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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
a POTUS finally gets the ball rolling and doing something to help rather than hurt, and is largely panned for political gain. if The Chump had done this, some of you would want to hold a victory parade and carve his comb-around onto Mount Rushmore... :bigeye:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
a POTUS finally gets the ball rolling and doing something to help rather than hurt, and is largely panned for political gain. if The Chump had done this, some of you would want to hold a victory parade and carve his comb-around onto Mount Rushmore... :bigeye:
Trump doesn't have the bad history of pushing mass incarceration that Biden has. In fact because Trump led like a real leader, he enacted The First Step Act.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You realize what midterms mean. Don’t be coy. It represents the health of your party.

Of course you are willing to give him a chance. There’s nothing else you can do. Anything beats the hell out of Trump. Right?

Round and around round round round (It’s a public image limited song)

Whatever man. Enjoy.

It’s a ploy…to covet support from those becoming disillusioned by the administration

…and doesn’t do much
I see it more as a desperate attempt to get more of the youth vote behind him and if he follows thru it just might work. Which yeah, that's a ploy but it will only work if he actually does what he says. If he does nothing he'll get nothing, in fact he'll probably lose even more support then he's already lacking. Since the number one reason his approval ratings are so low is because he has been seen by the progressives as not living up to his promises. So to put out another empty promise he doesn't live up to will only reaffirm to the left that he's unreliable. My willingness to give him a chance has zero to do with Trump, the Republican party is already starting to distance themselves from Trump. Even candidates he supported that won their primaries are starting to distance themselves from Trump. Indictments or not Trump doesn't stand much of a chance anyway. Despite his rabid support from the Maga faithful and some republicans, Trump doesn't have enough votes to win the general they only represent about 35% of the voting public. No my willingness to give him a chance is because if he does it, it will be the first time in my lifetime any real meaningful action from the Federal Government towards ending the failed drug war against Cannabis has happened. Sure I know it's a fairly minor gesture on his part since he can only pardon people on the Federal level and there are few if any in Federal prison for just simple possession but he has also called on State Governors to follow his example. So maybe they might want to boost their favorability for the mid terms? I'm also willing to see what comes of his call for a review of rescheduling Cannabis. If nothing comes of it then like I said, he'll lose any real hope of winning 2024 unless there is a blue wave amongst registered Republicans which isn't very likely. Being a little open minded rather then jumping right on the cynical train cost me nothing.

As far as mid terms and the health of political parties, historically the Republicans should easily win back the house and the senate. Just because that what usually happens in the mid terms, the party not in power takes back control of congress. At the beginning of the year all the polls showed the Republicans were going to do just that and by double digits. Steadily over the past several months the Democrats have closed that gap to where now the polls show a statistical draw and even the leader of the senate republicans ha been quoted as saying Republican's probably won't take the senate and he seemed less then optimistic they might take back the house. Now personally I don't put much faith in polls because I used to work for a company that conducted polls and so I know how they can be manipulated but for all the polls to have changed as much as they have is a clear indication that it's the health of the republican party that is in trouble.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And, then he went after them anyway.
No he didn't, it was during that time that Colorado went legal for recreational and then Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and a bunch of other states went Medicinal during that same period. The only people Obama's DOJ and DEA went after were people violating the laws in their states.

moose eater

Well-known member
Trump doesn't have the bad history of pushing mass incarceration that Biden has. In fact because Trump led like a real leader, he enacted The First Step Act.
tRump was in politics for how long? And how long was corporatist Dem Biden in politics?

Christ, Hempy(!!!), that's about as sensible as posting that the newbie star rookie batter for the Detroit Tigers hasn't pushed home runs out of the park as often or in the same way as A-Rod did.

Yes, Biden is a corporatist, has-been racist, all-power-to-the-gov. kinda guy.

Trump's a lunatic grifter con man who tried to subvert an election, committed perjury, witness tampering, possibly treason, and more. And tRump has been quoted, right here in these forums, suggesting the death penalty for drug dealers.

Better drugs, Hempy. I think you need better drugs.
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Active member
Obama enforced the laws accord to the state. Over 100 plants in Cali was a bust. Most folks with 100 or more plants are capitalist pigs out for the money from selling illegal goods.

Jericho Mile

I see it more as a desperate attempt to get more of the youth vote behind him and if he follows thru it just might work. Which yeah, that's a ploy but it will only work if he actually does what he says. If he does nothing he'll get nothing, in fact he'll probably lose even more support then he's already lacking. Since the number one reason his approval ratings are so low is because he has been seen by the progressives as not living up to his promises. So to put out another empty promise he doesn't live up to will only reaffirm to the left that he's unreliable. My willingness to give him a chance has zero to do with Trump, the Republican party is already starting to distance themselves from Trump. Even candidates he supported that won their primaries are starting to distance themselves from Trump. Indictments or not Trump doesn't stand much of a chance anyway. Despite his rabid support from the Maga faithful and some republicans, Trump doesn't have enough votes to win the general they only represent about 35% of the voting public. No my willingness to give him a chance is because if he does it, it will be the first time in my lifetime any real meaningful action from the Federal Government towards ending the failed drug war against Cannabis has happened. Sure I know it's a fairly minor gesture on his part since he can only pardon people on the Federal level and there are few if any in Federal prison for just simple possession but he has also called on State Governors to follow his example. So maybe they might want to boost their favorability for the mid terms? I'm also willing to see what comes of his call for a review of rescheduling Cannabis. If nothing comes of it then like I said, he'll lose any real hope of winning 2024 unless there is a blue wave amongst registered Republicans which isn't very likely. Being a little open minded rather then jumping right on the cynical train cost me nothing.

