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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
As long as you are enjoying yourself. Guess I’ll never get it. I don’t even want to.

You seem semi aware you are caught up in political drama…and it appears you spend a lot of time digging into the manipulations…and the Blue Red narratives.

It’s your thing. Not mine. I enjoyed fucking with you poor bastards….but you are correct….I have nothing to say in all seriousness. You believe in a system that is so corrupted it has become a joke that anyone even pretends it to be real….and I never have. Just how it is. An ism.

My grow has another week…or maybe not…the weather is off its chain.

But here are my predictions : Trump never gets indicted. A republican or a democrat will be president in 2024. The supporters of the party not in charge will bitch…the supporters of party in charge will dance around cheering like they actually participated and did something. And life in the culture of make believe will go on.

And this thread will still be here and the same people will be in it…round and around round round round

I’ve mocked it and this crowd. All I can do. I see it as sad. And I see why it’s sad…but you dudes are happy playing in the bullshit. It doesn’t seem to insult you. So be it. Grow old with it.

Enjoy. Later.

For someone who has nothing to say on the subject you sure do post a lot about what everyone else has to say on the subject. As for time I spend digging into it mainly it's just the time I'm on here each day which is less then an hour on average. The rest comes from things I see on the internet or while watching tv which between the tv and internet that's usually around an hour combined in total. I've lived just outside the beltway around DC all my life and when you live in this area politics is as unavoidable as the homeless in California, you don't have to dig into it, you pick it up almost by osmosis.

The thing you seem incapable of understanding is that to me and I suspect most of us in here, predicting what will come next in political news is about like prediction who will win the next football or basketball game. My suspicion is you spend far more time thinking about all this political stuff then any of us which is why you're constantly in here projecting your thoughts on it, onto all the rest of us. Likely you just can't seem to stop dwelling on it and wringing your hands over it and it pisses you off so much that you come in here and try to make fun of all of us while you pretend you're above it all as a way of trying to work thru your frustrations that it takes up so much of you conscious thoughts.

I mean really I kind of pity you, if I had a nice big outdoor grow like you do and if my wife was not a victim of Trump's fail policies regarding the pandemic I doubt I'd be spending much if any time here on this website let alone in a thread that was totally about politics. But hey, you do you I guess.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
For someone who has nothing to say on the subject you sure do post a lot about what everyone else has to say on the subject. As for time I spend digging into it mainly it's just the time I'm on here each day which is less then an hour on average. The rest comes from things I see on the internet or while watching tv which between the tv and internet that's usually around an hour combined in total. I've lived just outside the beltway around DC all my life and when you live in this area politics is as unavoidable as the homeless in California, you don't have to dig into it, you pick it up almost by osmosis.

The thing you seem incapable of understanding is that to me and I suspect most of us in here, predicting what will come next in political news is about like prediction who will win the next football or basketball game. My suspicion is you spend far more time thinking about all this political stuff then any of us which is why you're constantly in here projecting your thoughts on it, onto all the rest of us. Likely you just can't seem to stop dwelling on it and wringing your hands over it and it pisses you off so much that you come in here and try to make fun of all of us while you pretend you're above it all as a way of trying to work thru your frustrations that it takes up so much of you conscious thoughts.

I mean really I kind of pity you, if I had a nice big outdoor grow like you do and if my wife was not a victim of Trump's fail policies regarding the pandemic I doubt I'd be spending much if any time here on this website let alone in a thread that was totally about politics. But hey, you do you I guess.
What happened to your wife?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Maybe I misread that, but you falsely implied that Obama's raids against CA dispensaries never happened. So... :rasta:
No I didn't, I'll admit he raided those places that failed to follow state laws and regulations. I stated that clearly in the same post you quoted, so again please at least read what you quote before you go spouting off and make yourself out to be the fool.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
No I didn't, I'll admit he raided those places that failed to follow state laws and regulations. I stated that clearly in the same post you quoted, so again please at least read what you quote before you go spouting off and make yourself out to be the fool.
Screenshot (359).png

