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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Biden to pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization

Jericho Mile

Biden to pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization
Howz about….some of the ones Harris put in prison? Like this is a paradoxical victory to be celebrated…selectively… by the humble Democratic Party supporters.



Bend the knee
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Biden to pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Biden to pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization
"Officials said there are currently no Americans serving prison time solely on federal simple marijuana possession charges. But they said the number who had been charged with that crime was north of 6,500."


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Since when have you started believing what the gov says lol. According to 2016 I found 82k people are in fed prison after being convicted of a drug offense as their most serious crime. Cannabis specifically was stated as 40k in 2020. The data is all over the place and IMO its a min of 30k in fed prison.. Prob 10x that for state drug charges. Drug charges are #1..


Active member
Waaa Waaaa....empty as bidens head...
Trump already band federal prosecutions
Or interference to states marijuana laws


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trump claims a lot which turns out is 99.9% Bullshit. Trump never banned fed cannabis prosections.. We all know nothing said will dissuade his bootlickers from believing shit that never happened.

The Trump Administration has proposed removing medical marijuana protections in the 2021 fiscal budget and leaked audio revealed the President’s belief that smoking weed makes you dumb. In June 2018, Trump stated that he would "probably" support the STATES Act, a bipartisan bill that would effectively end the federal prohibition on marijuana and leave the issue up to the states. He never did anything officially. None of this is hard to find.
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Active member
Trump claims a lot which turns out is 99.9% Bullshit. Trump never banned fed cannabis prosections.. We all know nothing said will dissuade his bootlickers from believing shit that never happened.

The Trump Administration has proposed removing medical marijuana protections in the 2021 fiscal budget and leaked audio revealed the President’s belief that smoking weed makes you dumb. In June 2018, Trump stated that he would "probably" support the STATES Act, a bipartisan bill that would effectively end the federal prohibition on marijuana and leave the issue up to the states. He never did anything officially. None of this is hard to find.
Trump's reported pledge spurs question: The beginning of the end of US marijuana prohibition?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You’ll have an aneurysm first. You’re pretty excitable. We both know that to be true. The heart doesn’t fib…but your person does. The battle has already been ceded.

Sister 3 with the Flo lean

A concession
You do know what an aneurysm is don't you, because your feeble attempt at trying to be clever sure makes it sound like you have no clue. The only thing that has been ceded is in your imagination. You think you've gained control or taken over the topic with your mediocre bud shots when in reality the discussion is at a pause while the people participating in this thread await for the result of recent events to see where the discussion goes next. In the meantime some of us have entertained ourselves by letting you live out your delusion of accomplishment while we toy with you enough to make you think you are relevant still to this thread when the reality is that you were never relevant. You're just a cynical old dude who thinks he has the world all figured out and takes mediocre pictures.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Waaa Waaaa....empty as bidens head...
Trump already band federal prosecutions
Or interference to states marijuana laws
Mo actually he just continued on with the policy of not prosecuting anyone following state guidelines that was started by the Obama administration.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Just seems like a backwards way of working on the issue and is a super cringe 'October Surprise.'
I'll grant you it is backwards and would be much more meaningful if it started with legalizing marijuana first but how can so sit there and say with any self respect, on a pro cannabis website, that freeing people wrongfully imprisoned for something that should never have been a crime is "cringe" regardless of when it happened?

I mean most of the people that might vote for Democrat because of this move already were planning on voting Democrat. Those who were planning on not voting Democrat up to this point most likely wouldn't be motivated to change their mind's just because of this.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Trump's reported pledge spurs question: The beginning of the end of US marijuana prohibition?
The only thing Trump ever did to favor the legalization of marijuana was when he threw his original attorney general Jeff Sessions under the bus because he recused himself on the matter of Russian influence on the Trump campaign. As long as Sessions held that cabinet seat Cannabis was never going to be legalized on the federal level.

Jericho Mile

What part of "all" don't you get brainiac?
You don’t pay attention to the irony do you?…or how you are being played. Go Blue! Fuck Trump! Forgive and Forget.


….you talk like an ashtray. The disturbing thing is…they let you maniacs sit in on juries.

Harris was the Attorney General of California. Don’t think those folks iz gettin’ freed. She was responsible for the prosecution of a shit ton of cannabis cases. Didn’t you pay attention?
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I'll grant you it is backwards and would be much more meaningful if it started with legalizing marijuana first but how can so sit there and say with any self respect, on a pro cannabis website, that freeing people wrongfully imprisoned for something that should never have been a crime is "cringe" regardless of when it happened?
Easy. It is very cringe worthy.
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