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curing hash


Active member
Well i tried curing hash , about 20 grams of different bubble

But it isnt going well

the stuff had dried for a week , it wasn't real powdery , you could still make sausages

But i tried it and it was tasty and potent but made me cough a bit

I put the hash in a jar , opening it every day for a few minutes

first 2 days smell was nice , now five days later it smells a bit musty i dont see any mold

the hash doesnt make me cough anymore , but taste and effect are close to zero now , the hash , especially the 73u is vrry melty almost full melt , still it is shit now

so , que pasa?????

i took the hash out of the jars now , the hashes are in a closet in paper envelopes


Active member
here a pic


so it dried one week , i couldnt cut it up smaller then this cuz it is so flexible ,

next time 'll use a kithcen sieve on the fresh bubble , way easier

so what you guys think , maybe the hash was too wet?

the hash is real smooth but just no effect anymore

it feels sticky and gummy like , cant hold it for 2 long or it melts

was real potent but made me cough before going in the jar


My 2 cents:

Fresh hash makes me always cough. That's why I "cure" it couple months.
If it's dry enough, no need to burb, just let it be in airtight container.
And I never cut hash to small pieces or press it after it comes from bubblebag.
Never had any mold, but I live n dry area....
i always cured my hash as i smoked it. the last of it had the best cure! lol

in reality, i always cured the material before making hash, so never felt the need to cure after. am i wrong?