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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

Sounds like a shitty state.

Probably republican run.

States where recreational marijuana is legal:

Back to the Coke Pepsi narrative. You need another nip shot to release the tension? Addiction is a motherfucker


ICMag Donor

First Proud Boys leader Jeremy Bertino pleads guilty to Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy and makes a deal to cooperate. There goes Roger Stone.​

I can hear the flushing sound and see the swirling.​


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"Third, I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. Federal law currently classifies marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the classification meant for the most dangerous substances. This is the same schedule as for heroin and LSD, and even higher than the classification of fentanyl and methamphetamine – the drugs that are driving our overdose epidemic."
Why didn't he do this under Obama's presidency?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Let me know dude. Talk is cheap ass hell. Efforts and Results are what counts.

This is pretty basic rhetoric coming from an administration that needs your support. Right at midterms too. What a shock.

Key word here is “review” …and better yet is the asking to “initiate” it.

Friendly wager? Will you bet an ounce of your best? I will.

"It's time for a national conversation about legalization."

- Every 21st century Deep State politician

Jericho Mile

It's ok...

Not everyone always understands what I'm implying.

Post all the flat titty pics you want.

Donkey Dick for you today?


Well-known member
I thought that's what the cool guys that don't care what others think, post as a reply...

I'm just trying to fit in at your cool kids McDonalds table

Jericho Mile

I thought that's what the cool guys that don't care what others think, post as a reply...

I'm just trying to fit in at your cool kids McDonalds table
No…you are showing the low level sarcasm of your dimwitted lame clan. About time for a meme to better express yourself. Run along and find one.

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