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Correct CoCo pH


I've read all sorts of figures for the best pH for soil and hydro grows, and also I see many people aiming for 5.8 in CoCo.

What IS the best number to shoot for--or range--for pH in CoCo?

I've been right aroun 6.4 and I've had nothing but success...yet after reading here that seems high.

And if it is high, why do we consider it high, since a similar number in soil would be fine.

Thanks :)


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
5.5-6.2 is the optimum range depending on nute requirements.

different nutes are available in differing amounts inbetween those pH values.

6.4 is high for coco. are you sure your meter is working? hate to ask, but it's one of

the inevitable questions. one reason why you may be having success is because coco

acts as a natural pH buffer, automatically self-correcting towards 6.0. Many

professionals I know just hit 6.0 because they prefer not to use pH down.

The reason 5.5-6.2 is the accepted pH range is because the nutrients are, for the

most part, immediately available to the plant in a hydroponic medium.

In soil the proper pH is closer to 7 (neutral) because not all of the nutrients are

immediately available. Some need to be chelated by microbial and fungal life in the soil

before it can be used. Others need to decompose into a useful state.

Good luck

Peace, Love & CoCo


Originally Posted by Indica Sativa
Originally Posted by knna
Originally Posted by Indica Sativa
When it comes to hand watering once a day, what would you recommend as far as alternating the pH of the feedings? For example, would you water one day with a pH of say 5.5 and the next day 5.9 and so on? Or a few days with a lower pH and then a few days with a higher pH?


Hmmm... when i handwater, never is once a day, but once each 3-4 days. So i dont pay too much atention to the ph, i just measure it after mixing the NS and adjust if needed, but in gross (eye) way, and try to do the less adjustments as possible. My target is 5,8, but sometimes actual ph is a bit higher, sometimes a bit lower.

When i handwater, i try to use a narrow ph range (5,6-6,0). Only if i note that in the last waterings has been more ph over 5,8 i adjust it below it for 1 or 2 waterings.

It depends too on how much you extend the dry period. If you handwater dayly and the pot size is enough (respect to plant' size), the ph swing in the media is little, so you need to pay more atention to NS ph. But if you extend more the waterings, then adjusting ph at 5,8-6,0 works nice, because as water evaporate, Ec in the media increases and ph drop, giving a good ph swing to full elements uptake.

But if you want to know the optimum way, not what i do (im a very lazy man ), than if you handwater once a day, alternate 5,6-5,8-6,0 in each watering.


Asked knna about this a while ago.. hope this helps


knna said:
There are many valid ph ranges for coco, each one with advantages and disadvantages.

I believe the worst of all is the one most reccomended, 5.8-6-2, because it usually results in cation's imbalance. But with often flushing and aditives, it works fine.

I prefer using low phs, i get the best results with them, or use very wide ranges (5,3-6,3). Due to the high coco's CEC (cation exchange capacity), it makes sense using ph similar to soil, or just a bit lower. Between 6.2 and 6.5, avalaibility of Ca and Mg is balanced, same as 5.8. The problem with this high ph should come from micros defficiencies, but when using chelated micros (most coco and hydro nutes formulas), it wouldnt be a concern.

My advise is dont change it if its working right.

Yeah, I'm using Technaflora Nutes--the "recipe for success"--exactly how they list it...its a balanced spectrum of nutrients and chelated micros, along with an organic kelp additive. These nutes are made specifically for hydro, and were recommended to me for CoCo at our local grow shop, since they have Cal, Mag, and other necessities.

Only other things I use are: Microzzhial Fungi (sp?) and humic acid in the root zone when planting; Micronutrient foliar spray once a week while in veg; Superthrive root soak when transplanting; Succanat during last 6 weeks of flowering.

I also flush every 21 days with a generic Clearex and I use straight H20 every fourth watering/feeding.

Oh, and I amend the CoCo with about 20-30% Perlite.

I'll test the runoff again next time I feed, but I'm not seeing a lot of reason to change what I'm doing. My plants are very, very healthy--best grow I've had yet. And these are three different strains:

Heri-Berry (Herijuana X Mountainberry)
K-Train (Trainwreck X K2)
Red Haze (Panama Red X Nevilles Haze)