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Crosby, Stills and Nash - Woodstock - Madison Square Garden

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Go to this link:


Go to the address bar once on youtube, and highlight this part at the end of the address:


And then hit "copy" under the "edit" tab (this part of the screen...file-edit-view-history-bookmarks-tools-help...top left of screen).

Once you copy that highlighted part, you can leave the youtube screen.

Come back to IC Mag, go to the thread where you want to make your post. Instead of typing your post into the "quick reply" box, click on the "go advanced" button. Both of these buttons are at the bottom of your screen. The "quick reply" box is the one you use to make most of your postings.

Once in the "go advanced" window, find the youtube icon up top of the window. Click on it. A string of words and shit appears in the window. Make sure the blinking cursor is in the middle of the words and shit that appeared in your window, if it is at the end of those words, just put your pointer right in the middle of those words and click once, it will put the blinking cursor in the middle.

Then all you have to do is hit "paste" from the same "edit" menu where you hit copy previously. It will paste that last part of the youtube address into the middle of those words and shit. Thats the end of it, except for hitting the reply button at the bottom to actually post it to the thread.

Dont worry about trying to understand all these directions as a whole...just start from the beginning and go step by step like I've outlined. One step at a time dude.

If there is any part of these directions that aren't making sense, just ask me to explain further. I understand terminology and such can be confusing if you aren't computer literate. Your a few years older than me, and I don't understand computer shit nearly as well as folks only a few years younger than myself.

I'll be on IC Mag, off and on, all night tonight, so if you have any questions as you attempt this just type them into this thread and we'll figure out what's up. I know you can do this. :)


ICMag Donor
Oye oye oye oye oye, I'm too baked and lazy today but will try tomorrow. Thank you:tiphat:


Not heard this one before - how did I ever miss this one - it has to be the very best they gave us !

What a life this is.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
while i generally don't like this type of music, i really enjoy CSNY.
"Cathedral", "Marrakesh Express" and "Just a Song before I go" are my faves.