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Crack down on cannabis, world body tells U.S.


Active member
They are at it again........this time it's the U.N....:

"The United States must not turn a blind eye to the recreational use of cannabis in states that liberalize drug laws, an international monitoring group said, urging the country to live up to its treaty commitments.

Voters in the states of Colorado and Washington approved measures in November that allow personal possession of cannabis for people 21 and older, who will be able to buy the drug at special stores under rules to be finalized this year.

No other states have legalized pot, the country's most widely used illicit drug, for recreational use. But proponents are pushing for ballots in states such as California and Oregon, which were among the first to allow cannabis for medical use.

Raymond Yans, president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), said assurances from the U.S. government in December that growing, selling or possessing the drug remained illegal under federal law were "good, but insufficient".
Letting people smoke cannabis for recreational purposes violates the U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, to which the United States is a party, he told the U.N. Commission on Narcotic Drugs on Wednesday, according to a statement on Thursday.

The INCB monitors implementation of international drug control conventions, and Yans cited the United States' legal obligation to ensure the treaties were upheld across the country. The Commission is the central U.N. policymaking body for drug-related matters.

Supporters of the U.S. legalization campaign have argued the "war on drugs" launched in 1971 has failed to stem cannabis use, and instead saddled otherwise law-abiding pot smokers with criminal records that could help keep them out of work.

U.S. President Barack Obama said in a television interview in December that it did not make sense for the federal government to "focus on recreational drug users in a state that has already said that, under state law, that's legal".

They are still calling cannabis a narcotic drug, and go on to say the United States is in violation of the U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, to which the United States is a party. They forgot to mention that it was the United States who prevailed on other countries to criminalize the plant to begin with. The "forbidden fruit", as it were, just seems to make sense to all believers in the Adam & Eve mythology.

lost in a sea

the u.n will burn in hell.. they are pretty much all just a gang of massive perverted nazis.. in bed with nato, the imf and the military industrial complex as well as all the other nwo puppets..

no one ever voted for them either.. it is a fascist organization that has created little but misery since its inception..


Strange how organizations funded by the US government. Are used to back the Obama administrations continuation of the war on the people.


Active member
They are at it again........this time it's the U.N....:

"The United States must not turn a blind eye to the recreational use of cannabis in states that liberalize drug laws, an international monitoring group said, urging the country to live up to its treaty commitments.

Again... I remind the U.N. to start with India first.

:thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Sand. The U.N. needs to go pound it.





it would be totally fucked up if the UN came and imposed their drug laws in our country! that would be an out and out shitty thing to do! ............ ***** just ask harry anslinger *****:tiphat:

irony is a motherfucker folks:biggrin:

and i STILL say that the US government will never really give two shits about what the UN says. when have they?


Registered Non-Conformist
There's no reason to hate on the UN, they are powerless anyways. The USA is the reason that we have issues with Pot Prohibition. WE were the ones prevailing on other countries previously to keep MJ illegal, such a the Netherlands., and Latin America, amongst others.

In the You Ess Ay, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, and WILL CONTINUE TO SPEAK. It is too late, the horse has already left the barn. If they would have stopped this at the 'root,' pardon the pun, Prohobition may have been allowed to continue, but it's too late now.


New member
the u.n will burn in hell.. they are pretty much all just a gang of massive perverted nazis.. in bed with nato, the imf and the military industrial complex as well as all the other nwo puppets..

no one ever voted for them either.. it is a fascist organization that has created little but misery since its inception..

Haw haw! Cant fucking argue with that!

lost in a sea

There's no reason to hate on the UN, they are powerless anyways. The USA is the reason that we have issues with Pot Prohibition. WE were the ones prevailing on other countries previously to keep MJ illegal, such a the Netherlands., and Latin America, amongst others.

there really are plenty of reasons to hate on the un..

yes america does help keep the nonsense war on drugs going but the people making sure that happens aren't actually american,, they just use it as a facia to hide behind, they are internationalists..

the same people that tell the un, nato, eu, imf etc etc what to do also pull the strings at the top of the us puppet show.. the brics are controlled by them as well(despite the propaganda) but that is a different story because they have a different ending..

imo it's a misnomer to look at the un and say no its actually the US's policies causing the problem because the system is poisonous all the way to the top, with many gangs of perverts running different aspects of this circus towards the same goal -- fascism..

if the usa wasn't the "world police" it would be some other rothschilde controlled state doing it, germany maybe.. essentially they always planned to make the usa the scapegoat for their various plans because they hate the place..
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lost in a sea

true on face value but completely irrelevent because money is international..

people always say things like "follow the paper trail" but they usually forget that the powers that be know this fact very well, so it is a double edged sword..

are those that fund it americans? they pretend to be..

what makes someone american anyway? just having a visa and passport??

the rockerfellers/rothschildes/kissingers/warburgs and friends all have them and they fund the u.n through their tentacles,, but if you asked them they wouldnt say they were american, but the accounts they use are in america your right..

is the federal reserve american? washington dc? the pentagon?

no they aren't at all, they pledge allegiance to a different power than the american people,, the orders they follow and the money they abuse may be american tax payer money but the orders on how to spend it is decided by the shadow government, and that isn't american, it's the SS, a crack takedown squad sinking the titanic, in and out and no one sees them..

do you think obama thinks of himself as american? if he did he wouldnt be able to look at himself in the mirror..

my point is just that imo when you look at the background and bloodlines of the people funding and running the u.n and america in general they are not american, they are nearer to genocidal psychopaths that call themselves internationalists.. the old world robber baron class let loose amidst the sheep..


New member
I was a heavy drinker for 13 years, tried everything to quit, and nothing worked. I started having health problems, and it became clear that I was killing myself. I would be dead today if it wasn't for marijuana. By having cannabis 2-4 times a day, I have been able to abstain from alcohol and cigarettes for just over 2 years now. If I don't have my cannabis, I know I will go back to drinking. I don't think my liver and pancreas can handle any more alcohol, and it will probably kill me.

Will I still be able to get my medical marijuana in California 45 days from now? I don’t want to die yet!
Hilarious....we forced the UN and NATO members to sign on the Cannabis/drug ban to become a member way back in the day, now that we have changed our minds, they want to try and tell us how to run our country.......Eat a dick, bring your sissy blue helmets over here and try to make us.....


Registered Non-Conformist
if the usa wasn't the "world police" it would be some other rothschilde controlled state doing it, germany maybe.. essentially they always planned to make the usa the scapegoat for their various plans because they hate the place..

But it IS the USA that is the main force behind the UN anyways.

I have always thought that people who feel extreme distaste for the UN are just xenophobic. The UN has NO Power. Expecially against the main Funding Country.

USA. Not said with patriotic Pride regarding Foreign Policies, Mind You.

Benjamin, the Gov't is the one to look to for resposibility regarding WHICH laws are written and enforced. The People are always in the forefront.


I always thought no one listens to the UN anyway. You know, really bad stuff happens in a country, so they get their pen out, write them a letter and that's the end of it. Or if the country continues to be naughty, they send blue hatted troops to watch and take notes of violence.

Perhaps, if the US continues on it's current course, the UN will send observers to watch people get baked and eat Doritos.


Andinismo Hierbatero
the U.N are a bunch of crypto-Nazis, who perpetuate the problems they profess to work on solving, fuck 'em.

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