So some random teenager walks up to us with this little tiny kitten in his hands asking if we wanted to buy him for $30. He definitely shouldn't have been taken from his mother yet. Of course we had to take him, who knows what would of happened to the poor thing. One of his eyes was messed up, and he had flees. After giving him a bath with a tiny bit of dawn dish detergent (original), the flees are gone and we haven't seen any sign of them returning
I've been feeding him with a little bottle and now he is eating wet and hard cat food (but he still wants his milk from the bottle) Our other cat was eating wet food and the kitten was watching her and then went over and started eating it. Our female cat swats him around like he's a mouse and if we left them alone, i think she might try to kill him
He has been gaining weight like crazy thankfully, and his eye also looks a million times better!
I love him!

I love him!