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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

See you here tomorrow morning.

Same time?

Have a hot coffee ready for me
Sure. I’ll only be here another week or so…

Once it’s done….you dudes…can all sew in unison with your normal programming. Nice and sedate. Shut in.

I always hope for change here….but I’m a realist. You will be griping until your last breath…about bullshit…never ending round and round senseless bullshit

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You don’t pay attention to the irony do you?…or how you are being played. Go Blue! Fuck Trump! Forgive and Forget.

….you talk like an ashtray. The disturbing thing is…they let you maniacs sit in on juries.

Harris was the Attorney General of California. Don’t think those folks iz gettin’ freed. She was responsible for the prosecution of a shit ton of cannabis cases. Didn’t you pay attention?
Key word is that Harris WAS the Attorney General of California. Something that ended when she went to the Senate in 2017 and yeah in a State that had a lot of crime related to Cannabis it would only be logical that the States Attorney prosecuted a lot of those cases. That's what States Attorneys do. They don't make laws, they don't enforce laws, they prosecute violators of laws. Again though the key word in Biden's announcement is that he is going to be pardoning all that didn't involve violence, not most, not some, not just a few but ALL which would include even those that Harris prosecuted.

Jericho Mile

Key word is that Harris WAS the Attorney General of California. Something that ended when she went to the Senate in 2017 and yeah in a State that had a lot of crime related to Cannabis it would only be logical that the States Attorney prosecuted a lot of those cases. That's what States Attorneys do. They don't make laws, they don't enforce laws, they prosecute violators of laws. Again though the key word in Biden's announcement is that he is going to be pardoning all that didn't involve violence, not most, not some, not just a few but ALL which would include even those that Harris prosecuted.
Defender of the Faith. Fall on your sword, son. Head pop.

Again you overlook the irony.

Were you ever federally prosecuted for simple possession of Cannabis? I never was….and never will be.

So? Should I jump for joy? Is this a big step?

No. Just midterm election hoopla…nachos for the loyal believers…same same game

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Defender of the Faith. Fall on your sword, son.

Again you overlook the irony.

Were you ever federally prosecuted for simple possession of Cannabis? I never was….and never will be.

So? Should I jump for joy? Is this a big step?

No. Just midterm election hoopla…nachos for the loyal
Oh I didn't realize Biden was running in the mid terms. Look I realize as well as you or anyone else here that as of the moment it's just talk, I'm just willing to give him a chance to live up to his words. If he doesn't follow thru then he might as well not even run in 2024 because he'll have lost too many votes. I think he realizes that and he'll follow thru on at least the pardons otherwise the Republicans might end up having a chance in 2024 unless a younger candidate primaries him for the Presidency. Because I don't see the voters he'll lose decide to vote for the Republican candidate, they'll just do like you and not vote at all thereby giving the Republicans a shot if they haven't lost too much of the women's vote by setting the Supreme Court up to overturn Roe vs Wade.
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Jericho Mile

Oh I didn't realize Biden was running in the mid terms. Look I realize as well as you or anyone else here that as of the moment it's just talk, I'm just willing to give him a chance to live up to his words. If he doesn't follow thru then he might as well not even run in 2024 because he'll have lost too many votes. I think he realizes that and he'll follow thru on at least the pardons otherwise the Republicans might end up having a chance in 2024 unless a younger candidate primaries him for the Presidency. Because I don't see the voters he'll lose decide to vote for the Republican candidate, they just do like you and not vote at all thereby giving the Republicans a shot if they haven't lost too much of the women's vote by setting the Supreme Court up to overturn Roe vs Wade.
You realize what midterms mean. Don’t be coy. It represents the health of your party.

Of course you are willing to give him a chance. There’s nothing else you can do. Anything beats the hell out of Trump. Right?

Round and around round round round (It’s a public image limited song)

Whatever man. Enjoy.

