended the soil with chicken and manure composts, This skagit River bottom is some of the best soil, it just grows good cannabis.