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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm throwing a datefag party Unc...

If you start riding now you'll be late!

It's okay.

Even the Q group knows their leader is full of shit and expect nothing to happen.

It's pretty entertaining to see them already downplaying it but still posting pictures of clouds and warning something wicked this way comes.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I'm throwing a datefag party Unc...

If you start riding now you'll be late!

It's okay.

Even the Q group knows their leader is full of shit and expect nothing to happen.

It's pretty entertaining to see them already downplaying it but still posting pictures of clouds and warning something wicked this way comes.
yeah,i'm already partying with JFK...he was all like "dallas? why the fuck would i go back there?"...slow smoking some babies to go with the pizza and adenachrome jello shots,gonna be satanic!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
if any of them says anything interesting, someone else will quote them for further ridicule. no need to scar your retinas reading all that drivel yourself...
luckily as a mod i don't need to pay much attention to them since as far as trolls go they're good little boys and don't violate the tou too badly...so really pretty tame as far as trolls go,i would even say boring...their trolling is more embarrassingly stupid than anything...hardly worth the 5 seconds it would take to ban them:)

St. Phatty

Active member
I emailed the Sheriff to ask if I could explain WHY I'm voting to de-fund his department.


So I'll tell you guys.

The one time I've seen the County police - a less social neighbor on the South side of my house reported the house to HIS South. The owner had let his friend run a sluice & dredge in the creek. Looking for Gold - and finding it.

He spent an hour explaining his technique to me. Very cool. Taking time out to talk to me cost him at least 1/4 ounce of Gold.

The cops said, "he's not breaking any law". The less social neighbor used the cops to harass the other neighbor's friend.

And they let their time be wasted that way.

Then, this last summer, our fire hose was cut during the height of the fire season. It's fire hose used to protect about 70 square miles of forest.

About that, the cops did not nothing. I wasn't up to playing private detective so it remains a mystery.

There are more and bigger examples, but they, the county police, are pretty close to being completely useless.

Imagine if every town city state and the US government let the citizens vote on De-funding those many departments.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I thought you didn't vote because you don't want junk mail.

If you are registering to vote you might want to look into it soon as deadlines for registration are a thing.

You really want to finally put some skin in the game?

I'm proud of you.

You want to start locally?

I'm even prouder.


Well-known member
if you don't vote, you should not be allowed to voice an opinion. however, that would be a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. so i just pay no mind to what folks like that say. "you had your chance!"
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A lot of persons don't realize the limitations that partisan and party politics presents for candidates under which ever party's umbrella , and the further up the chain one goes, the more the party views what they do and don't support, what they're willing to risk, etc. They tend to be very frightened of public perception or public image. It waters down a lot of otherwise neccessary change, but has also historically protected us at least a little bit from the likes of tRump, and fringe lunatics... or even (in tRump's case) garden variety sociopathic/psychopathic lunuatics.

The hope I have for ranked choice voting is that it loosens the invisible reins where voting for the lesser of 2 weasels is involved, and allows folks to rank their preferences, so folks may feel more free to say, "Yeah, in a better world, where I'm not fearful of THAT other guy winning, I think I"d vote for this person." and still be able to bolster that vote with a strategic vote, without compromising ideals.

Yet, in Alaska, the third-eyed, banjo pickin' cast from the extras in the movie 'Deliverance' are frightened by rcv, and believe that it's tilted in favor of the 'Left' ()who ever the fuck they are up here) winning.

They, like many or most human beings, though more accutely so, tend to be more afraid of new things/ideas, things they don't understand.

I likened them the other day in comment to another, stating that they remind me of the cave people in the old movies, where when one discovers fire, they all jump ack, eyes wide open, fear on their faces. That's how they're dealing with ranked choice voting here, per their commentaries.

Heard one say that with rcv, they assign your vote to someone else if your person doesn't rank.. (SAY WHAT??!!). I don't think they make anti-psychotics to either deal with the vaccine delusions and bullshit, stolen election bullshit, or evn the more mild and in theory, manageable, rcv bullshit. Too much psychotic frightened group delusional processing going on.

But yeah, Obama was a disappointment to me, especially in contrast to his previous anti-drug war remarks in the Senate.

