so my buddy has a closet thats 2' deep, 7.5' wide and 8 feet tall approx. were doing some testing right now and he has a 1000 in a sun gro cool hood. he thought something of a 350 cfm would be fine for sucking through the hood, so he doubled thats got a 630 6" hurricane, and this thing doesnt seem to pull enough air through the hood. the way he has it set up is. theres the fan in the attic and about 2 feet of 6" duct, then a reducer to 4" with a 4" 90, that drops into the closet with a 4" staight piece and theres only like a 4' piece of 4" dryer hose. now the problem is this thing doesnt seem to move enough air through the hood. does he need to just use 6" all around and forget the 4"?? when everthings closed up the temps hit the 90s and this is unacceptable.. anyone got some advice for me here.. thanks