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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No, as I mentioned earlier, it was fairly clear back then that there was a power-play going on between the Oval Office, DEA, and DoJ, but my attitude back then (and somewhat still) was that these were Obama's federal cops/agencies, and while he was saying one thing, they were doing something altogether different.

But under federal law, the states' positions on the subject lacked any real significance.

I do recall Obama's very openly stated and strong criticisms of the drug war, and not just weed, during his time in the Senate. It was that very set of positive statements by him, assailing the war on drugs, that made it infuriating to read of the agencies' antics back then in Cali, under Obama's watch.
Well I can understand how one might feel given his strong clear positions as a senator and then his position being somewhat muted as the president. I'm sure also how that all felt depended a lot on where they were geographically. Most of the marijuana scene back then whether medicinal or recreational was mainly Colorado and the west coast. So I can see where it came across as more of a betrayal. Here on the east coast especially near the beltway around DC you get a different feel of things though. In this area there was a very different sense as to how Obama felt about certain things. I remember how right around when he was elected he did a Q& A on the internet and the very first question asked was essentially if he was going to legalize marijuana. He didn't answer yes or no but rather he chose to express disbelief that with all the serious issues of the time that the first thing people wanted to ask was about marijuana and his reaction was his typical Come on man" kind of response although that wasn't the words he used but it was definitely the tone. Anyone paying close attention could tell that it made him feel uncomfortable and not because he wasn't going to do anything but because the weight of responsibility he felt being the first Black President. So having lived near the beltway all my life I felt like the position he took as far as saying his administration would not waste resources on people obeying stat laws was the most he felt like he could do at least at that time. He was more focused on the promise of reforming healthcare and that pretty much consumed all of his first term and most of his political capital. Nobody but him can know for sure what he would have done had things played out differently but I truly believe had things been less difficult with healthcare reform we would have had a good chance at seeing him do more about legalizing marijuana. Of course in his second term he lost the majority he had in Congress and so getting much of anything else done was out the window and his last term was more about fighting the forces trying to undo what he accomplished in the first term. now I do agree that his own agencies seemed to work against him, Obama never seemed to be the type to micro-manage his agencies the way other President's have done. He always seemed to me to be content with letting his cabinet do what they felt was best even if it didn't exactly match up to what he promised. I do believe had they more consistently and overtly undermined him he would have done something but for the most part they did go by his wishes. As a result like I've already said before he did create the environment that allowed Colorado to do what they did and that carried on even to this day and helped to improve the overall opinion towards marijuana that exists today. When he started the percentage of voters who favored legalization was more around 50% whereas today it's more like 70-75%. I'll stand by my opinion that things wouldn't be that favorable had he not took the position of letting the states do their own thing and that we would have very few if any states with legalized recreational marijuana. Of course that's just an opinion and can never be proven or disproven.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The amount of Psychopaths today seems to have multiplied exponentially. For any number x and any integers a and b, (xa)(xb) = xa+b= LIMP DICK TRUMP :D


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The amount of Psychopaths today seems to have multiplied exponentially. For any number x and any integers a and b, (xa)(xb) = xa+b= LIMP DICK TRUMP :D
I'm not so convinced that there are more psychopaths as I am convinced that the Trump Presidency made them all feel like they could come out of hiding. Either way though the level of insanity on open display in this country these days is off the hook.


Well-known member

St. Phatty

Active member
The amount of Psychopaths today seems to have multiplied exponentially. For any number x and any integers a and b, (xa)(xb) = xa+b= LIMP DICK TRUMP :D

The United States has become the Talmudic States of America.

Also I think exposure to Lead in children's drinking water up till the 1980's when there was a big push to replace all those pipes, affects Psychopathic behavior occurring today. Now that the children exposed to lead are "adults".

St. Phatty

Active member

I have had software - that I wrote - stolen from me.

I mentioned to one of the other Gym members, "Jack" at the YMCA, what a big dis-incentive that is.

I mentioned Zuckerberg, stealing the Facebook software from the Winklevoss brothers.

Jack the Christian said, "But that's a sign that Jesus is coming back !"

This conversation occurred about 5 years ago.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The United States has become the Talmudic States of America.

Also I think exposure to Lead in children's drinking water up till the 1980's when there was a big push to replace all those pipes, affects Psychopathic behavior occurring today. Now that the children exposed to lead are "adults".

