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Cops Ruin Cannabis, City Has To Pay

Good for her, but imagine the twilight zone of hell that would have ensued had she taken up arms against this unlawful encroachment? Not a crime to resist illegal actions committed on your person or property, but sucks to be right and dead, or right but doing life due to accurate shooting.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
I wish she would have shot them. There's a lot of crooked cops in new Mexico who still think its the wild west and they get to charge into people's homes and make up reasons why their there going through your shit and searching your family while they sit in cuffs crying. Happen to me twice in two weeks over this winter. Fuck the police.


New Mexico invented the "search before the warrant" approach.At least north of the border.They don't respect your rights at all if they think they can bust some weed easy, you will most likely sleep in your own bed but they'll have wrecked the whole show.In NM its better gangsters know you grow than cops.Cops here in Mass would never pull that stuff, thats much of the reason I stay out here in the east, the law is harder on cops for sure.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
"Albuquerque city Risk Manager Peter Ennen said it was a routine settlement distinguished only by the drug element.
“It’s something out of the ordinary that it’s a claim for medical marijuana plants,” "

The fuckers are bold enough to admit that their searches and destruction of people's property are a routine occurrence that require their paying settlements. When will The People have enough of this bullshit?
I hope that she is able to replace her meds
If that was to happen to me there are genetics that would be lost forever.. & that would hurt more than anything else


Active member
~~ "When will The People have enough of this bullshit?" ~~ My question exactly!! If we had all the people in this USA knowing & understanding Jury Nulification .. we would have very few people in prisons for cannabis "crimes"!! That is because, as jurists, the jury members are not only supposed to judge guilt..but if the said law was Constitutional at all! And as such every cannabis "crimes" case would be thrown right out of court!! I hope that helps! "WE" are not to be waiting on higher courts to "decide" if the constitution as been violated, "WE",as the jury, should be making SURE no one goes to prison for cannabis..EVER!! monkey5
Excuse me for butting in but I felt a need to make a couple of comments, simply because this bullshit just realy pisses me off.

"“You can’t just go into somebody’s house, and destroy their property, and come back and say, ‘Oops, my bad,’” Toni Armijo told KOAT-TV after the settlement."

Sorry but they can & they do almost daily in this country. Just because we vote them into office they think that gives them the wholesale right to invade our homes & trash whatever they feel like without any legal repercussions whatsoever. Fuck'em is what I say. I know, 'bad attitude but like I said it pisses me off. I've been watching this BS go down since the early 60's. And now almost all people realize that the MJ laws are in place only to protect the job security of law enforcement personel & the profits of the giants in the pharma industry.

'I wish she would have shot them.' To every problem there is a solution. Shooting anybody would not solve the problem. BUT if every cop that went through anyones front door without being invited thought that this one might be the last because some crazy gun owner might be on the other side might be willing to shoot first, to defend their property, and then ask questions later might give pause to those cops who would invade another's property. Not everyone is willing to die in the line of fire to protect bullshit laws. Make the price high enough & it's a wjole new ballgame.
Well, what price freedom?
At the start of the American revolution 10% sided with the British, 10% sided with the rebels & 80% stood around with their thumbs where the sun don't shine.
I know where I would be in that equation.
WW3 is definitely on the way. Much, much sooner than most people realize.
Well armed & well supplied should be a top priority for every American citizen least they be caught in a coast to coast catastrophe which will result in a Katrina style outcome for 90% of them..


Wonder how much it was that they valued at 3100? Maybe she got over because they were mid flower, moldy, crappy genes, ect?

Also they city had to pay so that was a lose lose. In many businesses you'd be fired and or made to pay back for the damage yourself. But that would make too much sense for good ol' 'Merrka.


Scholastic Warrior
I wish i could break into peoples homes, steal their things, then just pay with cash for its worth if im wrong. Being a cop has officially become a treasure hunter job. Cause if ur right u get to be a hero and make extra cash from forfeiture, screw up and pay the difference. I hate violence but i hope people do start taking shit into their own hands.


"Cops Ruin Cannabis, City Has To Pay" is one heading I NEVER thought I would read in my lifetime.
Now as far as the trigger happy bluegang.....they all need to be put on notice to stop ruining peoples live.