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Jericho Mile

Nothing but condescending to everyone. Might not be respectful but certainly is consistent.
This thread was started to be condescending. Hammer is a fanatic in the same light as Hempy.

For sure the thread is the blueprint for the steps to the left voter’s election victory dance. All it is.

It’s passive aggressive in its intention

Let’s stop the grade school antics…pretending innocence

It has zero balls. It’s weak as fuck.


Well-known member
This thread was started to be condescending. Hammer is a fanatic in the same light as Hempy.

For sure the thread is the blueprint for the steps to the left voter’s election victory dance. All it is.

It’s passive aggressive in its intention

Let’s stop the grade school antics…pretending innocence

It has zero balls. It’s weak as fuck.
At least you recognize a victory dance when you see one

Jericho Mile

At least you recognize a victory dance when you see one
And bait when I smell it.

If this is your victory dance…I’d reconsider your definition of the word.

You guys win…as often as…Trump’s crew

* Hammer thanks you for the views in the same way Hempy thanks you for the views in his thread

Popular dudes in school


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's what you get when you respond to people with mental issues. You guys know not to RESPOND but do it anyway. I would suggest Some get medical attention. They are bait posts to get people to engage with them.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The only one bitching is you. Nowhere in this thread have I complained about a thing.

Why do you concern yourself with what I post and where I post it? I’m presenting you with pictures of flowers that I have bred and grown out. I thought that’s what we were doing on this forum. A forum that I have been a member of since 2007. You don’t like my opinion or my flower pictures….want me to run along and post them somewhere you don’t have to engage in them?

…or should I just fall into line and post long paragraphs of my views…backed up by memes and news articles (see your last post for reference) that fit the narrative I want you to accept and believe? Should I have been doing this since Feb of 2021 (start of the thread) and expect that nobody will show up and slap my face with a dose of reality? The reality that I am wasting brain cells and time on political propaganda and illusions…for no purpose other than entertaining my fantasy. And I will talk down and then add to my Ignore List anyone who doesn’t buy what I’m selling myself. Lol…

Goddamn! There’s a message in there!

You dudes are wound too tight. Lighten up. Nobody is insulting you. I am reminding you of a few things. Tough love.

And somehow I’m the bad egg
I guess you don't read your own posts any better then anyone else's because pretty much every post you make has some bitching in it about how the rest of us are wasting our time discussing the topic at hand.

As for your opinion it's not whether I like it or not, everyone's entitled to their opinion, the problem I have is your opinions aren't really about the topic but about everyone else discussing the topic and what you think of them. The issue I have with your opinion is it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, so you constantly bitching about those of us trying to discuss the topic adds nothing worthwhile to the conversation. So if you want to post those sorts of opinions I would prefer you either find a thread where what you think of people discussing a topic you feel is a waste of time, is the topic. Or if you can't find one then (because I don't think there is a thread with that topic) Then go create one yourself. Then you can go there and bitch all you want about people wasting their time discussing a topic you feel is a waste of time and I'll not say one word. Or if that's too complicated for you then just keep your opinion about what the rest of us are doing or not doing to yourself. As for your pictures, I never said I didn't like them, in fact I suggested that there are probably all sorts of people that would enjoy them but aren't seeing them because they're looking in threads where that sort of content is intended. As far as what I think personally of your pics I've said they're okay, but that's all they are. There are many growers posting far better bud shots then yours. Which isn't meant as an insult it's just my opinion based on what I see other people posting elsewhere.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It sure isn't hard to see when someone broke the law and is openly killing democracy. Some make it about politics when its not.. We can see who won't call out Trump's crimes but gladly will when Briden or liberals do. I don't support morally corrupt people. I have no problem calling out crimes a dem/rep comit. Comparing the Dems/rep is like a fart and a nuke. People are too damn dumb to see it.

I participate far less than those calling me a fanatic lol.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I respect his perspective just as much as anyone else's.. even the clown shit you spew..
Difference is I would never be so pompous as to tell you or anyone else
They should take their opinion elsewhere
Cuz it hurts my feels...
That kind of shit is for control freaks and fragile minded non grippers
These threads are filled with disagreements of others opinions
Taking shit personal or offensive is laughable....in my opinion of coarse
What you are missing either on purpose or because you're brain can't differentiate is that his perspective isn't about the topic it's about the fact that others have opinions about the topic that he thinks is a waste of time. You don't see me telling you to take your opinions elsewhere because you at least try to participate in the topic. This sub forum and the topics in them are here for people to have a place to discuss them because if we want into a thread meant for showing bud shots or discussing growing techniques and proceeded to debate politics we would quickly be told to take that shit elsewhere because not many people like discussing politics. So expecting someone who has stated he doesn't like to talk politics, to take his opinions about people that do, to take his opinion elsewhere isn't being a control freak. It's just expecting people to let those of us who do like discussing these topics to do so without his constant bitching about it.