Too many ignore racist behavior, and gross insults, as long as it's said/done by their political party. It doesn't matter if crimes are committed as long as it keeps them in power and wins elections. This isn't something any should support even if it causes political losses. It does seem like many are very susceptible to psychosis.

Maybe some here are experiencing marijuana psychosis lol.
Symptoms are paranoid delusions, suspiciousness, and a sense of grandiosity.

moose eater

Well-known member
Well I can understand how one might feel given his strong clear positions as a senator and then his position being somewhat muted as the president. I'm sure also how that all felt depended a lot on where they were geographically. Most of the marijuana scene back then whether medicinal or recreational was mainly Colorado and the west coast. So I can see where it came across as more of a betrayal. Here on the east coast especially near the beltway around DC you get a different feel of things though. In this area there was a very different sense as to how Obama felt about certain things. I remember how right around when he was elected he did a Q& A on the internet and the very first question asked was essentially if he was going to legalize marijuana. He didn't answer yes or no but rather he chose to express disbelief that with all the serious issues of the time that the first thing people wanted to ask was about marijuana and his reaction was his typical Come on man" kind of response although that wasn't the words he used but it was definitely the tone. Anyone paying close attention could tell that it made him feel uncomfortable and not because he wasn't going to do anything but because the weight of responsibility he felt being the first Black President. So having lived near the beltway all my life I felt like the position he took as far as saying his administration would not waste resources on people obeying stat laws was the most he felt like he could do at least at that time. He was more focused on the promise of reforming healthcare and that pretty much consumed all of his first term and most of his political capital. Nobody but him can know for sure what he would have done had things played out differently but I truly believe had things been less difficult with healthcare reform we would have had a good chance at seeing him do more about legalizing marijuana. Of course in his second term he lost the majority he had in Congress and so getting much of anything else done was out the window and his last term was more about fighting the forces trying to undo what he accomplished in the first term. now I do agree that his own agencies seemed to work against him, Obama never seemed to be the type to micro-manage his agencies the way other President's have done. He always seemed to me to be content with letting his cabinet do what they felt was best even if it didn't exactly match up to what he promised. I do believe had they more consistently and overtly undermined him he would have done something but for the most part they did go by his wishes. As a result like I've already said before he did create the environment that allowed Colorado to do what they did and that carried on even to this day and helped to improve the overall opinion towards marijuana that exists today. When he started the percentage of voters who favored legalization was more around 50% whereas today it's more like 70-75%. I'll stand by my opinion that things wouldn't be that favorable had he not took the position of letting the states do their own thing and that we would have very few if any states with legalized recreational marijuana. Of course that's just an opinion and can never be proven or disproven.
A lot of persons don't realize the limitations that partisan and party politics presents for candidates under which ever party's umbrella , and the further up the chain one goes, the more the party views what they do and don't support, what they're willing to risk, etc. They tend to be very frightened of public perception or public image. It waters down a lot of otherwise neccessary change, but has also historically protected us at least a little bit from the likes of tRump, and fringe lunatics... or even (in tRump's case) garden variety sociopathic/psychopathic lunuatics.

The hope I have for ranked choice voting is that it loosens the invisible reins where voting for the lesser of 2 weasels is involved, and allows folks to rank their preferences, so folks may feel more free to say, "Yeah, in a better world, where I'm not fearful of THAT other guy winning, I think I"d vote for this person." and still be able to bolster that vote with a strategic vote, without compromising ideals.

Yet, in Alaska, the third-eyed, banjo pickin' cast from the extras in the movie 'Deliverance' are frightened by rcv, and believe that it's tilted in favor of the 'Left' ()who ever the fuck they are up here) winning.

They, like many or most human beings, though more accutely so, tend to be more afraid of new things/ideas, things they don't understand.

I likened them the other day in comment to another, stating that they remind me of the cave people in the old movies, where when one discovers fire, they all jump ack, eyes wide open, fear on their faces. That's how they're dealing with ranked choice voting here, per their commentaries.

Heard one say that with rcv, they assign your vote to someone else if your person doesn't rank.. (SAY WHAT??!!). I don't think they make anti-psychotics to either deal with the vaccine delusions and bullshit, stolen election bullshit, or evn the more mild and in theory, manageable, rcv bullshit. Too much psychotic frightened group delusional processing going on.

But yeah, Obama was a disappointment to me, especially in contrast to his previous anti-drug war remarks in the Senate.

