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CO's New AG: Pot Legalization 'Not Worth It'

Ruh roh, CO; the bold sentence quoted sounds ominous considering the new AG's stance on CO's recreational law. (Sounds like someone needs to get voted out of office!)

The lawyer charged with defending Colorado's marijuana legalization laws denounced them Monday.

“It’s not worth it,” Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman told dozens of fellow state attorneys general at a conference in the nation's capital, ​referring to $76 million in taxes and fees collected from pot sales last year.

The recently inaugurated Republican rebuked legalization advocates’ long-standing argument that regulating sales will eliminate the black market for marijuana and associated criminal activity.

“Don’t buy that argument,” she told her peers. “The criminals are still selling on the black market. ... We have plenty of cartel activity in Colorado [and] plenty of illegal action that has not decreased at all.”

Coffman added that some purportedly above-board marijuana growers have exceeded allowable limits and sell marijuana in somewhat of a gray market.

Coffman’s office is responsible for fighting a growing number of lawsuits challenging pot legalization in Colorado. Residents voted for legalization by a 10-point margin in 2012 and polls show the policy retains majority support. The state's first recreational pot stores opened in January 2014.

More to read...


Rubbing my glands together
"Coffman’s office is responsible for fighting a growing number of lawsuits challenging pot legalization in Colorado"

Don't expect her to fight those lawsuits with her best foot forward then.


She's an ole Mizzou gal, been married to a CO legislator for a minute, not sure she hasn't been one also, lol. I'd have to go look. She's been around brickweed central, lol, we went to the same shit hole high school, she may think it all runs thataway, lol. JMO For what its worth, my ShoMe bros say the CO meds getting to them are pretty dang good, lolol! Claim its the med side, not the rec side, quality rules!

And why did the folks of CO elect a republican for that position, lol? I also see Idaho is thinking of doing the suing the state thing to WA, lmfao, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!
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"Coffman’s office is responsible for fighting a growing number of lawsuits challenging pot legalization in Colorado"

Don't expect her to fight those lawsuits with her best foot forward then.
Exactly. That's why I started this thread - I don't think she'll do her job the best she can, more likely she's throw the lawsuits so CO looses, while trying to look innocent.

CO is really having a rough time of it right now, too many Republicans in and around CO!
She's an ole Mizzou gal, been married to a CO legislator for a minute, not sure she hasn't been one also, lol. I'd have to go look. She's been around brickweed central, lol, we went to the same shit hole high school, she may think it all runs thataway, lol. JMO For what its worth, my ShoMe bros say the CO meds getting to them are pretty dang good, lolol! Claim its the med side, not the rec side, quality rules!

And why did the folks of CO elect a republican for that position, lol? I also see Idaho is thinking of doing the suing the state thing to WA, lmfao, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!
Wow, interesting you want to the same high school.

About WA, do you have a link you could share? This is the first I've heard of Idaho suing WA.

It always baffled me as to why repubs were so against legalization.
Me too! What about the whole states' rights moto of the Repubs?!

I think it's more about money they get from big pharma and prison-industrial system, than some innate belief recreational is somehow much worse than medical...

Did you see this other post of mine about the new law suits in CO? Crazy stuff.

"Boycott Holiday Inn in Frisco, CO! (They're suing the ppl in CO industry)"


Wow, interesting you want to the same high school.

About WA, do you have a link you could share? This is the first I've heard of Idaho suing WA.


said they thought about it, its in one of the many articles per the CO atty quotes. I've looked, but can't find the exact one, said basically at this governors convention they are all at, dude from ID was asked if he was gonna sue WA over the cross border nuisance deal like NE and OK was to CO, and he said no with a big smile. Idaho state popo are reporting most drug seizures on that border.

Wyoming shut down the decriminalization bills in their legislature in the last month. CO has quite a few bordering states, let's hope they don't get crazy....?! Utah is ok, I think. I hafta review my geography lesson, lol:biggrin:


Active member
This is precisely why I will no longer ever vote for any effing republican. I have watched for many years and the republicans do the exact opposite of what they purport to stand for.
1) States rights ?????? Only if the GOP approve of those rights. They could give a crap less about democracy - voters only count if they are GOP sheep.
2) Less Big Govt ( The Dems are for Big Govt !! bs) - Here is a perfect example of how that is a total lie. Less Big Govt is only applicable when it comes to de-regulating their particular business or when they want to hide their criminal gains.
3) Personal responsibility - another outright lie. Here is the example of a GOP Big Nanny attorney general who thinks she knows better than the "ignorant simple minded voters"
4) Campaign reform- years and years of trying to reform the criminal bribing aka campaign donations thrown down the toilet completely by the Far Right Wing UnSupreme Court members.
5) Citizens United- the same Far Right Wing UnSupreme Court members vote dtaht corporations are people to.
The GOP are total hypocrites and liars. The evidence of this is screaming at everyone.
I dont vote Democrat because I am a supporter of that party, I am voting for whomever has the best chance to keep a filthy Republican out of office.
The GOP spits on democracy and freedom. They are the distinct enemy of the American people.


ICMag Donor
^^^Republicrat or Demicon...
They both sleep together!
They bat for the same team!
They are NOT distinct from one another except in their public image.
We've got little hairy elephants & huge bald donkeys at the helm of government.

Their power is derived from a very fundamental source.

“It’s not worth it,” Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffma told dozens of fellow state attorneys general at a conferenc the nation's capital, referring to million in taxes and fees collecte from pot sales last year.

The recently inaugurated Republican rebuked legalization advocates’ long-standing argume that regulating sales will eliminat the black market for marijuana a associated criminal activity.

“Don’t buy that argument,” she t her peers. “The criminals are still selling on the black market. ... W have plenty of cartel activity in Colorado [and] plenty of illegal action that has not decreased at

Coffman added that some purportedly above-board mariju growers have exceeded allowabl limits and sell marijuana in somewhat of a gray market.[\QUOTE]

This woman, wether she supports COLORADANS decision or not, can see right through legislation & see it's rotting corpse! I applaud her for that alone.

NOW... I just hope she REPRESENTS Coloradans will to the best of her ability.

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