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Costco greenhouse kit


I got this cute little 6'x8' greenhouse from Costco. Happy early birthday present for me!

It is just like the picture except all the panels are translucent like the ones pictured on the roof. Slightly wavy and a bit frosty looking instead of transparent.

I don't intend to complete my grows in it, but rather to start some seeds, grow em for 3 weeks and then transplant them to a more stealthy location outdoors.
Like, up a tree.
Or under some blackberry brambles.

Looking at an extended weather forecast for my area, low temps are right around 40f for the next two weeks.

I intend to assemble it this weekend, and set up all my plant pots, get water buckets out there etc, prep soil, etc, etc. And then plant my seeds next weekend.
Starting with all the garden food. Tomatoes, carrots, random tasty foods. With one or two weed seeds hidden behind something else. ;) I want to stagger my plant starts so I have a few plants growing about a month from each other.

Does this sound too early? If I keep several 5 gallon buckets of water in there do y'all think I can maintain survivable temps overnight? Or am I too enthusiastic, and I should wait a few more weeks? :D


Tomorrow we're going to go to the lumber yard and get some pressure treated wood to build a platform out of.
Then assembly of the greenhouse can begin. A blurb on the internet says it is a full all day project to put together by oneself. :p Wish I had something to smoke while I worked.

Today we're off to a nephew's birthday party. Yay?


Well then, I'm either a rich bastard, or.... maybe I didn't drop $5000? I got the cute little 6x8.

Here it is still wrapped up, there were two of these boxes. And you can also see the old porch we're going to recycle to make a floor for it to stand on.

Here it is sorted and laid out according to the directions. The other box had all the panels.

The end pieces were the most complicated. And the well head is showing in this picture, that's why it will get a floor, no fertilizers in the drinking water!

Here it looks done, but there are cross bracing and shelves still to put in, etc. And that's not where it will stand, it's just sitting out of the way until we get the floor assembled.

This is a fun little toy to build, actually! The panels are double layered for insulation, and one side is UV resistant.
It'll be next weekend or later before the platform is finished and it gets put in it permanent location. But I'll come back with another picture or two then.

I'll even pose my one little Early Wonder Skunk in it, but I won't be growing in there. It'll be a good place to start seedlings, but it's too close to the road and not very secure.