Obama did manage to enter more military conflicts overseas than GW, and that was saying something. Along with the drone prorgam in Pakistan, etc., written about in depth by Jeremy Scahill. And Obama carried thorugh on GW's TARP, permitting the Wall St. criminals to perceive themselves once again as being untouchable, ever since the Keating 5. Like tRump, it was asserted that they were too big to fail. Where are the Bolsheviks when they;re really needed?

Anyway, yes, our plea (even to the law-and-order types up here during the unconstitutional recrim) was that for the courts to be repeatedly dismissing cases of possession in the home, all the while the cops cotinued booting in doors or hassling persons over small amounts, achieved little more than to paint the folks who bitch about loss of respect for the law, as little more than criminal hypocrites. (*Had that discussion with cops, attorneys, legislators, etc., even a judge or 2, and it resonated with some of them).

My gut's upset a bit this morning, and I have a shit-ton of plans to make to retrieve a camper van from Washington State during our Fall freeze-up time, with the van only having 2-wheel drive. Not enthused about the season and actions to be undertaken at this point. But it likely has to be done.

Good chatting.

St. Phatty

Active member
The county has a thing to implement a sales tax on the ballot -
to pay for funding the police.

I have been doing an informal poll, i.e. asking everybody I see how they are voting.

100% voting against the sales tax.

One of the county xommissioners, he doesn't even deserve to have his title spelled right, was quoted in the newspaper as saying "if if doesn't pass, we'll have to de-fund the police. Come on people, vote !"

So I registered to vote - against the sales tax.

Now I want to see a 15% de-funding of the county.

I was just at the courthouse and got plenty of information that would be useful in a de-funding campaign.

It took them 20 minutes for them to decide which entrance door I was supposed to use, and then the county department whose website says they are open ... was closed.

I like reading history, and the state of government in the US right now reminds me of the Soviet Union post-Chernobyl.

It is obvious that the society changes that occurred during Covid19 were not beneficial for the general public.


Well-known member
So I registered to vote - against the sales tax.
we need police, and they need proper funding to do their jobs. but...they are being put in positions that they are NOT trained to do - welfare checks etc, where a social worker would be much less threatening to someone possibly having a mental crisis. i don't blame you at all for voting against a new tax. once installed, it will NEVER be repealed, and likely will be increased as time goes by and LEO sees new surveillance tools on the market they just can't live without...


Well-known member
Oh, wait!

Tomorrow is Oct. 11th!

Are you glad that the wait is over and you can get back to waiting?

Allow me to set the tone of tomorrow for hempy and berries...

Judge Narrows Trial of Analyst Who Reported Salacious Claims About Trump​


In an 18-page order last week, the judge overseeing the case, Anthony J. Trenga of the Eastern District of Virginia, excluded from the trial large amounts of information that Mr. Durham had wanted to showcase — including material that undercuts the credibility of the dossier’s notorious rumor that Russia had a blackmail tape of Mr. Trump with prostitutes.

Certain facts Mr. Durham dug up related to that rumor “do not qualify as direct evidence as they are not ‘inextricably intertwined’ or ‘necessary to provide context’ to the relevant charge,” Judge Trenga wrote, adding that they “were substantially outweighed by the danger of confusion and unfair prejudice.”

Judge Trenga’s ruling has pared down the larger significance of the trial, which is likely to be Mr. Durham’s final courtroom act before he retires as a longtime prosecutor. The grand jury that Mr. Durham has used to hear evidence has expired, suggesting he will bring no further indictments.


Well-known member
Oh, wait!

Tomorrow is Oct. 11th!

Are you glad that the wait is over and you can get back to waiting?
i'd forgotten about tomorrow! been so long i'm not sure i can remember what will happen...will the Kraken finally crawl out of the Potomac and destroy the White House ? will JFK Jr arrive at the WH and summon The Chump from whatever crevasse he is holed up in to reclaim the throne ? will it be Giuliani finally remembering where he hid all of the "evidence" he bought in Ukraine ? will the Oathkeepers arrest Hillary et al to haul them to Guantanamo for firing squads ? maybe Q itself will descend from the clouds in a glowing Orb, bringing salvation to the beleaguered saviors of mankind ? or...will it be "none of the above" ? "step right up and place yer bets, folks! chance of a lifetime..." :woohoo:
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