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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

This is part of the problem..the left is pompous enough to think they alone
Can control narratives and wish to cancel
Any who dare to disagree and speak truth
They squirm and whine when their weakness is exposed...mass dysphoria complex
I have to agree on this. And I’m socially progressive. This…however…is the social engineering platforms in effect.

Wonderful to behold really. Top of the line. A work of art. Control.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You just don't get it, you go on and on with you're highly irritating twattle thinking you got it all figured out. You know the real deal about everyone in here, and political parties and politicians, about the country and everything. What the hell is the matter with you? Did you lose your binky and just won't shut the hell up until you get it back? Rather then me having to put you on ignore why don't you move on to a thread more to your suiting? I mean for Christ's sake, why hang out in a thread all about a topic you don't like and or believe in when you could be in a thread that you actually enjoy and you might not feel the need to annoy the fuck out of everyone with your constant whining? I mean for real, why on earth would you want to remain in a thread where most people wish you would just shut up and the few who actually like what you have to say don't realize you dislike them just as much but they enjoy seeing your posts because they see it as you owning some libs.

I get why you don't like the topic or politics or America (The government not the country) and really I can understand that opinion and would be willing to respect it if it weren't for the fact that you're constantly disrespecting everyone else's opinions and putting them down because they don't see things the way you do. You obviously see yourself as enlightened but you really aren't, you're just another schmuck who thinks he is one of the few that has it all figured out. Sure maybe you got some points about politics and politicians in general but when it comes to the people here or at least most of them you don't know shit. Maybe what motivates us has nothing at all with the things you think it does. The world does not fall into the nice and simple opposing sides of black and white or red and blue. Maybe some of us just don't like Trump because he's a lying, thieving scumbag that never offered society anything worthwhile and everything he holds out as badges of honor he got not thru honest work and effort but by always trying to game the system usually at the expense of someone who didn't deserve to be screwed over but he did it just because he could. Several people here have already told you they do not fit into your cookie cutter view of red and blue but you'll never accept that because if you do that means you don't really have it all figured out.

So what if people here argue back and forth over issues they'll never reach an accord on. Just move the hell on, you're pictures are okay enough that I know there are threads that people would oooo and ahhh over your pictures. You appear to know what you're doing when it comes to growing so you could hang out in other forums helping people to be better growers. So go do that. Why constantly waste your time trying to change the minds of people you've already decided will never change even if they actually might some day given the right reasons? Or if you really must hang out here in this thread centered on a topic you clearly don't like or agree with and post pictures then just post your pictures and keep your thoughts to yourself about what motivates everyone else.

The only reason they do that is they enjoy it. I don't respond to their incoherent reasoning. As long as people keep responding to them they will continue.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
This is part of the problem..the left is pompous enough to think they alone
Can control narratives and wish to cancel
Any who dare to disagree and speak truth
They squirm and whine when their weakness is exposed...mass dysphoria complex
no difference - right or left - same shit


Active member
just "ignore" him and get it over with. he's EXACTLY like Stempy McPoodle, only here to get folks to waste their time dealing with him and spreading shit with no basis of fact to stand on. when you reply, he thinks "I WIN AGAIN!"
Let me guess... brave knight of the quilting table?🤣


Active member
Stop speeding and break up your ranting.

I’ve told you my position. If you don’t like it….piss off.

Damn dude. Get a grip…because you are slipping away pretty fast. This is a public forum….and a general off topic thread. Stop pretending you are in an argument. You are just drooling hyperbolic rhetoric

View attachment 18763600

You should have see em when they were going
Thru their spelling nazi phase...
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Jericho Mile

The only reason they do that is they enjoy it. I don't respond to their incoherent reasoning. As long as people keep responding to them they will continue.
….or if you don’t respond…it doesn’t matter. You read in silence then…and if you could just rant in silence…that’d be a smart move too.



dig deeper
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Jericho Mile

just "ignore" him and get it over with. he's EXACTLY like Stempy McPoodle, only here to get folks to waste their time dealing with him and spreading shit with no basis of fact to stand on. when you reply, he thinks "I WIN AGAIN!"
Not the game. No dice. No pass go. How rude.


Amazing how harvesting Sister 1 opens up the screen for her longer sisters…start of the 5th round. Championship round. For all the glory. Endurance.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is part of the problem..the left is pompous enough to think they alone
Can control narratives and wish to cancel
Any who dare to disagree and speak truth
They squirm and whine when their weakness is exposed...mass dysphoria complex
He hasn't spoken any truth though and you're tooo dense to see it. All he has said is that he doesn't believe in left or right, he doesn't believe in politics, he doesn't agree with the government and he doesn't vote. The only potential truth there is the last one about him not voting. Everything else is opinion.