It’s a ploy…to covet support from those becoming disillusioned by the administration

…and doesn’t do much
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Well-known member
So those with state level convictions are still sucking wind in an 8 x 10 cell..
state cases cannot be pardoned by a POTUS. but you want to blame him for that, got it...he asked the governors to address that part. did you see that? or just chose to ignore it ?


Well-known member
Gotta keep those republican 8 x 10's full!

"plead down from a more serious offense" LOL! they don't let you plead down from a "serious offense" to simple possession unless it truly WAS just possession to begin with, but over 1/4 oz like here in Tennessee. if you have a few grams of two or more types of weed in separate containers, here that nails you for "possession with intent to deliver", no defense possible. you are presumed guilty because it was separate...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Because it was Obama's Presidency and therefore Obama's call to make. Obama did at least make it possible for states to experiment with state legalization by ordering his Attorney General to not go after people who complied with state laws.
And, then he went after them anyway.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
state cases cannot be pardoned by a POTUS. but you want to blame him for that, got it...he asked the governors to address that part. did you see that? or just chose to ignore it ?
Uhmm Yeah I saw it. Thats why I feel it doesn't help the majority in prison and this is really, nothing but an attempt to win votes from those who cant comprehend more than a headline and think this move applies to those with state convictions.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
"plead down from a more serious offense" LOL! they don't let you plead down from a "serious offense" to simple possession unless it truly WAS just possession to begin with, but over 1/4 oz like here in Tennessee. if you have a few grams of two or more types of weed in separate containers, here that nails you for "possession with intent to deliver", no defense possible. you are presumed guilty because it was separate...
Cotton is a moral degenerate fukin idiot of the worst kind.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Uhmm Yeah I saw it. Thats why I feel it doesn't help the majority in prison and this is really, nothing but an attempt to win votes from those who cant comprehend more than a headline and think this move applies to those with state convictions.
Something I wonder about is if you were convicted federally are you prohibited from voting? If so this move does free up thousands of votes dating back to the early 70s. As it was pointed out it also removes the stigma of conviction. All drug charges should be forgiven, federally and in the states.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So, it looks like a pardon does not clear a person's criminal record. It is a form of forgiveness, but not a claim of innocence. So, that means that Biden's pardon has Zero benefit to anybody.

Well, actually he would benefit by getting votes from foolish people. So, at least somebody benefits, I guess... :rasta:


Well-known member
Uhmm Yeah I saw it. Thats why I feel it doesn't help the majority in prison and this is really, nothing but an attempt to win votes from those who cant comprehend more than a headline and think this move applies to those with state convictions.
would you not agree that SOMEBODY has to go first? many of the states that have not legalized/decriminalized have said publicly (Tennessee included, damn pussies) that they were waiting on the federal govt to move to give them cover. here is the first federal step taken, but you aint happy because you think Dems might get some votes out of the deal. whoever went first IS going to get some votes for it, but it was not a GOP president who did so...wonder why that was? :shucks::biglaugh:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
would you not agree that SOMEBODY has to go first? many of the states that have not legalized/decriminalized have said publicly (Tennessee included, damn pussies) that they were waiting on the federal govt to move to give them cover. here is the first federal step taken, but you aint happy because you think Dems might get some votes out of the deal. whoever went first IS going to get some votes for it, but it was not a GOP president who did so...wonder why that was? :shucks::biglaugh:
Who did what? First to do nothing? Why didn't Obama pardon them. I would say he was voted in, as the first black president, with the hope that he was going to do exactly this plus much more. Hempy knew better. Hempy was not fooled by Obama.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I wonder if the reason that there are no federal possession inmates for marijuana is because they were already released by Trump under the FIRST STEP ACT... :chin:

St. Phatty

Active member
Something I wonder about is if you were convicted federally are you prohibited from voting? If so this move does free up thousands of votes dating back to the early 70s. As it was pointed out it also removes the stigma of conviction. All drug charges should be forgiven, federally and in the states.

If it's a Felony conviction, I think people in that situation can vote, but can't get a passport.

What Biden has done is only useful if it lifts travel restrictions, etc.
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