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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Brother Nature

Well-known member
It is too easy to be a nasty jerk online, i'm not like that in person so i shouldn't be like that online either.

I can appreciate that, that's noble, holding your online self to your personal selfs code of conduct. It's something that doesn't happen a lot these days. My thoughts are a bit different in that those 'terrible' thoughts or comments that you have still come from you and expressing how you truly feel is also something that doesn't get done enough these days either. Feeling embarrassed or ashamed at these things is natural, but is that because of our conditioning or because of true regret? Those thoughts and words came from you, they were real and visceral at one point so they should be owned and if you regret them, then you can reflect and grow from that. Understanding why and where the hate and vitriol comes from is healthy and progressive, keeping that shit inside, repressing it, and thinking you're better for it is unhealthy. It's unhealthy for the self and it's unhealthy for society. Humanity is made of good and bad, you can't have one without the other, understanding both comes from accepting both. We'll never progress if we don't accept the duality of existence and that starts with the self.

Also, everyone needs a 'fuck you' once and a while, keeps you spry... :fight::blackeye::huggg:

comfy markoth

Well-known member
Yes, i agree mostly.... i wouldn't go as far as to say i was ashamed, i rarely go that far with things but embarrassed- yes.... and thus my retraction and put something a little more positive out there....

The 'letting it out' is a real thing, obviously serves ~some~ kind of purpose, venting.... but then if you realise you were venting in the wrong direction for whatever unknown reason it's not bad to take it back, is it?

You think about something you've recently said and realise it's just bad form, you take it back and move on.... i don't like having my feelings hurt, especially for no reason, and there was just no reason for me being a jerk, so i take it back, whether it hurt anyones feelings or not.... because i just don't like being 'that guy'.... i like having feelings, feelings are good and i want others to feel good too. :)

All of that aside, yes it's also ok to be a jerk from time to time if it has some kind of purpose, like getting a laugh or whatever.... i'm no monk but i try my best.



Jericho Mile

imagine having such a hollow life you resort to trolling a bunch of old stoners...i'd almost feel pity except for the whole giant cunt thing:D
Self reflection? There it is. That smell. Can’t you smell that smell? Peddle your way on up, boy! Take another sniff! You ain’t that old….the knees still bend.
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Jericho Mile

they are allowed to have peyote as part of their religious ceremonies now in the southwest US. if they ever discover that the Cherokee & other tribes in the southeast used mushrooms, i'm gonna have a DNA analysis done for the good of my soul & peace of mind.
You would be the type to require permission. Law and order prevails. Bang bang shoot shoot…hippie gun


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Those with bad intentions will always speak the loudest to compensate for their life issues. Some really enjoy being hateful, spiteful, Jerks for no good reason. Lots of us get sucked into there games.

Jericho Mile

Those with bad intentions will always speak the loudest to compensate for their life issues. Some really enjoy being hateful, spiteful, Jerks for no good reason. Lots of us get sucked into there games.

Game : American Landscape. What makes it great!

Very simple and positive message. You have forgotten…with all your theatrics and opinions….the totality of your glum perspective. Not everybody is a miserable bastard. It’s a viewpoint type of thing. Grok it
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Trolling continues right past personal reflection about not being a complete dick like sewage flows just underneath a stockade.

Maybe everyone can reflect on the attitude reflected in the behavior hence.

I see a clique that appears to appreciate cheap shots and continued derision in lieu of accommodation and appreciation.

Disrespect isn't conducive to community or communication.

Respect and tolerance is far more valuable than judgement and derision... I don't care what Trump tried to teach you.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Those with bad intentions will always speak the loudest to compensate for their life issues. Some really enjoy being hateful, spiteful, Jerks for no good reason. Lots of us get sucked into there games.
I think there's always a reason behind it, hurt people tend to hurt others. I know, for myself, venting online is generally due to not being able to place that frustration or anger elsewhere, so it can be part of the process of letting that out or getting over it. I do apologize if it comes across as attacking anyone specifically, it generally comes from frustration with an idea or thought process and not the person. We're all brothers of the leaf here, I don't dislike any of you, may disagree, but there's no real animosity.

Jericho Mile

I think there's always a reason behind it, hurt people tend to hurt others. I know, for myself, venting online is generally due to not being able to place that frustration or anger elsewhere, so it can be part of the process of letting that out or getting over it. I do apologize if it comes across as attacking anyone specifically, it generally comes from frustration with an idea or thought process and not the person. We're all brothers of the leaf here, I don't dislike any of you, may disagree, but there's no real animosity.
I look at it as a social experiment. No emotion involved. No loyalty voiced. Not on any side. Mocking the status quo. I fully find it funny. It’s that simple. It’s not personal. Nobody is getting hurt. The insults have come my way as well. I’m ok. No need for therapy.

Beats the hell out of everybody just agreeing they are in the right and patting each other on the back. Rabble Rabble…regurgitating. So easy…when you don’t have to actually do anything but type words. Defenders of the faith.

