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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

Trump Kush Gummies. You’ll follow the trend. It’s a given.


Looks like you’re getting robbed
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Jericho Mile

Nationalism is Politics for Basic People.
My standards are higher. I’ve already served the flag. Participated in American Imperialism. Patriotism is for the gullible. Nationalism and Patriotism…not much different.

A native son. My people have been here for centuries. Fought all the wars. To the bone. Bled.


Well-known member
View attachment 18784270 View attachment 18784265

Living in the past fantasyland. A narrative within itself. Tall tales programmed into the children. American Imperialism. Hand over heart and repeat “I pledge allegiance to the flag…” The lies we tell ourselves….

White Washed Bread

It’s so obsolete and unhealthy…and becoming more irrelevant by the passing hours. But yeah….

the founding fathers knew what they were doing. Manifest Destiny…tax and enslave…and fornicate all the pussy

* not cynical. An objective realist.
People ever wonder why the Constitutional Convention was held in secret in the middle of the night? The richest most connected landowners deciding how to run the country (hint: take loans from and re-establish ties to the Bank of England). Democracy!

Jericho Mile

People ever wonder why the Constitutional Convention was held in secret in the middle of the night? The richest most connected landowners deciding how to run the country (hint: take loans from and re-establish ties to the Bank of England). Democracy!

visions of the founding fathers

* democracy has never worked…kind of like peaceful revolutions have never worked.

** The United States was built by foreign interests….since the beginning.


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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
View attachment 18784270 View attachment 18784265

Living in the past fantasyland. A narrative within itself. Tall tales programmed into the children. American Imperialism. Hand over heart and repeat “I pledge allegiance to the flag…” The lies we tell ourselves….

White Washed Bread

It’s so obsolete and unhealthy…and becoming more irrelevant by the passing hours. But yeah….

the founding fathers knew what they were doing. Manifest Destiny…tax and enslave…and fornicate all the pussy

* not cynical. An objective realist.
Not at all objective is more like it and you're only being a realist when it suits you. Sure there was Imperialism going on but not by the Colonists but more by the King back home. We didn't just pack up and run away when the King played his games with the Churches. The colonists were given a choice stay and be punished unless you fall in line, or go to the new land on our behalf and send us back what you find and/or produce of value and we'll keep sending what you need to survive that you can't produce yourself (taxed of course).

Eventually it reached the boiling point of us doing all the hard work to turn this land into a useful profitable outpost for England and yet we were not allowed to keep much for ourselves and so we revolted. Once we won the revolution that allowed us to chart our own course write our own laws and it was at that point the things were written to avoid the mistakes England made. Thanks to which you have the right to that hand gun you like to show off from time to time. You have the right to worship however you see fit even if that means to not worship at all. You have the right to say the things you think about this country, the forefathers, the constitution, political parties, etc. without worries that some government agent is going to come kick your door down and haul you away for it.

As usual though you're just distorting the discussion and trying to redirect it because you can't accept that it's not right vs left but rather right vs wrong and without your right/left hysteria you've got nothing.
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Jericho Mile

Not at all objective is more like it and you're only being a realist when it suits you. Sure there was Imperialism going on but not by the Colonists but more by the King back home. We didn't just pack up and run away when the King played his games with the Churches. The colonists were given a choice stay and be punished unless you fall in line, or go to the new land on our behalf and send us back what you find and/or produce of value and we'll keep sending what you need to survive that you can't produce yourself (taxed of course).

Eventually it reached the boiling point of us doing all the hard work to turn this land into a useful profitable outpost for England and yet we were not allowed to keep much for ourselves and so we revolted. Once we won the revolution that allowed us to chart our own course write our own laws and it was at that point the things were written to avoid the mistakes England made. Thanks to which you have the right to that hand gun you like to show off from time to time. You have the right to worship however you see fit even if that means to not worship at all. You have the right to say the things you think about this country, the forefathers, the constitution, political parties, etc. without worries that some government agent is going to come kick your door down and haul you away for it.

As usual though you're just distorting the discussion and trying to redirect it because you can't accept that it's not right vs left but rather right vs wrong and without your right/left hysteria you've got nothing.
Bound by traditional fantasy you are. I am not. That’s your distortion. You sound like a grade school American history/programming class. While you suck on a Turkey drum stick today….praying to god and the founding fathers…we’ll put the work in for ya. Somebody has to enjoy the reality. You obviously can not.


We? Like our ancestors? Like long dead people of a different time?…that you’ve only heard glorious stories about? LOL….you’ve never done a goddamn thing for this country but pay taxes and kept your head down in the trough. Ridiculous. Invalid. But yeah…go vote …my gosh how far gone can you be? Right vs Wrong?…you can’t even see the forest for the trees…mr law and ethics in politics…with a war monger in office as you read this.

No hysteria coming from me, dude. Left or Right I could give a shit…you folks are the ones hiding behind your desires for “Justice” and you will vote Blue. Or you’ll say you’re an Independent. I can’t tell the difference. Like I’ve said at least 5Xs now. If that’s hysteria to you…I’d review its definition. Got it though…you don’t like Trump…and you think he’s broken The Law….and you’d feel all so much better if he was punished. Why I do not know. But it seems real important to you….must really offend your sensibilities.

Tell me more though. In your own words next time….
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You have the right to worship however you see fit even if that means to not worship at all. You have the right to say the things you think about this country, the forefathers, the constitution, political parties, etc. without worries that some government agent is going to come kick your door down and haul you away for it.
Unless you were a long-haired injun, worshipping the earth.

Jericho Mile

Unless you were a long-haired injun, worshipping the earth.
…I recall…more than a few…politically correct assassinations thrown in along the way too. Perhaps a president ( or 3 depending)…and some civil rights folks….union organizers..few college kids…that kind of thing. Forget the shit the American military does to people overseas….in conquest of the American Dream.

Some of Geronimo’s final words (I’m not sure if it’s true or not…like to believe it is)…as he lay dying on a reservation in Oklahoma (after being made a prisoner of war and sent to Alabama/Florida where his people were destroyed by diseases and their children stolen off to white schools) :

“I should have never surrendered.”

They never let Geronimo return to the Gila. Never to see his homelands again. Forbidden. Surrendered in 1886. Died 1909.


Today’s Apache country. They fought tooth and nail for it. I understand why.
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Well-known member
Unless you were a long-haired injun, worshipping the earth.
they are allowed to have peyote as part of their religious ceremonies now in the southwest US. if they ever discover that the Cherokee & other tribes in the southeast used mushrooms, i'm gonna have a DNA analysis done for the good of my soul & peace of mind.
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