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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Maybe you don't realize it but many growers can respect someone who brews their own beer.

Many growers remember days when cannabis and smokers were disrespected and they had respect for others growing their own.

Most people don't find it necessary to belittle everyone else.

Jericho Mile

Maybe you don't realize it but many growers can respect someone who brews their own beer.

Many growers remember days when cannabis and smokers were disrespected and they had respect for others growing their own.

Most people don't find it necessary to belittle everyone else.
My wife worked for Alpine Beer Company in San Diego. My friends brew beer professionally. I’m well aware of the connection between growers/hops/cannabis/brewing.


^ Do you know Pat and Sean Mcilhenney? Give them a google. My friends. Alpine Beer Company sold out to Green Flash for millions. Pat (the dad) started Alpine. They took the pay out and then started this new brewery. Well known in the industry. This story.

You think drinking beer is healthy? Adding acidic alcohol into your system is healthy? No. It is not. It’s addictive as shit. You don’t just drink one either.

I don’t drink. I don’t drink because it’s fucking poison. I don’t drink because it’s terrible for your health.

…but go ahead.
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Jericho Mile

Yet another reason you are better than everyone else...
Yeah dude….pointing out facts is being better than everyone else. Jesus fucking Christ man…..

How crazy is that. Ok alcohol is not addictive. Not a poison. It’s great for you. I don’t know any brewers or anything about the industry.

Jericho Mile

The only effort I have been making for many posts is that you don't have to be an abrasive asshole.

Trump doesn't wear it well either.
Reflect that back on yourself, dude. Look at the language you are using. Tactlessly crass name calling. You think you’re not an asshole? Shit.

You’re mad because I’m not wrong.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I read your last sentence only. That’s how much I respect you and your opinions. I’m not here to be your friend. If I wanted to do that I’d simply tell you all the dumb shit you want to hear….rah rah and regurgitate

You’re not intelligent….but I don’t tell you to die by setting yourself on fire or jumping off a bridge. You’d…probably…actually do it.

* bears and lions? How about some Barney with a deer rifle?
Nobody asked you to be their friend, I merely suggested behavior that might get people to tolerate you. It's a long shot though because when you aren't being a judgmental prick you're busy acting like you're better then everyone else without any evidence to back it up.

Okay fine, add Barney with a deer rifle to the list, anything that gets you to stay gone like you said you would after you finished your harvest.

Jericho Mile

Nobody asked you to be their friend, I merely suggested behavior that might get people to tolerate you. It's a long shot though because when you aren't being a judgmental prick you're busy acting like you're better then everyone else without any evidence to back it up.

Okay fine, add Barney with a deer rifle to the list, anything that gets you to stay gone like you said you would after you finished your harvest.
Hate is a real thing. You will answer the whistle each and every time. Every damn time. Like a dog.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. I don’t even grow. I’d never smoke pot. The garden wasn’t even mine. No harvest to finish. Do you really think I’d take such shitty pictures of such a shitty bunch of plants or such a shitty landscape? I don’t even know what you are talking about. And you certainly don’t know what you’re talking about. Now what?

Will you answer the whistle yet again? Can I bring you to a heel (another few paragraphs)….stroke a few more insults out of your soulless black pit of consciousness….get under your skin until you threaten violence or wish me dead one more time…or two or four…

We have money on this. It’s a huge deal. Go! Whistle sounded! Come boy!!! Indict!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
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