Nor am I trying to control any narratives but again you're too dense to see it. All you see is he came back at me and that makes you all giddy like the like he clicked on your post. The thread is titled Criminal Indictments coming for Trump, that's the topic or narrative at hand. Not do you believe in voting?, Do you believe in politics?, Do you believe in the 2 main political parties? As far as I'm concerned he is entitled to those opinions I just want him to take his opinions to a thread about those opinions and stop bitching about everyone here that doesn't agree with his opinions which actually includes you as well but again you're so caught up in what you perceive as someone owning the libs you can't see he's talking about you as much as anyone else.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Anyway Trump may have finally done it and shot himself in the foot with the wrong person. He's now essentially put out a death threat on the man that kept him from being booted out of the Presidency twice in two impeachments and if that wasn't enough he insulted the man's wife who used to be his Transportation Secretary. Also the man that helped him obtain at least one more Supreme Court Nomination then he was entitled to. As well as helped him place all those Federal Judges like Aileen Cannon that don't really have the experience to hold their positions. I'm guessing he thinks Mitch McConnell is just going to roll over and kiss his ass like Cancun Cruz did but I'm betting he'll be sorely mistaken

Jericho Mile

He hasn't spoken any truth though and you're tooo dense to see it. All he has said is that he doesn't believe in left or right, he doesn't believe in politics, he doesn't agree with the government and he doesn't vote. The only potential truth there is the last one about him not voting. Everything else is opinion.

Nor am I trying to control any narratives but again you're too dense to see it. All you see is he came back at me and that makes you all giddy like the like he clicked on your post. The thread is titled Criminal Indictments coming for Trump, that's the topic or narrative at hand. Not do you believe in voting?, Do you believe in politics?, Do you believe in the 2 main political parties? As far as I'm concerned he is entitled to those opinions I just want him to take his opinions to a thread about those opinions and stop bitching about everyone here that doesn't agree with his opinions which actually includes you as well but again you're so caught up in what you perceive as someone owning the libs you can't see he's talking about you as much as anyone else.
The only one bitching is you. Nowhere in this thread have I complained about a thing.

Why do you concern yourself with what I post and where I post it? I’m presenting you with pictures of flowers that I have bred and grown out. I thought that’s what we were doing on this forum. A forum that I have been a member of since 2007. You don’t like my opinion or my flower pictures….want me to run along and post them somewhere you don’t have to engage in them?

…or should I just fall into line and post long paragraphs of my views…backed up by memes and news articles (see your last post for reference) that fit the narrative I want you to accept and believe? Should I have been doing this since Feb of 2021 (start of the thread) and expect that nobody will show up and slap my face with a dose of reality? The reality that I am wasting brain cells and time on political propaganda and illusions…for no purpose other than entertaining my fantasy. And I will talk down and then add to my Ignore List anyone who doesn’t buy what I’m selling myself. Lol…

Goddamn! There’s a message in there!

You dudes are wound too tight. Lighten up. Nobody is insulting you. I am reminding you of a few things. Tough love.

And somehow I’m the bad egg
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Active member
He hasn't spoken any truth though and you're tooo dense to see it. All he has said is that he doesn't believe in left or right, he doesn't believe in politics, he doesn't agree with the government and he doesn't vote. The only potential truth there is the last one about him not voting. Everything else is opinion.

Nor am I trying to control any narratives but again you're too dense to see it. All you see is he came back at me and that makes you all giddy like the like he clicked on your post. The thread is titled Criminal Indictments coming for Trump, that's the topic or narrative at hand. Not do you believe in voting?, Do you believe in politics?, Do you believe in the 2 main political parties? As far as I'm concerned he is entitled to those opinions I just want him to take his opinions to a thread about those opinions and stop bitching about everyone here that doesn't agree with his opinions which actually includes you as well but again you're so caught up in what you perceive as someone owning the libs you can't see he's talking about you as much as anyone else.

I respect his perspective just as much as anyone else's.. even the clown shit you spew..
Difference is I would never be so pompous as to tell you or anyone else
They should take their opinion elsewhere
Cuz it hurts my feels...
That kind of shit is for control freaks and fragile minded non grippers
These threads are filled with disagreements of others opinions
Taking shit personal or offensive is laughable....in my opinion of coarse

Jericho Mile

I respect his perspective just as much as anyone else's.. even the clown shit you spew..
Difference is I would never be so pompous as to tell you or anyone else
They should take their opinion elsewhere
Cuz it hurts my feels...
That kind of shit is for control freaks and fragile minded non grippers
These threads are filled with disagreements of others opinions
Taking shit personal or offensive is laughable....in my opinion of coarse
Ding Ding Ding There it is.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Anyway Trump may have finally done it and shot himself in the foot with the wrong person. He's now essentially put out a death threat on the man that kept him from being booted out of the Presidency twice in two impeachments and if that wasn't enough he insulted the man's wife who used to be his Transportation Secretary. Also the man that helped him obtain at least one more Supreme Court Nomination then he was entitled to. As well as helped him place all those Federal Judges like Aileen Cannon that don't really have the experience to hold their positions. I'm guessing he thinks Mitch McConnell is just going to roll over and kiss his ass like Cancun Cruz did but I'm betting he'll be sorely mistaken

Interesting and possibly downturning move on Trump's part but man, these youtube commentators are fukin ridiculous - dozens of them now, who seem to just want to hear their own voice (okay maybe make some you-ads cash) as they prattle on about nothing.
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