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constant veg ferts



what's up folks i'm new to growing and have a question about flowering time the problem is that where it's located it has a constant source of veg ferts the tap root has dipped into a swale(pretty much it's suckin shit water) 1st part of the question is this bad for me and whoever smokes it? second part is when it does get to flowerin how will that affect the whole process? i know i need more phosphorous during flower so should i just give it more than i normally would? for anyone who's wondering why it's where it is, just through some seeds outta my bag while i was out smokin and bingo boingo this thing is about 5'6" and big around, as soon as i get my camera i'll post a few pics. anyand all good advice will definitly be appreciated thanx :confused: noo-b


does anyone have a thought on what i should do considering the veg nutes won't be able to be stopped? anyone, pllllease


Umm, considering what time of year it is it should already be showing buds. If not then it is a heavy Sativa and will probably not finish in time, unless you live down south. The veg ferts might make the plant very, very leafy (making it harder to trim). You might want to give it a nice cure, otherwise the smoke might be very harsh. Someone else may be able to give you better advice in this unusual situation.


thanx snl25 i was wonderin about it being leafy due to the nitrogen if it weren't so big i'd move it i'm sure there's bigger but this thing's as tall as i am i have another one in a different place and it's flowerin nicely, and it's only about 3.5 ft. tall hey ya think if i just give it some heavy doses of phosphorous it'll flower out ok? this is only my 2nd try and i'd like to get the most i can once i get my camera stuff hookt up i'll post pics thanx again dude anyone else have any ideas?? oh yeah, for anyone who may not know what a swale is, it's pretty much the place where septics drain into---hence, constant veg ferts haha :badday:
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one in the chamber
lol....high nitrogen in flowering can lead to airy buds. it can also mean they're very green, which will make em burn harsh and taste kinda funny.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Nitrogen is very mobile in soil if I'm not mistaken. Just give it a few flushes throughout flower and you should do OK as long as the N doesn't cause burning. Take my advice with a grain of salt until more soil growers chime in though as I grow indoors with E&F.


thanx. i'll try that flushin deal, man i wish i had thought about this earlier on. least i know for next time. thanx again.


one in the chamber
have you thought about your K needs? How about some high P bat guano and kelp? your nitrogen needs are covered if the tap root's in shitty water. :) where there's human shit, there's urine. thats one hell of a nitrogen source you got there. give em a good watering with kelp and indo bat guano.


thanx again glock. hey does that indo bat guano and kelp have the potassium i'm looking for, or is that just for the phosphourus? atleast now i know there's at least something ican do for this "crap". i'll definitley get up some pics soon.


one in the chamber
Indonesian bat guano covers your P. Kelp covers the K. Let me know when you get them pics.


hey glock i put those pics in my gallery. the 2 that look the same, are (haha) that's the one i was talkin about. the other one is another lil girl that seems to be flowerin nicely. she's only about 3' max. the bigger one is about 5'6" and i can't get my arms around her. what you think for my second outdoor??


one in the chamber
Lookin good man. That lil one is really flowering hard. any sign of sex on the big one?


yeah the big one's a female the best i can tell. i haven't seen anything other than female pre's, and yesterday when i got the pics i was scopin it out, looks like a bunch of hairs comin form budsites. i woulda got better pics, but where they are it makes me too nervous. but i will get some good ones the day i go to harvest,then i'll post some pics of 'em done too. that l;il one has been flowerin for like a solid 3 maybe even 4 weeks. it's all bagseed so i have no idea of what the genes are like. but hey if it smokes good and i get enough i don't have to go pay someone, i'm happy haha


one in the chamber
Be careful going to your site. Make sure you take a real good look around at what's happening. Move slowly and try not to attract attention. I know how it is to be scared at a grow...I wouldn't want anything to happen to a fellow personal grower, especially not in AmeriKKKa. The boys in blue will bust your balls for them buds. hehe. Watch for balls too...it would suck to have a crop full of hermie seeds...

Do you have one of those 30x Radio Shack scopes to check the trichomes?


hey glock what's up. i got some of that indo guano, but they didn't have the kelp in they said. should i just go by the directions or do you know a better way to mix it? my sites ok, just can't sit there and burn one, ya know.haha. it's a female, i'd post more pics, but i have to borrow a camera to take 'em so,.but i'll post her in about a month, the lil one should be about done then too. oh yeah, is it true that it's almost impossible to burn the girls w/ organics? sorry but i have another question, do you know of anything that'll prevent or treat budrot? i don't have the worry now so much as later in the season when the bigger one is gettin colse to harvest. thanx again dude :joint:
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search around on the outdoor forums for an answer on the budrot question. there is a thread that promotes a baking soda water mix that helps block it from affecting your plants.
let me tell ya, i love my grow spots because i can stop and burn one witn my plants when i want to. good luck with your grow.
oh, as for your soil situation... maybe mix that shitty stuff up with some other store bought soil and peat moss, etc and get your own mix going on.


hey thanx slyfox!! i'll have to keep searchin, cuz i'm worried about that.only my 2nd year so it's all new to me.thanx again dude wish i could chill out there burnin one.next year i bet there won't be one in the sme place :nono:


one in the chamber
you can get the kelp on ebay. you can also use a product called serenade to prevent against bud rot. i use the indo guano as a top dressing. btw, you can totally burn plants with organic products. blood meal and urine will kill your plants very quickly if you use too much.


thanx again glock,you're a life saver. i'da prolly burnt them bitches up. do you use serenade, work good? if i mix the guano 3Tbs./gallon, how often you think i should feed 'em?


bump--is there a chart or something to show how often to use that indo. guano?