Yes these threads are filled with disagreements of other's opinions but at least those disagreements of opinions are on the topic being discussed. I never said anywhere that people can't disagree with each others opinions What I'm saying and will continue to say is keep the opinions and resulting disagreements on topic.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Interesting and possibly downturning move on Trump's part but man, these youtube commentators are fukin ridiculous - dozens of them now, who seem to just want to hear their own voice (okay maybe make some you-ads cash) as they prattle on about nothing.
Yeah I'll agree that most of them get too carried away with themselves but at the time I posted that, it was the only link I could find to where Trump said that. Reason being that one thing I will give these YouTube commentators credit on is that they tend to get on a topic or news of something days before more conventional news outlets. I imagine two or three days from now I'll probably find where MSNBC or CNN or maybe even Faux news might discuss those posts Trump made on Truth Social Of course as is usually the case those who disagree with something spend more time attacking the source rather then the event so it doesn't really matter all that much where it comes from.


Active member
There you go...your actually posting someone's opinion that is not even a member here...how do you square that?

And I remember a time when people were trying to remove members for NOT
Posting pics from their garden..


Active member
What you are missing either on purpose or because you're brain can't differentiate is that his perspective isn't about the topic it's about the fact that others have opinions about the topic that he thinks is a waste of time. You don't see me telling you to take your opinions elsewhere because you at least try to participate in the topic. This sub forum and the topics in them are here for people to have a place to discuss them because if we want into a thread meant for showing bud shots or discussing growing techniques and proceeded to debate politics we would quickly be told to take that shit elsewhere because not many people like discussing politics. So expecting someone who has stated he doesn't like to talk politics, to take his opinions about people that do, to take his opinion elsewhere isn't being a control freak. It's just expecting people to let those of us who do like discussing these topics to do so without his constant bitching about it.

Yes these threads are filled with disagreements of other's opinions but at least those disagreements of opinions are on the topic being discussed. I never said anywhere that people can't disagree with each others opinions What I'm saying and will continue to say is keep the opinions and resulting disagreements on topic.
I see what your sayin... but what if his opinion on the subject is that we are all full of shit and just spinning wheels?
(Which in reality is closer to the truth)
Hes entitled
You can scroll by... ignore...or engage
But remember...hammer has given strict warnings about engaging so ....🤣

I think it's safe to say we have all made off subject post in the coarse of banter
Even you...no?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There you go...your actually posting someone's opinion that is not even a member here...how do you square that?

And I remember a time when people were trying to remove members for NOT
Posting pics from their garden..
What the hell are you talking about? It wasn't an opinion, it was a news story. He reported on something Trump actually said on Truth Social, he didn't just give an opinion. Sure he's not a member her just as nobody from Faux news or any other news site is a member here.

Nobody ever tried to have people removed because they didn't post pics from their grow in a non grow related thread.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I see what your sayin... but what if his opinion on the subject is that we are all full of shit and just spinning wheels?
(Which in reality is closer to the truth)
Hes entitled
You can scroll by... ignore...or engage
But remember...hammer has given strict warnings about engaging so ....🤣

I think it's safe to say we have all made off subject post in the coarse of banter
Even you...no?
Probably, I don't keep score and In the case of Jericho I let him go on for a couple of weeks complaining about everyone's posts before I ever said one word to him, just on the chance he might actually get on topic. Straying off topic is one thing but never being on topic is an entirely different matter.

Jericho Mile

I guess you don't read your own posts any better then anyone else's because pretty much every post you make has some bitching in it about how the rest of us are wasting our time discussing the topic at hand.

As for your opinion it's not whether I like it or not, everyone's entitled to their opinion, the problem I have is your opinions aren't really about the topic but about everyone else discussing the topic and what you think of them. The issue I have with your opinion is it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, so you constantly bitching about those of us trying to discuss the topic adds nothing worthwhile to the conversation. So if you want to post those sorts of opinions I would prefer you either find a thread where what you think of people discussing a topic you feel is a waste of time, is the topic. Or if you can't find one then (because I don't think there is a thread with that topic) Then go create one yourself. Then you can go there and bitch all you want about people wasting their time discussing a topic you feel is a waste of time and I'll not say one word. Or if that's too complicated for you then just keep your opinion about what the rest of us are doing or not doing to yourself. As for your pictures, I never said I didn't like them, in fact I suggested that there are probably all sorts of people that would enjoy them but aren't seeing them because they're looking in threads where that sort of content is intended. As far as what I think personally of your pics I've said they're okay, but that's all they are. There are many growers posting far better bud shots then yours. Which isn't meant as an insult it's just my opinion based on what I see other people posting elsewhere.
Keep bitching. I’ll keep posting up phone shots while I keep cutting and field dressing. It’s so artsy man.


On Topic

Jericho Mile

That's what you get when you respond to people with mental issues. You guys know not to RESPOND but do it anyway. I would suggest Some get medical attention. They are bait posts to get people to engage with them.
Listen to him! The mentality! The Dynamics! A True Knight of America! You sound just like Trump! Well done!


Sister 13 final screen tops 3rd harvest session
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