I’m not brothers with these dudes though. No thanks. Bitterroot Buzzkills. Yum Yum Donut Holes.

—————-Let’s see: it’s past mid terms…past Thanksgiving…Christmas and New Year right around the corner…..when will Trump be indicted? That’s why we’re all here (well not me) LOL….

The Blue passive aggressive crowd is running low on getting it done. Objective observation : goal posts pushing back…excuses being forwarded

Shit on the menu. Shit is what will be eaten. Same same
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Jericho Mile

Trolling continues right past personal reflection about not being a complete dick like sewage flows just underneath a stockade.

Maybe everyone can reflect on the attitude reflected in the behavior hence.

I see a clique that appears to appreciate cheap shots and continued derision in lieu of accommodation and appreciation.

Disrespect isn't conducive to community or communication.

Respect and tolerance is far more valuable than judgement and derision... I don't care what Trump tried to teach you.


Campy as fuck, John. Pander For Peace
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Bound by traditional fantasy you are. I am not. That’s your distortion. You sound like a grade school American history/programming class. While you suck on a Turkey drum stick today….praying to god and the founding fathers…we’ll put the work in for ya. Somebody has to enjoy the reality. You obviously can not.

View attachment 18784875 View attachment 18784876

We? Like our ancestors? Like long dead people of a different time?…that you’ve only heard glorious stories about? LOL….you’ve never done a goddamn thing for this country but pay taxes and kept your head down in the trough. Ridiculous. Invalid. But yeah…go vote …my gosh how far gone can you be? Right vs Wrong?…you can’t even see the forest for the trees…mr law and ethics in politics…with a war monger in office as you read this.

No hysteria coming from me, dude. Left or Right I could give a shit…you folks are the ones hiding behind your desires for “Justice” and you will vote Blue. Or you’ll say you’re an Independent. I can’t tell the difference. Like I’ve said at least 5Xs now. If that’s hysteria to you…I’d review its definition. Got it though…you don’t like Trump…and you think he’s broken The Law….and you’d feel all so much better if he was punished. Why I do not know. But it seems real important to you….must really offend your sensibilities.

Tell me more though. In your own words next time….
I have been telling you in my own words but it just keeps flying over your head and rather then admitting you're wrong about a whole bunch of shit you've been projecting onto everyone else to keep your delusional version of reality alive you just dismiss it as mere propaganda learned in school. I'm under no grand illusions born of fairytales of our nation's early history. I know the founders of our system of government and the creators of our constitution were less then perfect and had plenty of flaws. The only reason it comes across to you as fairytales learned in school is because I feel I have to dumb it down for you so I don't lose your attention by going well over two paragraphs which I would need to do to get into all the discussion of what ways out founding fathers were flawed. Which I really should have to do since you seem to claim some native blood in your family lines. Still being flawed men did not prevent them from creating a brand new system of government that has more or less held for 2 and a half centuries and made this country the most powerful nation in the world for the better part of the last century.

Just as you are completely clueless as to what I ate during Thanksgiving you have no idea what I've done for this country. Sure I didn't serve in the military like you but you can stop making it out like you've done all that much for your country because of it. Especially if you feel a government doing everything it can to avoid WWIII with Russia is a War mongering government and yet you turn a blind eye to people openly calling for civil war and wanting to destroy everything that made this country great all while thinking their actions are returning this country to greatness. What would you know though keeping yourself isolated running around in the mountains.

As far as Trump it's not a matter of me liking him or disliking him. Nor do I understand why you have a hard time grasping the concept of him being punished for the crimes he's committed. If any of us on this site including his adoring fans had done even a 4th of the crimes he's committed we would be in prison right now. I see no reason why him being part of the elite class or a former President should prevent him from being treated the same. What? Do you think nobody should be accountable for their actions and everyone should be allowed to remain free regardless of the crimes they've committed? The whole reason our system of justice doesn't work as good as it should is because some people are treated like they are above the law if they have enough money or influence. If it weren't for how many innocents would be screwed over if everyone was above the law I would almost wish to see that happen just so morons like yourself could see just how truly fucked our country would be.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Unless you were a long-haired injun, worshipping the earth.
Yeah there is truth in that and definitely the American Indians were screwed over thanks to how flawed our founding fathers were. They got an even shorter end of the stick then the slaves we took out of Africa. At least those slave had value and as such were to some degree protected and taken care of at least far more then the American Indians. However same as the sins of the fathers with regards to slavery are a thing of the past so was the treatment of native Americans. Sure there is a long way to go before things are ever made right with regards to native Americans just like there is still a long way to go before things are made right by African Americans yet in both cases, both groups or oppressed mistreated peoples are doing far better now then they were even just a half century ago. I'm not saying that makes the past right or that it wipes the slate clean but living in the past is just as fruitless as pretending none of it ever happened.
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