Obama did manage to enter more military conflicts overseas than GW, and that was saying something. Along with the drone prorgam in Pakistan, etc., written about in depth by Jeremy Scahill. And Obama carried thorugh on GW's TARP, permitting the Wall St. criminals to perceive themselves once again as being untouchable, ever since the Keating 5. Like tRump, it was asserted that they were too big to fail. Where are the Bolsheviks when they;re really needed?

Anyway, yes, our plea (even to the law-and-order types up here during the unconstitutional recrim) was that for the courts to be repeatedly dismissing cases of possession in the home, all the while the cops cotinued booting in doors or hassling persons over small amounts, achieved little more than to paint the folks who bitch about loss of respect for the law, as little more than criminal hypocrites. (*Had that discussion with cops, attorneys, legislators, etc., even a judge or 2, and it resonated with some of them).

My gut's upset a bit this morning, and I have a shit-ton of plans to make to retrieve a camper van from Washington State during our Fall freeze-up time, with the van only having 2-wheel drive. Not enthused about the season and actions to be undertaken at this point. But it likely has to be done.

Good chatting.
Yeah I do have to agree that Obama failed to deliver on the "Change we could all believe in" it was a nifty campaign slogan but that's about as far as it went. I felt like part of the problem was the surge of overt racism that reared it's ugly head once he took office. Here I was ready to praise society for having come a long way in fighting racism only to see swarms of people liken Obama to some African Witch Doctor and Michelle Obama to an Orangutan and realized I was giving society much too much credit. As I hinted at before I also felt that being the first Black President he felt under a great deal of pressure to be extra careful how he approached things just because he was the first Black President. If it ever comes to pass I think we'll see similar disappointing results with other firsts Presidents such as the first woman President, the first gay President, the first Muslim President, etc.

As for RCV, unfortunately we'll need to see the results at least once, probably more then once before people let go their fears about it, even then it will only be if it doesn't come off as questionable how it all worked out. I would have to say it's unfortunate that it's being introduced in this current age of so many believing that voter fraud is going on. If people don't like RCV though and the current crop of MAGA Republicans win it will be interesting to see how people react when their State legislatures start disregarding the popular vote claiming fraud and certify the Republican when the state overwhelmingly votes democrat because that's what we're headed for if the MAGA movement has it's way.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i'd forgotten about tomorrow! been so long i'm not sure i can remember what will happen...will the Kraken finally crawl out of the Potomac and destroy the White House ? will JFK Jr arrive at the WH and summon The Chump from whatever crevasse he is holed up in to reclaim the throne ? will it be Giuliani finally remembering where he hid all of the "evidence" he bought in Ukraine ? will the Oathkeepers arrest Hillary et al to haul them to Guantanamo for firing squads ? maybe Q itself will descend from the clouds in a glowing Orb, bringing salvation to the beleaguered saviors of mankind ? or...will it be "none of the above" ? "step right up and place yer bets, folks! chance of a lifetime..." :woohoo:
I have to follow the historic precedence and vote none of the above.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

moose eater

Well-known member

Seems Donnie and his twisted klan are still just making it up as they go.... like any other dishonest 8-year-old.

Even a skilled and callous used car salesman eventually runs shy on Shtick.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Seems Donnie and his twisted klan are still just making it up as they go.... like any other dishonest 8-year-old.

Even a skilled and callous used car salesman eventually runs shy on Shtick.
Very Noteworthy. Remember this.^


Well-known member


ICMag Donor
either Stubbs or Sweet Baby Rays will work. Stubbs needs some honey/brown sugar added first. SBRs needs some cider for twang...feel free to add black pepper liberally to either...
That's mid Atlantic states flavor along with vinegar and / or mustard in the sauce.
SBR rocks.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
In the early days of the nation voting was a tremendous undertaking requiring a great deal of treacherous travel and precious days away from the farm for many and as such was considered one of our utmost obligations to our country and was viewed as a privilege by those who could not.

I did a chaser of SBR after my breakfast shot of straight bourbon... tradition in the making.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Seems Donnie and his twisted klan are still just making it up as they go.... like any other dishonest 8-year-old.

Even a skilled and callous used car salesman eventually runs shy on Shtick.
Alas, that's what you can get away with when you have your audience so well trained that they dismiss anything and everything that runs contrary to the narrative they've been spoon fed.
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