As far as mid terms and the health of political parties, historically the Republicans should easily win back the house and the senate. Just because that what usually happens in the mid terms, the party not in power takes back control of congress. At the beginning of the year all the polls showed the Republicans were going to do just that and by double digits. Steadily over the past several months the Democrats have closed that gap to where now the polls show a statistical draw and even the leader of the senate republicans ha been quoted as saying Republican's probably won't take the senate and he seemed less then optimistic they might take back the house. Now personally I don't put much faith in polls because I used to work for a company that conducted polls and so I know how they can be manipulated but for all the polls to have changed as much as they have is a clear indication that it's the health of the republican party that is in trouble.
As long as you are enjoying yourself. Guess I’ll never get it. I don’t even want to.

You seem semi aware you are caught up in political drama…and it appears you spend a lot of time digging into the manipulations…and the Blue Red narratives.

It’s your thing. Not mine. I enjoyed fucking with you poor bastards….but you are correct….I have nothing to say in all seriousness. You believe in a system that is so corrupted it has become a joke that anyone even pretends it to be real….and I never have. Just how it is. An ism.

My grow has another week…or maybe not…the weather is off its chain.

But here are my predictions : Trump never gets indicted. A republican or a democrat will be president in 2024. The supporters of the party not in charge will bitch…the supporters of party in charge will dance around cheering like they actually participated and did something. And life in the culture of make believe will go on.

And this thread will still be here and the same people will be in it…round and around round round round

I’ve mocked it and this crowd. All I can do. I see it as sad. And I see why it’s sad…but you dudes are happy playing in the bullshit. It doesn’t seem to insult you. So be it. Grow old with it.

Enjoy. Later.


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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
As long as you are enjoying yourself. Guess I’ll never get it. I don’t even want to.

You seem semi aware you are caught up in political drama…and it appears you spend a lot of time digging into the manipulations…and the Blue Red narratives.

It’s your thing. Not mine. I enjoyed fucking with you poor bastards….but you are correct….I have nothing to say in all seriousness. You believe in a system that is so corrupted it has become a joke that anyone even pretends it to be real….and I never have. Just how it is. An ism.

My grow has another week…or maybe not…the weather is off its chain.

But here are my predictions : Trump never gets indicted. A republican or a democrat will be president in 2024. The supporters of the party not in charge will bitch…the supporters of party in charge will dance around cheering like they actually participated and did something. And life in the culture of make believe will go on.

And this thread will still be here and the same people will be in it…round and around round round round

I’ve mocked it and this crowd. All I can do. I see it as sad. And I see why it’s sad…but you dudes are happy playing in the bullshit. It doesn’t seem to insult you. So be it. Grow old with it.

Enjoy. Later.

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Corruption is more transparent and pure in Old Mexico.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
No he didn't, it was during that time that Colorado went legal for recreational and then Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and a bunch of other states went Medicinal during that same period. The only people Obama's DOJ and DEA went after were people violating the laws in their states.
Uh, no. California was the first state to legalize medicinal and that was in 1996. Obama came down with his iron fist on co-ops and dispensaries in the early years of his presidency. Kamala Harris, as CA's Attorney General seemed to facilitate any way she could.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
tRump was in politics for how long? And how long was corporatist Dem Biden in politics?

Christ, Hempy(!!!), that's about as sensible as posting that the newbie star rookie batter for the Detroit Tigers hasn't pushed home runs out of the park as often or in the same way as A-Rod did.

Yes, Biden is a corporatist, has-been racist, all-power-to-the-gov. kinda guy.

Trump's a lunatic grifter con man who tried to subvert an election, committed perjury, witness tampering, possibly treason, and more. And tRump has been quoted, right here in these forums, suggesting the death penalty for drug dealers.

Better drugs, Hempy. I think you need better drugs.
He's talking about the jab pushers and big pharma/FDA traitors (mass-murderers).
Read between the lines.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
tRump was in politics for how long? And how long was corporatist Dem Biden in politics?

Christ, Hempy(!!!), that's about as sensible as posting that the newbie star rookie batter for the Detroit Tigers hasn't pushed home runs out of the park as often or in the same way as A-Rod did.

Yes, Biden is a corporatist, has-been racist, all-power-to-the-gov. kinda guy.
Well, now Trump has been in politics. No mass-incarceration of innocent people (cannabis users). Logic is not your thing, I guess. But, that doesn't mean that there is no hope for you. Hempy believes in you! :good:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Uh, no. California was the first state to legalize medicinal and that was in 1996. Obama came down with his iron fist on coops and dispensaries in the early years of his presidency. Kamala Harris, as CA's Attorney General seemed to facilitate any way she could.
Please at least read the stuff you quote. I clearly reference recreational marijuana which California didn't do until November 9th 2016 thru the ballot initiative Proposition 64. To spell it out for you since reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I was saying that Colorado, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California went recreational during the Obama years and then added on as an aside that a bunch of other states went medicinal around the same time.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Please at least read the stuff you quote. I clearly reference recreational marijuana which California didn't do until November 9th 2016 thru the ballot initiative Proposition 64.
Maybe I misread that, but you falsely implied that Obama's raids against CA dispensaries never happened. So... :rasta:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Maybe I misread that, but you falsely implied that Obama's raids against CA dispensaries never happened. So... :rasta:
I think I specified that Obama's admin supported raids in CA. CA did not have recreational until 2018. So, obviously you aren't addressing the issue and seem to be either uninformed or just indifferent.
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