Hey all,
I planted 20 germinated seeds about 5 days ago. They're sitting under a fluorescent light for 24 hours a day. It's not that strong of a light. The temperature is measuring 88 degrees, and I wanted to know how to lower it. They currently have a fan on them, and look like they are curved from the force of the fan. Should I wait until I move them under the 400 HPS and get a portable AC unit?
I planted 20 germinated seeds about 5 days ago. They're sitting under a fluorescent light for 24 hours a day. It's not that strong of a light. The temperature is measuring 88 degrees, and I wanted to know how to lower it. They currently have a fan on them, and look like they are curved from the force of the fan. Should I wait until I move them under the 400 HPS and get a portable AC unit?