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
no dog in this fight but it's amazing that Hempy cannot even read what he writes. read the last sentence which you pasted.
Which sentence are you talking about? Please copy and paste. Not sure if you are mistaking Hempcats sentence for mine in the attachment above or the question I asked Hempkat in the post above it. Lets not go round and round over it. just copy and paste the exact thing you want me to reply to.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Which sentence are you talking about? Please copy and paste. Not sure if you are mistaking Hempcats sentence for mine in the attachment above or the question I asked Hempkat in the post above it. Lets not go round and round over it. just copy and paste the exact thing you want me to reply to.
He said that there were raids on those who did not follow state laws. You completely ignored this with your little red scribbles (as far as I can see). How can you ever, ever expect to have an actual discussion?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LOL, Any discussion is pointless..A few are wilfully ignorant posting utter nonsense on all forums/websites they can. There is no other explanation. I guarantee they do not believe a word you post. You all should know this..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The key is he didn't go after them all, you saying "And then he went after them anyway" implied he went after everyone including people who followed the state laws and regulations. I was making the distinction that his administration only went after those who violated the laws in their states. For California, from what I've hears said there people were allowed to have up to 100 plants which compared to every other state I've heard the restrictions of, was very generous. Many states only allow like 4-6 plants and yet people there are making it work for the sake of having legal marijuana. Anyone in California who kept trying to grow more then 100 plants during that time were being greedy and selfish and potentially risking the state reversing this as a failed experiment.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Was she put on a vent or given remdesivir?
She died during the very early days of the pandemic before remdesivir was even an option. She was put on a ventilator because that was the only thing they knew to do at the time and in her case it was especially necessary as she had advanced COPD and without Covid complicating things her breathing capacity was already down to 30% of normal. She was on the waiting list for a lung transplant. After an extended period on the ventilator doctors started to worry she would never be able to come off it if they kept her on any longer so they took her off and she died within an hour.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm very sorry that your wife died. But it was the Deep State (which you support) that killed her. Not Trump.

BTW, it's not nice to call people 'Moron.'
Nor is it nice to behave like a moron when you're asking someone about something that is likely a very sensitive subject and they just gave you an obvious clue without spelling it out. The deep state had nothing to do with my wife's death nor do I support the deep state, nobody does, nobody even knows for sure who or what the deep state is or if it even exists, which is why it works so well for you conspiracy theorists because you can twist it to be virtually anyone you want it to be. The deep state was not encouraging people to ignore the guidelines established by the CDC which included safe distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying at home unless you were an essential worker and if you were an essential worker and exhibited any sign of illness don't go into work. Along with her COPD my wife also had advanced stage kidney disease which required her to have dialysis 3 times a week (she was also on the list for a kidney transplant). At the time she was staying with her parents in Texas. Her parents were very good about following the guidelines which was demonstrated by the fact that they managed to not catch Covid from my wife after she contracted it. The only time my wife had any contact with anyone besides her parents was when she went to the dialysis clinic. While there she was only in contact with one person and on the last day before she contracted Covid the dialysis technician she was in contact with was running a fever as well as coughing and sneezing. When my wife questioned her about being there, she just causally said, "Oh don't worry about it, it's just a cold and I'm getting better". In other words she never should have come in that day. Two days later my wife was in intensive care in a chemically induced coma so they could have her on a ventilator and she had tested positive for Covid. The people that failed to follow the guidelines that were put forth by the CDC and echoed by the Corona virus task force headed by Mike Pence were influence by then President Trump who had a habit of suggesting at rallies he would hold that the guidelines were an infringement of people's rights.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Microbeman wasn't tracking the conversation properly. That's all. You have to go back further, Microbe.
Actually Microbeman tracked it perfectly. The counter to your point that Obama "And then he went after them all" was in fact right there in the last sentence of what you quoted which read "The only people that Obama's DOJ and DEA went after were people violating the laws in their states."
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