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coon hunting in south swamps

tree dawg

I love my dogs and smoking pot at night in the middle of a swamp listening to my dogs when they tree I jump up and go give the coon to them when I sitting in dark smoking hear hogs come by and dear but when turkey fly scare the hell out of me get the coon out of tree alive as possible then the fight is on sell coon meat to buy bullets I am in a 40.000 acre hunting club


Well-known member
I live in the middle of the suburbs so I can't shoot coons. I think they have a calendar so they know which day the garbage man comes. Have you heard of anything which will repel them away from my backyard grow? When the buds ripen they try to climb the plant to get at the sweet smelling buds.


I love my dogs and smoking pot at night in the middle of a swamp listening to my dogs when they tree I jump up and go give the coon to them when I sitting in dark smoking hear hogs come by and dear but when turkey fly scare the hell out of me get the coon out of tree alive as possible then the fight is on sell coon meat to buy bullets I am in a 40.000 acre hunting club

Cottonmouths scare the hell out of me, and i normally dont mind snakes one bit. Something about a snake that will ambush you or willingly come at you just because you are there....damn.

tree dawg

I do not mind snakes just keep moving look for a shape in circle pattern or rattle it snakes bothered me could not hunt in south have had a lot of close calls


Rubbing my glands together
I used to do a lot of coon hunting back home. Had a really good black and tan male hound that was on point. Also had a Walker female that was pretty good until you'd call her. Once you called her out the bitch would get up on the first tree she came to lying her barking ass off. I believe the guy that had her before me must have done something to cause that.
I've see a full grow coon beat the hell out of a pack of dogs. Hell of a thing to see in the middle of the night. I've walked into places at night in the swamps I'd never walk into during the daytime, lol

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Never been coon hunting. But my favorite book growing up as a boy was Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. It's about a boy and his two red bone hounds. Always teared me up at the end.


Green Squall

Well-known member
Never been coon hunting. But my favorite book growing up as a boy was Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. It's about a boy and his two red bone hounds. Always teared me up at the end.


Yup. That book crossed my mind when I saw this thread. Great book/movie for kids.

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