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Current coco grower wondering about future?

So currently run 5 gallon fabric pots and veg up to 5-6 weeks. This run I went a little longer close to 10 weeks... got me thinking, is it worth running less plants but longer veg? I have maybe 6.5ft of height (give or take a few inches) would it be worth grabbing some 10 gallon pots and vegging 10-12 weeks? Would yield be that much more? I know there’s no exact calculation for yield but just something I’m debating maybe someone out there has gone through the same thoughts or did the same as I’m thinking. Thanks.

JJ Lowe

Active member
I’ve recently changed my thoughts on pot size. Switched from 2 gl to 5 this past run with around the same results. IMO, larger pots give you more of a buffer for screw ups.. in a 2 gallon pot, at say, flower day 40, you have a pump failure or dripper clog and it goes un noticed for 12 hours your screwed. 24 hours and the plants toast. The 5 gallon can last longer in the same scenario. If you are diligent on watering and checking few times a day then I’d stick with 2’s. If you are like me and sometimes leave the space for 2-3 days at a time I’d consider bigger pots.


Well-known member
To me it depends if your restricted by plant count like most are. Veg is added overhead cost, that’s not making you anything. I’m restricted by count so I run a 4 week veg and it works out. Everyone’s situation is different tho, so....


Active member
as Eric pointed out, the math doesn't work out on long veg, unless you have someone willing to pay top dollar for stems and root balls...
The most efficient system is to bloom your run once the up-potted plants begin to expand, this synergizes with the flowering "stretch" period to maximize plant size while minimizing veg time and expense.


Well-known member
In that 4x4 I expect 30oz regardless of how many rootball's support it. Could be 1 plant, Likely 4 or 5, or perhaps 9 but not 12. Though 12 flowered from a small size, could fill a foot each.

The time involved changes, but you are still filling the same space with buds. It's your space that determines yield, not plant number. Not unless we move to the extremes, flowering trays of cuttings as Popsicle's.

4x4 uses maybe 8 gallon. Split between as many containers as you use. You can expect water consumption of around 10L a day, so you should aim for pots that can hold 12L all together. Then you have the nice daily wet/dry cycle with run-off. I have used a lot less for more frequent watering, with good results. But aiming for daily, with the possibility of a second top-up feed each day, gives good sized pots for most days.


Well-known member
Guys.....Speculation is exactly that.....Speculation…...but....The question is this......With 78 " give or take as the OP states of total height not including the light fixture that I`d say takes up 12" +/- , on top of the container and medium taking up most likely another 12" of that as well so.....whadda we got now guys.....4'6" from top of container to bottom of reflector ok ?.....now.....

We all know the plants cant grow into the reflector without repercussions and yield loss from light bleaching and heat scorch , so there also hasta be a barrier away from the lights to protect against such negative shit right , so where we at now guys ?...….

Maybe 6" away with excellent airflow and heat gain being taken care of by air-cooled hoods ?....hopefully....and then.....the first 6" minimum from top of container to bottom of plant makes it another 1' taken away from all plant matter that makes money , and IME...…

THAT should dictate what size container you need for each plant to fill said sq ftg since when all`s said and done , you`ll be growing as many 36"plants as possible by having to get rid of all lower growth and flarfy bullshit the lights won`t penetrate down into and produce anything but hash and concentrate bullshit , plus …..

.Penetrate that deep with hopefully as many watts per sq ft as necessary for 3' that`s on the high side of hopefulness , so...... bottom line.....smaller containers multi-fed vegged less while growing 2.5' of marketable product are your friend....and.....you can cram a bunch in a small spot with less veg and yield accordingly more times per yr......anyways.....

I wish you nothing but good luck , and thanks for your time...…

Peace.....DHF.......:ying: …..
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Power Armor rules
To help control costs don't flower in anything larger than 3 gallons. Coco rootballs are a completely different beast. You can feed multiple times per day without any issues. I've seen videos of 6-7 foot massive bushes finishing in 2 gallon fabric pots under 1k HPS lights only a foot away from each other. Rediculous growth all you have to do is keep up with the feeding.


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